Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

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Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

Post by TheTruthOfGod »

Why does the Orthodox Church use their own calendars instead of God's revealed calendar in divinely inspired Scripture. And doesn't it say in Daniel that the Antichrist thinks to change times and laws? So what is going on here?

Also many Protestants don't believe that it matters at all which days Christians do or do not keep as per Romans 14, and they do not believe anyone has the right to judge anyone about it as per Colossians 2. But it seems that the Orthodox have mandatory holy days that one has to observe to be Orthodox and therefore do not follow this interpretation. Therefore, what is your interpretation of these texts if this is so?

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Re: Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

Post by GOCPriestMark »

Why does the Orthodox Church use their own calendars instead of God's revealed calendar in divinely inspired Scripture. And doesn't it say in Daniel that the Antichrist thinks to change times and laws? So what is going on here?

What do you understand to be "God's revealed calendar"?

Also many Protestants don't believe that it matters at all which days Christians do or do not keep as per Romans 14, and they do not believe anyone has the right to judge anyone about it as per Colossians 2. But it seems that the Orthodox have mandatory holy days that one has to observe to be Orthodox and therefore do not follow this interpretation. Therefore, what is your interpretation of these texts if this is so?

I am not sure where you have gotten the idea that we "have mandatory holy days that one has to observe to be Orthodox". We have feast days that, in our love for God, we would make every possible effort not to miss the services of, but no one would say we loose our Orthodoxy by not observing the days.

PS. I do not know how to call you since you have called yourself "TheTruthOfGod". I suggest changing your name or at least signing your posts with a name with which we can address you. Thank you.


Priest Mark Smith
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Re: Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

Post by TheTruthOfGod »

The calendar of the Law, the one with the Festivals of the Lord, the one of Scripture.

So the Festivals of your Church are not mandatory to keep for your members? So they are free to observe Festivals or free not to, or even free to observe the Jewish ones and the rest on the Enoch Calendar?


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Re: Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

Post by Maria »

TheTruthOfGod wrote:

The calendar of the Law, the one with the Festivals of the Lord, the one of Scripture.

So the Festivals of your Church are not mandatory to keep for your members? So they are free to observe Festivals or free not to, or even free to observe the Jewish ones and the rest on the Enoch Calendar?


The Feasts and Fasts of the Orthodox Christian Church are faithfully observed by its clergy and monastics.
Laity observe the feast days as much as they are able.

Nevetheless, all of us in True Orthodoxy follow the Julian Calendar, and we have been blessed by God for adhering faithfully to the Old Calendar--the calendar of our Saints.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

Post by TheTruthOfGod »

Maria wrote:
TheTruthOfGod wrote:

The calendar of the Law, the one with the Festivals of the Lord, the one of Scripture.

So the Festivals of your Church are not mandatory to keep for your members? So they are free to observe Festivals or free not to, or even free to observe the Jewish ones and the rest on the Enoch Calendar?


The Feasts and Fasts of the Orthodox Christian Church are faithfully observed by its clergy and monastics.
Laity observe the feast days as much as they are able.

Nevetheless, all of us in True Orthodoxy follow the Julian Calendar, and we have been blessed by God for adhering faithfully to the Old Calendar--the calendar of our Saints.

So then it does seem mandatory. Only the laity have more leeway but are still required as much as they are able on their free time, or whatever. So then I ask my previous question again:

"Also many Protestants don't believe that it matters at all which days Christians do or do not keep as per Romans 14, and they do not believe anyone has the right to judge anyone about it as per Colossians 2. But it seems that the Orthodox have mandatory holy days that one has to observe to be Orthodox and therefore do not follow this interpretation. Therefore, what is your interpretation of these texts if this is so?"

Thank you,


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Re: Question about the Calendar of Orthodox vs God's Calendar

Post by Maria »

Maria wrote:
TheTruthOfGod wrote:

The Feasts and Fasts of the Orthodox Christian Church are faithfully observed by its clergy and monastics.
Laity observe the feast days as much as they are able.

Nevetheless, all of us in True Orthodoxy follow the Julian Calendar, and we have been blessed by God for adhering faithfully to the Old Calendar--the calendar of our Saints.

So then it does seem mandatory. Only the laity have more leeway but are still required as much as they are able on their free time, or whatever. So then I ask my previous question again:

"Also many Protestants don't believe that it matters at all which days Christians do or do not keep as per Romans 14, and they do not believe anyone has the right to judge anyone about it as per Colossians 2. But it seems that the Orthodox have mandatory holy days that one has to observe to be Orthodox and therefore do not follow this interpretation. Therefore, what is your interpretation of these texts if this is so?"

Thank you,


We do not view the Julian Calendar aka the Old Calendar in the same light as do Roman Catholics.

In other words, before Vatican II, if a Roman Catholic were to miss a Sunday Mass or that of a special feast day, like Christmas and Easter, then they would have committed a mortal sin and if they had died unrepentant, they would have gone to Hell. Before Vatican II, the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) tended to be very legalistic. Today, however, the RCC has swung 180 degrees and are quite liberal and modernistic. Pre-Vatican II and circa-Vatican II Catholics were encouraged to attend Mass even when sick. And yes, I was left home alone even as a child when I was sick. In fact, I was left home to take care of my sick siblings even as a child under the age of 12.

In Holy Orthodoxy, we try to attend the Divine Liturgy (our Eucharistic celebration) every Sunday if possible. However, if a family member becomes very ill, we should stay home and take care of that person. Charity comes first. If we become ill, then it would be best to stay home rather than go to church and spread germs to everyone present. Nevertheless, the love of God compels us to pray everyday, even on Sundays when we cannot attend Divine Liturgy.

If we truly love God, we will read the Bible, attend Divine Liturgy, pray throughout the day everyday, and fast on the days appointed.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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