About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Justice »

I finally looked into this more in depth and WOW! The statements she made were completely out of line. And knowing this is ROCOR-MP they probably won't take away her monastic title. Maybe her time teaching at the university had something to do with her liberal views? I think what I'm most upset about is that she didn't even attempt to lead the family to the Orthodox church and didn't explain that Orthodoxy is therapy for the soul and that the boy should pray to get over his sin.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

Well, Justice, it's a good learning experience to observe this awful situation. Sister Vassa has a CV with publications a foot long. But who can trust her on any subject after that outrageously horrible "reply" ?
Of course, all the OCA liberals, Antiochian liberals, other liberal religions might be heavily applauding her 'boldness' and ''courageous stand". As I have said elsewhere on the Forum, when one hears adjectives like those these days -- watch out ! It means someone said or wrote something shocking -- quite the opposite of admirable.

No, I don't think the university milieu is the reason. At least not directly. Nor can it be claimed that being around Catholics - these days too influenced by the Masonic spirit of Vatican II - made her diverge so far from her Church's conservative stand on all topics.

I would venture this explanation, which I suspected right from the start. For someone - especially a respectable nun - to speak such wildly CRAZY words, something is terribly wrong. It can not be blamed on university professors, because she probably was at a fairly conservative Catholic institution. Remember, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was Catholic [ though of course there were large other religious groups ]. So the university must be a old and well-established one, though I haven't looked it up. Not some avant garde place.

In fact, I haven't even been able to completely take in what Sister Vassa wrote as the reply to the supposed questioner.
That's why I haven't mentioned it : it is simply too repulsive. I don't want to pollute my eyes with a reread of it. I did skim through the Fr John Whiteford article at the very beginning of when I first heard about this, weeks after everyone else !

I would say her reply is so out of line that there is only one explanation. Sister Vassa has several demons [ at least ] which took her over during different stages of her life. This accounts for why she speaks with such different 'voices'. If this theory sounds bizarre, then don't pay any attention ! Feel free to skip this post entirely.

If anyone is brave enough to keep reading, then consider that only a demon could have said that evil statement ! A normal religious Orthodox person, nun or layperson, would NEVER speak such lies. After all, if for any reason, this sister felt uncomfortable answering, she didn't have to post the Q & A. Or if the question was put on Facebook, she could have said "I decline to comment right now", or any such evasion. Instead, the sister - let's say, the DEMON - plunged in with apparent relish, giving out false information and evil "advice", contrary to the Church through the ages.

So many defenders of the 'poor maligned sister' repeated that she had said that this is her own opinion, not the Church's.
But how can ANY nun speak about 'her own opinion' anywhere, let alone in public to a large audience. Isn't that wildly irresponsible, and actually rebellious right there ? But the liberals covered up for her in the most strange way.
It was as if their collective reason left them all.

When this occurs, it sounds like a classic case of sociopathic or narcissist with their 'minions'. Somehow it occurs that the supporters of a sociopath or narcissist become blind. They are SO eager to defend the sociopath or narcissist that they sacrifice any sense of truth but instead stampede to rescue the narcissist.
These same defenders should have been appalled at what she wrote, rather than clamoring that it was "that bad Rocor which criticized the poor little thing".

This dynamic is precisely what goes on with every narcissist and sociopath. They enlist their supporters cleverly. It is these people who pit themselves on the narcissist's behalf against any attempt to expose WHO this person REALLY is.

Hence the average person who is not sharp listens to 'the crowd'. Otherwise known as some of her so-called 'zillions'. They don't think independently, but are influenced by the strident voices shouting to Rocor MP : "How dare you attack this VIN ?" [ Very Important Nun - in her own estimation, that is. ] The average persons in this example are all the commentators that Sister Vassa leaves on her Facebook. They always have adulatory things to say, or else innocuous comments. There is never a challenge permitted to stay on her "coffee" Facebook page.

