Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by jgress »

Lydia wrote:

This is a very good assessment, Jonathon. It is interesting that Vladimir Moss wrote that the Matthewites painted themselves into a corner.

Perhaps you could answer some questions for me, since I can't get an answer from others on this board.
What year was Archbishop (then archimandrite) Auxentios defrocked by the Matthewite synod? Is it true that he left Bishop Matthew because of the uncanonical consecration or because he was upset that he wasn't the one consecrated? If the latter reason is correct, can you provide any actual proof that this is true? I have searched for this information but I haven't been able to find it.
It is a scandalous libel to accuse someone of such motivation in the absence of any proof.

I don't know the year he was defrocked, but it was probably during or shortly after 1948. I don't know about this charge that he was the one who demanded to be consecrated. Bishop Petros of Astoria also suffered accusations, particularly from Fr Panteleimon of HTM, that he was greedy for a bishopric. It seems to be the default accusation to make against bishops you don't like.

I would like your opinion on another matter. If the GOC entered into full eucharistic communion with ROCOR in 1971, then it follows that they entered into full communion with Archbishop Auxentios as well.
Why would they do this if they considered Archbishop Auxentios to be no more than a defrocked priest? If the letter of Archbishop Seraphim is anything to go by, it was the Matthewites who did all they could to effect a peaceful union with Archbishop Auxentios. It seems a strange course of action if, as I had read on this board, they considered Archbishop Auxentios to have committed fraud in his dealing with ROCOR.

I believe that the Matthewites did begin formal communion with the Florinites in 1971, the same time they were recognized by ROCOR and received cheirothesia from them. Anastasios says that famous letter of Abp Seraphim is forged, but you'd need to go to him for details on how he knows this. He did a lot of research in ROCOR archives for his thesis on Bishop Petros so he should know if anyone does. But you do make a good point.

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by jgress »

Maria, I think you are wrong about single-handed consecrations not needing later rectification, but I don't have a copy of the Rudder to hand. Maybe someone should find the relevant commentaries on Apostolic Canon I.

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by Maria »

The single-handed consecration of Bishop Spyridon took place on Sept. 6/19, 1948, and then the other three bishops were consecrated by both Met. Matthew and Bishop Spyridon in the next three weeks (one per week). I too do not have the date, but Hieromonk Auxentios left sometime in late 1948 or early 1949 after these consecrations had taken place, and the new GOC Synod had formed.

Hieromonk Auxentios had asked St. Matthew, in fact, he had signed a petition begging St. Matthew to consecrate a bishop for the GOC, hoping that he would be elected. When he was not chosen, he left the GOC and accused it of uncanonically consecrating a bishop single-handedly. If Auxentios had begged in a signed petition for a single-handed consecration, why oppose it after the fact?

Auxentios changed his mind because he did not get elected. Look at his record following his departure from the GOC. He shunned the GOC during the years 1971 - 1976, when in humility the GOC sought his reconciliation. Auxentios was reprimanded by Archbishop Seraphim of the ROCOR for his hardness of heart toward the GOC, but he did not repent. Then later, Auxentios was defrocked by his own synod for improprieties and uncanonical acts. Still later, he helped to form the vagante jurisdictions of HOCNA, Synod of Milan, and Met. John LoBue's jurisdiction. He had a history.

After Hieromonk Auxentios had left the GOC, then the Holy Synod of the GOC defrocked him for his schismatic act.

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by Cyprian »

jgress wrote:

Thank you, Cyprian. However, the position I hold, and I believe the GOC holds it, too, is that Met Chrysostom was wrong to waver, but he did so out of understandable uncertainty and good intention, given the circumstances.

You're welcome, Jonathan. Until I know more of what took place back then, I cant quibble with this understanding. I don't know any different, not having personal knowledge of all that transpired during that tumultuous time. I was not even alive when any of this transpired, and so I do not pretend to have anything close to a complete picture of the facts. Still, it seems that it would have been better for the faithful in Greece if Met. Chrysostom had never betrayed the original confession, and had returned to the original declaration of 1935 much sooner, and had agreed to consecrate bishops with Abp. Matthew.

There were New Calendar bishops who appeared on the brink of repentance, but insistence on their schism might hinder their return.

I'm not sure I understand this line of thinking. It seems logical that the innovators would be on the brink of repentance only if they recognized that they were somehow in the wrong. Recall, the state church of Greece declared the bishops who returned to the Patristic Calendar to be schismatics. The official GOC confession was that the state church were the actual schismatics. Therefore, the only thing that needed to be determined by everyone was, which side was correct in their view of the other being schismatic?

When Met. Chrysostom harbored notions of a third possibility, in addition to the two aforementioned opinions of each side, this could only serve to engender more confusion. Before, it was as simple as taking one side or the other. Met. Chrysostom's change in position may have led the innovators to the impression that perhaps they really didn't need to repent of anything, because "potentially" they were not in actual schism, and still bore grace. I think this was most unfortunate.

So it would seem, the wavering was the real source of hindrance to a return to the Patristic Calendar, and a firm and unyielding stance would have brought more over from the state church. Or is it claimed that after Met. Chrysostom "softened" his stance, people from the innovating church came over to him in droves? It would be helpful if there was some documentation somewhere detailing how many people were coming over to the GOC each year. I don't even know how many people there were originally in 1924, and in 1935, and then how the proportions changed after the bishops went their separate ways in 1937.

And Met Chrysostom changed his mind on schism after conversation with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who, along with the other patriarchates that hadn't yet changed the calendar, maintained that the new calendarists couldn't be declared in schism until a Pan-Orthodox synod was convened.

