Political cartoons and memes

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by Barbara »

Oh, I never had heard of that freshman congresswoman, that's why it didn't register.
Thanks so much for filling me in on her dangerous ideas and ridiculous antics. Scary for this country to have that kind of person elected - and doing much to grab the attention of the nation, I suspect, by acting weird. Movie stars learned that tactic from the early days of cinema. Get yourself in the news SOMEHOW, it doesn't matter HOW. Any scandal will enhance your name recognition with the American public, which leads to more offers of roles for you.

The ploy worked, since no matter how unpleasant the news story, the common person forgot all the bad details and only remembered the actor's name, with a generally positive view of the person.

With a public so unconscious as this, one can see why the current political system is indeed a poor choice.

At any rate, I am glad to know who this congresswoman so to be aware of the type of people coming in to national public office.

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by Barbara »

As a most unpleasant postscript, supposedly this incoming 'class' of freshmen congress people is 'the most diverse' in history with that horrendous acronym featured prominently in the list of 'diversity'-qualifying characteristics.
Highlighted was a ____ from Southern California named Katie Hill. I think that was the last name ; I refuse to look it up.

The NYT or whoever it was informed its readers that she had married BUT was a ____. It did not say this person had married and left it there. No : the mainstream media article felt called to make it clear WHAT she had married. [ As though there were a valid choice. ] So it specified that this Katie married a man. Disgusting ! Almost the entire picture of the so-called new lawmakers. If they were terrible before, what about now, with representatives of 'diversity', socialists, 29-year old loudmouths elected by a spiritually darkened American populace ?

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by Maria »


Demoncrats are full of evil.

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by Barbara »

Look at those horns and spiked devil tail !

Quite some time later, after Maria's post about that notorious Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I have to say I never see the mainstream media WITHOUT a huge attention=grabbing feature on her. Obviously someone groomed already for her role.

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by Maria »

The new symbol of the Democratic Party


What do you think the four stars represent?

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by eish »

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Re: Political cartoons and memes

Post by eish »

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