My opinion is that she accumulated a number of demons and these grew over the time. How else can anyone explain
her putting up for sale something called a Daily Self-Examination Notebook. The cover reads Coffee with Sister Vassa, instead of a quotation from the New Testament or an Icon or any relevant illustration. That and those dreadful cups reading "I drink coffee with Sister Vassa " absolutely seal this informal diagnosis, in my opinion.

Last edited by Barbara on Mon 14 August 2017 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Maria »

On the contrary, the liberal education that this nun was given probably had everything to do with her reversion from the True Faith. Otherwise why would she have left Lesna?

What academia teaches today in almost all the colleges and universities are lies and more lies because the major producer of college textbooks, a monopoly known as Pearson, preaches a virulent anti-Christianity that pervades all their texts and tests. Pearson has a monopoly on almost all the tests that pre-college and post-college graduates must take. Their GRE, SAT, their professionals tests such as those taken by paramedics,and their other tests like the ones taken by pre-med and pre-law students are all rank with modernism and secular humanism. If a person has any Christian sympathies, and pauses over any questions that preach overt anti-life sentiments like abortion and euthanasia, they will not score very high. If a professor wishes to gain tenure or publish any peer-reviewed articles, he or she must preach and write their humanistic lies. If a college professor wishes to produce a textbook with Pearson as their publisher, they must adhere to Pearson's very liberal guidelines, where Christians are called bigots, and where morals are a thing of the past.

Have you read That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis? Not only does Lewis describe today's godless academia, but also he has predicted this hideous Nazi cabal that has taken over our world.

p.s. When I graduated with my M.A. in linguistics and in TESL, I had to undergo rigorous retraining recommended by my spiritual fathers to uproot all the atheistic brainwashing that had been subtly instilled in me. I ended up reading a library of Orthodox Christian theology. At that time, I did not realize how pervasive these satanic lies were. Furthermore, I had to beg for prayers and follow a prayer rule to uproot anything that was not of God.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

Why DiD she leave Lesna ? It's such a mystery. If that Convent was idyllic enough for Metropolitan Philaret to summer there whenever he could, why on earth wasn't it good enough for the VIN - ?! Lesna was also helped mightily by St John Maximovitch in its earlier location in France. Shortly before his repose, the great Wonderworker was helping the Lesna nuns find a new location, due to the fact of the state taking over the older site of the convent, and trying to get the money for them to buy a new property.

I wish we could have a bird's eye glimpse into these earlier years of this sister. I suspect some things went on even at Bryn Mawr, perhaps sadness due to uncomfortable feelings of being away from home with few sympathetic souls in her class ?

What you wrote is alarming, Maria. Are you saying that to succeed in an academic environment today, one must compromise their Christian principles ? So this is what happened to Sister Vassa ? She agreed to talk up the permissive stand toward homosexuals in return for some boost from hidden sources ? Like selling one's soul to the Devil ?

If so, we have arrived at a similar conclusion though by different angles.

It's great that you succeeded in eradicating all those noxious influences -- and are today our intrepid Administrator !

But I doubt Sister Vassa even follows a prayer rule at this point. I hope I am wrong, but it can not play a major role in the budding youtube celebrity's life. Her mind is on how to best increase her Facebook followers ! Doesn't that sound like any actor or actress checking their ratings after a new film starring them has been released ?

St John of Kronstadt understood well how demonic that world is. With willpower, Sister Vassa could turn around this plunge into egomania. I fear the demons are too entrenched at this point. After all, she did not apologize nor retract her statement, at least not publicly. DEMONS NEVER SAY THEY ARE SORRY ! THEY NEVER ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG !

Listen carefully to such a person where they have clearly transgressed. That sociopath or narcissist will mumble a jumble of words. Usually there will no apology contained in that 'word salad'. The word salad is quite deliberate, aiming to distract you, the victim of their bad deed.

In case there is some expression of apparent remorse, it will inevitably appear only in a defiant tone :
"IF I DID ANYTHING WRONG, then i am sorry".

