J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

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J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Maria »


My theory: JE was switched for a dead or dying homeless man. He is either in a witness protection plan or he is in another facility.

Below is an enlargement of the facial features.
Note that the dead man lying on the gurney has free ear lobes, but that Jeffrey Epstein has attached ear lobes.
This is genetically determined and does not change with age. Also notice the different ear structures formed of cartilage.
The guy on the gurney is not Epstein.


Compare the man on the gurney with this photo of Anthony Bourdain of CNN who committed suicide on June 8, 2018.


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Re: J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Maria »



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Re: J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Maria »

Strange prophetic video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV8c9ZW97Ek

London's Shaun Attwood published a video exactly a week before J. Epstein's death predicting that he would be killed or suicided most likely under orders from Bill Clinton.

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Re: J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Barbara »

Why that person ? < = Hate to even say his name. Were there secrets about which the former president wanted to be kept completely silent ?
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Re: J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:Why that person ? < = Hate to even say his name. Were there secrets about which the former president wanted to be kept completely silent ?
Of course, there are many very dark deep Luciferian secrets. There were satanic pedophilia rituals occurring on Epstein Island. Bill, Hillary and her accomplice, Huma, flew to that Island on the Lolita Express on multiple occasions. These people are evil and satanic as they are wicked cannibals preying on children. This is why Hillary is sick, has flies covering her face, coughs uncontrollably, laughs uncontrollably, suffers from tics, and has trouble walking. She is suffering from a disease common among cannibals. It is similar to Mad Cow Disease.

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Re: J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Barbara »

Helpful, thanks, Maria.
Strange that I was just thinking about cannibalism. However, in the sense of how aircraft companies used to cannibalize parts from older aircraft to keep their fleets maintained.
what you are referring to is sinister indeed ! Is it a question of ACTUAL cannibalism ? That is too horrifying if so. Hopefully not that bad, but highly terrible no matter what.

I was just reading up on some of the figures in the tech field. I bet all this depravity goes on in that world too. It is only too new to have been exposed adequately by alternative writers.
A recent glossy book maybe inadvertently let slip that a major figure in the venture capital world, at a firm called Menlo Ventures, spent half of his summers at the Bohemian Grove. As this book was aimed to cheerlead for women in the 'venture' field, the context was that the rest of the company did not want a woman partner, Sonja Perkins, to begin working only part time. But some of the men partners saw nothing wrong with themselves taking time off to frolic at the surreally horrible Bohemian Grove functions.

In fact, this venture capital figure [ it used to be called "venture capitalist", I think I recall from earlier times ] was eased out in 2011. A now famous investor called Shervin Pishevar, of Iranian background, swiftly moved into Sonja Perkins' office at Menlo Ventures. He quickly catapulted to stardom in the field of investing in start up companies like Uber, the taxi hailing service. But not without eventual public accusations against him by an assortment of women in 2018.

It seems almost impossible of ANY of these prominent figures to be nice and moral and normal ! Wives and children are usually for window dressing only. so that the man appears to be reputable

Reading over such anecdotes, I can see much more clearly how one has to be admitted to 'the club' if he is willing to debase himself [ or herself in the case of Hell- ary ]. = >>> Notably, many of these major Bay Area investors donated gigantic sums toward the last campaign of Hell. This particular one, Pishevar, hosted a grand fundraising party at his house as well for that 'cool' movie star [ I can't think of his name, George somebody ] and his Egyptian-American woman sidekick. [ These latter clearly members of that same club or their every move would not garner fastidious reporting. ]

In short, once admitted to this diabolical 'elite', one has to go with the evil rules or suffer the worst fate known to any of the so-called leaders across the board in important fields : to be forgotten ! No longer covered by a breathless media, left to molder on the sidelines. Such people should go to a monastery for the rest of their lives to repent, but instead they get 'depressed' at the lack of attention on them.

As for Hell, so she is still having these strangest medical symptoms ? I remember the video Maria posted when Hell was giving a speech at the so-called ground zero, and almost fainted, or talked gibberish, or both. It sounds like her condition has gotten worse by far - is she even appearing in public any more ? I am interested to hear, for this sounds like some kind of divine punishment.

Also, Huma Abedin is highly suspicious. Anyone who could agree to be forced into a political/ social showcase 'marriage' with one of the most infamous perverts is devoid of any judgment whatsoever. I would like to know more about her, though. How did she even get to that key position as Hell's close aide ? And where is Huma now ? I tried to look up that question a few years ago but there was no answer at that time. I guess she is still traveling with Hell, then ? And what is the - sounds scary - Lolita express ? I guess it must be all over the news, but I could not read anything about this scandal until this thread. Just the name of the main character was enough to make me look the other way.
Must be a flight to that locale of debauchery ?
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Re: J. Epstein's apparent suicide - August 10, 2019

Post by Maria »

HERE IT IS: Complete List of Inconsistencies in Prison Policy Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s Death
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft August 15, 2019 . . .

On Tuesday the autopsy revealed Epstein suffered broken bones in his neck common in homicide by strangulation.

Since his death we have learned a number of things that make you question this man’s death.
Here is a Complete List of Inconsistencies in Prison Policy Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s Death:

** Epstein said he was considering cooperating in “naming names” in his international sex ring
** He was found unconscious in his prison cell just three weeks earlier
** Two days prior to his death documents released for the first time implicated several top Democrats in his pedo sex ring
** He was taken off suicide watch after a failed attempt just two weeks earlier
** He was in isolation (unusual for a suicidal individual)
** The cameras malfunctioned — There is no video
** Even Mexico had video of El Chapo’s escape from prison
** Then later we hear the cameras showed the guards did not do rounds? Which is it?
** The prison guards had worked several extra shifts last week
** One prison guard on his floor was not even a certified guard
** The prison guards “forgot” to check on Epstein
** The prison guards slept through their shift
** The guards did not check Epstein for several hours
** There were reports of screaming the morning Epstein died
** The MCC had not seen a successful suicide in 40 years
** Epstein said he was the victim of attempted murder three weeks ago
** Epstein’s former roommate is facing mass murder charges
** Epstein had dirt on numerous globalist elites
** Epstein was not given paper sheets
** Epstein had sheets in his cell to hang himself
** Epstein was not suicidal according to medical professionals
** Epstein told his lawyers on Friday, a day before his death, “See you Sunday.”
** Epstein’s former roommate heard nothing
** Epstein reportedly had to get on his knees to hang himself from his bed
** Epstein autopsy showed broken bones in neck common in strangulation deaths

This prison obviously suffered a breakdown in official policy.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/0 ... ins-death/

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