The topic of this video is "Missionaries From San Francisco". After repeating the English version of the Fr Parr expose, this video takes a close look at the Holy Order of MANS. Even English speakers can read the English writing on the pages of a book or two analyzing the rise of this 'cult'. I had never seen any of this material. There are many photos of Holy Order of MANS members and group activities or rituals.
What is not clear to me, though, not understanding the narration in Russian, is HOW Fr Joachim Parr is related to Holy Order of MANS. Why is it that this entire section is kept out of the English version ??
I could deduce that the footage of Fr Parr outlining to an audience in Russia his Grand Plan for evangelization of any city by the laity hints or says that in this, Fr Parr was copying the Holy Order of MANS' model for missionary work.
Was Fr Parr in the Holy Order for a time ? Or had some association with it ? After all, the Holy Order of MANS sprung up in the Bay Area where Parr grew up. Why did the young John Parr quit his teaching job at Salesian High School and suddenly take off for New York City ? That seems odd. No reason was advanced for this abrupt change in the English language video which outlines Parr's history. Did he go to be a Holy Order of MANS missionary at the homeless shelter in Harlem where the MercyHouse website says he started working for a few years in the early 1980s ?
This is hazarding a guess. Any Russian speakers seeing the video, please clarify.