Like I say, they will NEVER ADMIT SQUARELY that they erred. This is the pride of Lucifer, in eternal rebellion against God.

So if Rocor allows Sister Vassa to remain a nun, the question would be whether she would choose to transfer to a liberal jurisdiction. What would Rocor lose ? Not much, for she isn't a good advertisement for that Church, which has always been liked or disliked for standing up for unpopular but correct causes. She doesn't fit in.

Likely over the future years, Sister Vassa will become more and more stridently 'feminist'. She already has material about how women were not counted at the time of Jesus. Who cares ? What does that have to do with anyone's spirituality and salvation ? I suspect this leaning will develop more pronouncedly. She talks too much about being a woman in her - I guess - online ministry. As if it's such a big deal. But she is doing this consciously, aiming to rope in more women to become those sympathizing minions -- and adoring fans.

Not to mention, eager customers to pay large amounts of hard currency for a "Chat with Sister Vassa". Soon mugs will be sold by her oufit "I spoke with Sister Vassa over Skype ! "

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Justice »

Colleges today are made up of liberal anti-Christians who seek to destroy the faith. As for Sister Vassa, I'm pretty sure that her students who were most likely liberal in their outlooks, gave her her liberal views. Not to say that the other teachers in this Vatican II Roman Catholic school gave her similar opinions. But it was most likely the students. Plus I bet that most of the kids going to the school we're not practicing Christians.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

Here is one quotation from a letter of Optina Elder Macarius which is deep, as it has to do with a nation, but also individual Russians, or any people.

This is taken from Number 165 in St Makary's "Letters to Monastics". So it is certainly relevant in the case of Sister Vassa.

"...pondering our beloved fatherland Russia.... Where is she racing headlong, what is she seeking ? ... Education increases but is is pseudo-education, it deceives itself in its hope....

It befits us to love Holy Russia, leaving aside European fashion, and to repent for our past attraction to it, to be steadfast in the Orthodox Faith, to pray to God and to offer repentance for the past."

In Letter Number 172, the True Elder who trained the even more famous Elder Amvrosy incisively summed up the problem at that time, and indeed all the way up through the present :

"Europe, our benefactor, has taught us external arts and sciences, but has taken away inner goodness and shaken the Orthodox Faith, drawing money to itself."

While the Elder's meaning regarding Europe's pulling in money from other parts of the world is not quite clear, the parallel with Sister Vassa's money-making machine out of Vienna stands out in sharp relief.

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Re: About a Liberal nun in "ROCOR" - MP

Post by Barbara »

The thought came to me in the early evening of today, the Feast of Holy Transfiguration, that Sister Vassa had used the term 'hooking up' in her infamous 'reply'.
I did see that in the original expose of her by Fr John Whiteford [ I think it was ]. I was too appalled at the entire 'advice' to take much note of this individual expression when quickly glancing through her highly controversial remarks.
Now, I am not all that sure of its many meanings. But I know it does connote disreputable loose behavior, probably particularly relevant to the younger generation in Western countries today.

How in the world could a NUN use a disgusting term like that ?
The only explanation I could even possibly imagine is that she feels she will sound 'cool' and 'with the times' despite her somber black monastic robes. Even that weak need to appear trendy would not "let her off the hook" for employing this unladylike -- let alone unmonastic -- terminology.

My impression was Nun Vassa tossed it out in a flippant way, as though trying too hard to connect with her audience [ the by now tired cliché of her zillions ] on facebook and earn their approval.

More alarming than this popularity-seeking, however, is the fact that Nun Vassa seems to have been nearly endorsing that insane manner of conducting relationships these days by employing that same term that the participants themselves use. To be sure, I remember that she exhorted the pretend 14 year old's mother to not allow him to get into that scene.

Yet, how would she even KNOW about it herself ??

One is left with an uncomfortable - almost creepy - feeling about this nun.

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