ROAC: Who are they? What is their history?

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ROAC: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Maria »

I have started this thread to explore the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC) objectively, so that our guests and inquirers can have an opportunity to learn more about the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. Any inflammatory accusations will be promptly moved over to the Intra-TOC Polemics Private Forum.

Since other True Orthodox jurisdictions will be explored in their own threads, please keep all your discussions in this thread focused only on the ROAC jurisdiction.

Below are some questions. Please feel free to provide links and excerpts from official sites as references.

  1. What is the history of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC)?
  2. Who are their former hierarchs and leaders?
  3. Is the ROAC in communion with any other True Orthodox jurisdictions?
  4. Did the ROAC break with the ROCOR? If so, when?

Here is the link to their American Diocese:

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Re: ROAC: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

Here is the history of ROAC (not including the last 10 years)

I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: ROAC: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by jdigrande »

Does anyone have a directory of ROAC parishes/ monasteries in Ukraine that is published in English?

thank you

Joseph Digrande

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Re: ROAC: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by stan.777 »

This video with Fathers Joseph Suaidan and Mark Templet is great for history on the ROAC as apparently it goes quite unknown to many. It covers its origins and the struggles that parishioners have faced, especially in Russia.

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Re: ROAC: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Barbara »

Very interesting, thanks for producing this.
I'm looking forward to watching it.

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