Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

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Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Maria »

My priest and others have been encouraging us to drop our Facebook accounts permanently, not just during the Lenten fasts.

  1. It is a waste of time.
  2. The policy at Facebook is unChristian, especially the policy of requiring Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Monastics not to use their religious names.
  3. The content at Facebook is going rapidly downhill as seen in the lack of charity in many posts and comments.
  4. Profiles can be hacked.
  5. Employers want your facebook account and password so that they can read your mail.

CAUTION: Below is just an example of the gossip, rash judgment, bad language, and lack of charity on Facebook.

Sick facebook humor.jpg
Sick facebook humor.jpg (80.87 KiB) Viewed 3221 times

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Re: Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Matthew »

Maria, Bravo on your decision! I did the same thing 7 or 8 months ago. BTW The link doesnt work.

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Re: Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Maria »

Matthew wrote:

Maria, Bravo on your decision! I did the same thing 7 or 8 months ago. BTW The link doesnt work.

Dear Matthew,

The link does not work for you because you have deleted your Facebook account. Blessed are you. Pray for me.

I have attached the sick joke that was published on Facebook, but have not included any of the gossip or other uncharitable comments associated with that picture.

I have not yet dropped Facebook, but I have been frequenting it less each day to the point that Facebook is now prompting me to post my thoughts. Would you believe that?

I am easing off before it is too late, and yes, it can become very addictive. The Powers that Be (TPTB), especially the founder of Facebook, want us to be addicted to it as it has become their cash cow where they can mine information and learn our preferences, our thoughts, our dreams, our favorite foods, clothing, and toys, our agendas, our friends and relatives, and our religious choices.

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Re: Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Matthew »

Indeed, so that the new Stalin, O'Brien (1984 by Orwell), etc., can all the more easily identify the "domestic terrorists", pick them up at 2am with a black pillowcase over their head, throw them into a Ministry of Homeland Security vehicle, and then torture such unfortunates for fun until he's bored and just finish them off, unless they secure the confession that relinquishes eternal life in Christ, then maybe they will parade the broken ones around as satanic trophies, God forbid!

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Re: Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Barbara »

Glad you are contemplating this sacrifice, Maria. It should not be really a major deal but from what you wrote, this site sounds so addictive.

Can you possibly explain why that is ? I fail to comprehend how that could be. Maybe because I have not used the thing.

I fail to comprehend the cartoon, as well. I figure I never "get jokes" anyway. But this left me confused as to what could be even possibly the point of it ? Not important.

But your list is revelatory for me. I had no idea employers would ask for a Facebook account - but then the password to it ?
You mean they go right in and read everything the prospective employee has ever said there ?
That sounds - yes, Stalinistic.

What do you mean about the quality of the content declining ? Is it worse than it was some years ago ?

That founder, or frontman for the real founders, seems to be a model for what the PTB want the entire world to copy. I heard that he donated some zillion dollars to San Francisco General hospital. Why that one, which is in a bad area of the City and has a lousy reputation to put it nicely ?
Why not a reputable institution or business ?

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Re: Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Maria »

The meme of the wheelchair or cart reads, "I saw a miracle after the battery died."

After the cart battery died, the "handicapped" person was forced to get off the contraption.
Unfortunately, many handicapped persons gain weight because they cannot exercise.
Worse, many of the obese are diabetics who have swollen ankles and infected feet.
Often for the obese, it is a downward spiral of worsening medical problems with drugs complicating the picture.

Some people who need kidney transplants have had multiple kidneys inserted into their abdomen, which make them look fat. When doctors implant a donated kidney, they do not remove the non-functioning one(s), so a person could have up to 5 kidneys: his own two non-functioning ones, plus three others. I knew a Vietnam Vet who had five kidneys. He died a few years ago. He was the sweetest man, and one would never known how much he suffered in silence.

So, this comment was a rude and judgmental joke.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Dropping Facebook as it does not benefit us spiritually

Post by Barbara »

Oh. I see how far 'out of it' I am from what's going on these days !
Thanks Maria for the explanations. I had no idea about the way surgery is done for kidney problems.
[Coincidentally, I have a tincture of Uva Ursi in my hand right now. I think it is best to rely on such natural ways to stave off such problems from the beginning, wherever it can be done.]

I wanted to add this to your excellent thread about adult addiction to facebook checking or participation [<= I am not sure quite how that works. Isn't it done via one's smart phone ? ] Regardless, even checking for regular messages is so offensive in public, and impacts the children or grandchildren in a deleterious way :

https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/parents ... 68547.html

"Just the other day, my 10-year-old son and I were having lunch with a friend and her son. We spent the entire lunch trying to catch up — in between her urgently checking her emails and texts, that is. Not only was it impossible to have a good chat, but I couldn’t help but notice the disappointed looks her son kept giving her. (Later, he told me she’s on her phone “all the time.”) Parents today are all about trying to figure out how to find a balance when it comes to using technology. We encourage our kids to get off the tablet and talk to us, but meanwhile, what if we’re sending mixed messages by being unable to put our own devices away? Turns out that kids notice when their parents are distracted..."

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