Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by Barbara »

Leave it to Archimandrite Nil to say the unvarnished truth !!

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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by joasia »

Hi Khomes,

I converted because I wanted the full truth. And when I learnt about the Great Schism, it was clear to me that the pope is totally wrong. I didn't have to face all the divisions that you do though. I had only one source...Greek. And two choices, Old or New Calendar. Although there were Russian parishes but I didn't know they existed at the time. Everybody comes to the Church in different ways. I'm always fascinated in hearing about people's journeys.

I'm a former Roman Catholic that went straight to the GOC under Bishop Petros of Astoria 20 years ago. I was advised by an Orthodox Greek friend who knew only the New Calendar that if I was serious about becoming Orthodox, I should go to them (o.c)..."they're a little fanatic but that's where you should go". He was obviously referring to the stigma they have amongst their fellow Greeks who are with the New Calendar. I guess he saw more spirituality in them and the priest there was his friend. When I finally had the courage to go, the priest told me that I should get baptised since sprinkling is not canonical. I agreed. Full immersion, not pouring water over the head while kneeling. He even held my head down an extra 2 seconds to make sure all my hair was wet. I kept calm considering I almost drowned when I was a child and never liked to swim with my face in the water since then. Another friend of mine took me to see the ROCOR parish one day and I stayed there from then on. Plus, the priest that would confess me could speak English. And since I'm Polish, the Slavonic language made me feel at home. And our cultures are similar. And there were several parishioners that could speak Polish too. Unfortunately, ROCOR joined with the MP and I left before the actual signing in 2006. I'm now with the RTOC under Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and Siberia. My confessor-priest had left ROCOR a couple of years before that. He saw what was happening, but I still held onto hope that they wouldn't join. He has fallen asleep in the Lord a few years back, memory eternal.

The reading material that I recommend has plenty of details. It's from Vladimir Moss' website. He can give you an excellent account of what exactly happened when the Patriarch of Greece switched to the Gregorian Calendar. Read the Article: The Orthodox Churches and the New Calendar (1918-1939). I'm sure you will find many other articles very interesting and he also has a section on the books he's written.

Once you read the details about the events, you will probably wonder, as I did, why these "Orthodox elders" didn't see what's clear as day. I hope this information will help you. Keep praying to God for guidance and the Mother of God is always ready to help. :)

In Christ, Joanna

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by Justice »

joasia wrote:

sprinkling is not canonical.

In the baptistry of Neon, St. John the Baptist is shown using a bowl to baptize Jesus. Perhaps this shows that sprinkling is an ancient practice?


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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by Barbara »

Where is the Baptistry of "Neon" ? It sounds like such a modern term. There is a type of auto named that, for example.

What a beautiful fresco.

And by the way, where is Joasia ? I had noticed she had dropped out. I hope she will return.

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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

Where is the Baptistry of "Neon" ? It sounds like such a modern term. There is a type of auto named that, for example.

What a beautiful fresco.

And by the way, where is Joasia ? I had noticed she had dropped out. I hope she will return.

The baptistry of Neon is located in Ravenna Italy. It was constructed during the time of the time of king Theodoric and Arian king. This baptistry was made in response to the arian baptistry which has many arian terms present.


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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by Justice »

This mosaic is thought to have been made by Orthodox Christians as the Ostrogoths were mainly goldsmiths and not icon painters. This mosaic is all apparently younger than the one in the Baptistry of Neon as it was constructed 1,000 years later.

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Re: Inquirer into True Orthodoxy-question

Post by Barbara »

Oh, Ravenna ! I should have recognized that, for I studied the Church art there intensively in a superb Art History class. Sant Appollinare in Classe ; Sant Appollinare Nuevo or something like that, I still recall.

Yes, mosaic is the word, not fresco. I have always like those Ravenna mosaics, like the one picturing the 3 Wise Men.
The image you produced 1st of the Savior's Baptism is exquisite with that bright blue background. Compare with the more usual subdued colors as in the 2nd picture.

You are doing really well, delving into all this. Even knowing about the Ostrogoths' work skills ! Keep posting as it is educational for all of us !

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