ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

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ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Barbara »

Former Archpriest Peter Semovskih of Brisbane, Australia as Metropolitan of ROCiE-Ph [ center, lower row ] ; however the rest of the bishops seem to have dispersed since this picture was taken. Met. Philaret of Sydney's panaghias and cross set with red gemstones are either modeled on a panagia specially presented by Metropolitan Philaret of New York to then-Fr Peter not too long before the former's repose on Archangel Michael's Day 1985. Or else the ones shown may be [in part] that original gift.

"Philaret (secular name Peter Semovskikh) is the Metropolitan of Sydney and Australia of ROCiE-Ph, and is the only bishop in his jurisdiction. He was consecrated under the non-canonical Russian Orthodox Church in Exile (headed by Abp Vladimir (Tselishchev)).

Biographical Timeline

Peter Semovskih was born in 1942 in Dairen, China. Baptised in Church of Archangel Michael by Fr Innocent Patelim.

In 1944 his Family moved to Harbin, Manchuria, due to Soviet bombings. Studied in musical academy, and took classes in mechanical drafting. Served at altar boy in St Nicholas Cathedral. Lived in parish-owned apartment due to parents' service in choir (father was head psalmist). Peter and his mother often accompanied Archim. Philaret on journeys.

In 1957 his Family moved to Australia. Settled in Brisbane.

In 1964 he met and married Catherine.

Dec 20 1964 Bishop Philaret ordained Peter to the diaconate. He served at St Seraphim of Sarov Church, Brisbane.

1966: Metr. Philaret summoned Dcn Peter to New York to work in the Synod. He was ordained to the priesthood and had duties relating to the candle factory, financial obligations, donations, and Synod revenue, in addition to pastoral duties, office duties and being in charge of Synod affairs. Fr Peter had a son during his time in Synod.

In 1967: His assignment to Synod was not a good fit. Fr Peter was transferred by Metr Philaret to his summer residence in Mahopac, NY.

1967-71: Fr Peter studied at Holy Trinity Seminary.
1972: Abp Theodosius and Bp Constantine requested Fr Peter return to Australia. Fr Peter was amenable, and Metr Philaret gave his permission. He was transferred to St Seraphim of Sarov Church, Brisbane, due to the difficult situation there.

In 1979: Metr Philaret elevated him to Archpriest.

In 1986: The Synod awarded him the right to wear a jewelled pectoral cross. At a later point, he was also awarded the right to wear the mitre.

In 2006: Mitred Archpriest Peter was suspended of all functions and removed from the rectorate of St Seraphim of Sarov due to his opposition to ROCORs reunification with the Moscow Patriarchate. He immediately created a schism, based in a chapel located in his house. He initially aligned himself with the Russian True Orthodox Church (under Abp Tikhon (Pasechnik)), but moved to the Russian Orthodox Church in Exile (under Abp Vladimir (Tselishchev))

In 2013: Fr Peter's wife, Catherine, reposed. By October, Fr Peter had received monastic vows, receiving the name 'Philaret' in honour of the late ROCOR Metropolitan of New York, and was consecrated to the episcopacy as Bishop of Sydney and Australia.

2015 Oct: Bp Philaret (Semovskih) and another bishop from ROCiE-V, Cassian (Mukhin), organised a council in Amosovka, Kursk, and formed a new jurisdiction, elevating Bishop Philaret to Metropolitan.

2016 mid-Feb: Metr Philaret suspended and retired Bp Cassian (who had left to join the Orthodox Catholic Church of France).

Feb 26: After they had left his jurisdiction, Abp Vladimir (Tselishchev) (ROCiE-V) defrocked three bishops: Philaret (Semovskih), Cassian (Mukhin) and Anastassy (Surzhik, who had attempted to join ROCA-PSCA under Metropolitan Agafangel).[and did join Roca as Bishop of Vladivostok ]


•Short Autobiography of Bishop Philaret (Semovskih)
•Gosford Parish newsletter - February 2007
•The Russian Orthodox Presence in Australia, by V. Rev. Fr Michael Protopopov
•Two Articles about ROCiE-V break up, a news article from with commentary."

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Re: ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

Former Archpriest Peter Semovskih of Brisbane, Australia as Metropolitan of ROCiE-Ph [ center, lower row ] ; however the rest of the bishops seem to have dispersed since this picture was taken. Met. Philaret of Sydney's panaghias and cross set with red gemstones are either modeled on a panagia specially presented by Metropolitan Philaret of New York to then-Fr Peter not too long before the former's repose on Archangel Michael's Day 1985. Or else the ones shown may be [in part] that original gift.

"Philaret (secular name Peter Semovskikh) is the Metropolitan of Sydney and Australia of ROCiE-Ph, and is the only bishop in his jurisdiction. He was consecrated under the non-canonical Russian Orthodox Church in Exile (headed by Abp Vladimir (Tselishchev)).

But what exactly makes ROCIE-VI an uncanonical jurisdiction?

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Re: ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Barbara »

I noticed that, too. I think it's only an excuse ! No actual reason is given. If Met Vladimir's jurisdiction was fine for consecration but suddenly becomes uncanonical after the desired process is complete, then we should not take such a charge seriously.

Fr Peter Semovksih was, however, a close spiritual son of the Great Metropolitan Philaret, whose opinions he shared. Thus his jurisdiction is worthy of some notice, though much remains unclear at this stage.

For old times sake :

Archpriest Fr Peter Semovskih to left of Metropolitan Philaret at a meal in Brisbane, Australia, 1980, I believe was the year. Protodeacon Nikita Chakirov sits to the left of Fr Peter.

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Re: ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Barbara »

Oh, now I see that the year 1980 was written on the caption.

N.B. The dark-haired priest 2nd from the right of Metropolitan Philaret was known in Australian Rocor circles as a traitor.
After assuring Metropolitan Philaret of his devotion, he turned around and defected to the MP. I will try to find his name at some point ; not too important.

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Re: ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Barbara wrote:

Oh, now I see that the year 1980 was written on the caption.

N.B. The dark-haired priest 2nd from the right of Metropolitan Philaret was known in Australian Rocor circles as a traitor.
After assuring Metropolitan Philaret of his devotion, he turned around and defected to the MP. I will try to find his name at some point ; not too important.

Seems that besides met Anthony ROCOR had a lot of traitors makes one wonder if they had the say in the direction the church was being directed , is it possible the bishop who had a part without the permission of the ROCOR snynod to concecrate paul of Astoria was working with these traitors within the mighty ROCOR.?

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Re: ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Barbara »

Did you mean Abp Anthony of Geneve ? Yes, that was certainly a traitor. Maybe one of the very worst Rocor ever saw. [I always worry that MORE will show up one day when archives are opened for scholars, or who knows what - so he was one of the worst that is generally known. My stomach turns when I hear his name, or see his picture. ]

Do you mean Petros of Astoria ? That would have been Abp Leonty [ and a Bishop Seraphim of Caracas, not any figure of note ] who performed the consecration of Met Petros.
I sure hope that Abp Leonty was not working with the Genevan gang and their minions to undermine - as you rightly characterized it - the Mighty Rocor. Abp Leonty sounds as though he was staunchly traditional. I don't know anything about that Bishop Seraphim [ < unfortunately, like Anthonys, there were TOO MANY in Rocor. Every 3rd hierarch seemed to have been named one of these 2 choices ! ]

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Re: ROCiE-Ph MetPhilaret's spiritual son starts a new TOC

Post by Agios_Irineos »

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