Did this same Patriarch of Jerusalem ever show any movement toward getting together with his brethren from the other patriarchates, in order to put his money where his mouth was, and convene said council which he deemed was necessary? What use was it to advise Met. Chrysostom to wait for a Pan-Orthodox synod, all the while sitting on his hands? The Oecumenical Patriarch was one of the schismatic innovators, so he certainly would not have called a council to have himself condemned. The Church in Russia was bereft of its God-anointed Tsar, fighting for its life, under intense persecution from the Bolsheviks, so were they in any position to lead the convening of a council? Perhaps Met. Chrysostom should have not heeded the advice of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who, if your account is accurate, was also wrong. Is it any wonder that the Jerusalem Patriarchate is presently mired in the WCC and World Orthodoxy?

Again, hindsight is 20/20: it is easy to condemn Met Chrysostom now given what we know has transpired

Please understand Jonathan, that I have never condemned Met. Chrysostom. Saying that I believe the metropolitan erred, is not equivalent to condemning him. I am not excusing him either. I simply do not feel it is my place to pass judgment on the man, not having all the facts.

How do we know we would have chosen differently under the same conditions? And even today we are debating the authorities of local synods to make final and binding judgments of anathema; it was a much less settled question back then.

Why should Met. Chrysostom have chosen differently? The miraculous sign of the cross over Athens, 1925. New Martyr Catherine Routis +1927. Forced shaving of beards, blasphemous trampling of the holy gifts, imprisonments, confiscations, exiles, tortures, martyrdoms, etc. Is it at all reasonable to believe that "potential" schismatics, assumedly still bearing the grace of the Holy Spirit, could act in such a vile, despicable, hateful and unchristian manner toward their Greek brethren, whom they later brandished as schismatics?

When the Greek GOC stood all alone in declaring the new calendarists in schism, while EVERY OTHER jurisdiction, including ROCOR, maintained communion with them, is it a wonder some doubted the wisdom of making such a judgment so soon?

The faithful Russian Christians suffered unspeakable trials and sufferings at the hands of the adulterous renovationists, who conspired with the God-hating Bolsheviks, and so the Catacombniki and the Church Abroad's hostile attitude toward Stalin's para-synagogue "MP" for all these decades is only natural and wholly justified! Did the persecuted Church in Russia and abroad wait around for the rest of the local churches of the world to call a Pan-Orthodox synod to justify their separation from the renovationist heretics? No! They were fully capable of judging their own situation, being first-hand parties to it.

It is no different for the persecuted and suffering Christians of Greece. Why should the True Orthodox Christians of Greece have to sit around on their hands waiting for the Patriarch of Jerusalem or some other patriarchate to pass judgment from their comfortable perch?

Are you implying that the Greeks were not capable and fully within their right to judge their own situation, as the Russians had done with theirs? The True Orthodox Russians anathematized the renovationist church and separated from it, and the True Orthodox Greeks justifiably separated from the schismatic New Calendarists and anathematized them as well, in 1935.

Which brings us to ROCOR and St John. Cyprian quotes St John referring to the "schism" of the new calendar.

If you are going to put the word "schism" in inverted commas, then you ought to have at least used the phrase "frightful schism" that St. John used.

It might be pertinent to add that St John remained in formal communion with this schismatic church until his death (though I don't know how often, if ever, he concelebrated with new calendarists).

If St. John never concelebrated with the New Calendarists, thereby not communing at the chalice with them, then how can you call anything such as that "remaining in formal communion"? If not concelebrating and communing implies "formal communion," then what would "informal communion" look like?

Once more, hindsight tells us Met Chrysostom's wavering was wrong and Bishop Matthew was right to maintain the original confession. The new calendar was ALREADY condemned by the Pan-Orthodox synods of the 16th century: the 1935 local decision of the GOC only confirmed the existence of the schism that had already occurred. But did Met Chrysostom's language of "potential schism" constitute a heresy?

A heresy? I do not have enough information to pass judgment. I don't know exactly what Met. Chrysostom was saying and doing back then. I just hear lots of second and third-hand stories. If people want to convince me of their point of view, they need to show me documentation. They do have scanners and computers over in Greece, don't they? One would suppose the partisans on both sides only want to scan the documents that will place their side in a favorable light.

That I submit is not the case, and therefore Bishop Matthew's severance of communion, and subsequent actions like single-handedly consecrating bishops, were not justified.

I can't say for certain if Met. Chrysostom confessed a heresy, not knowing all the facts, however his actions perhaps constituted at least some form of betrayal. Bishop Matthew may very well have been justified in separating from Met. Chrysostom, if the metropolitan did not publicly adhere to the synod's original confession, thereby aiding and abetting the schismatic New Calendarists.

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by jgress »

I don't know whether or not St John concelebrated directly with new calendarists, but he was a member of a synod with bishops who did. If you hold to a "light-switch" theory of grace, which many Matthewites seem to do, then it's a problem. If not, then not. But note that St John's opinion was his own: ROCOR never synodically condemned the new calendarists. I do appreciate these quotes you provide, since they are useful when arguing with ROCOR-MP apologists who insist that St John never wanted anything to do with the old calendarists and did not approve of their stance. That is completely false, as you ably showed. But I also don't agree that St John's words imply support for the Matthewite over the Florinite position: after all, it was the Florinites that he tried to help in the 1950s when they came to ROCOR to seek consecrations (Anastasios says the ROCOR archives have a letter where he asks the Synod to hear their request and consecrate bishops for them, but it was ignored). And he, along with other ROCOR bishops sympathetic to the GOC, signed a letter congratulating Bishop Petros of Astoria on his consecration in 1962, seven years before ROCOR as a whole recognized him.

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by jgress »

And the issue is not whether Met Chrysostom was correct to talk of "potential schism", but whether his error was so serious that Bishop Matthew was justified in breaking communion with Met Chrysostom and later consecrating more bishops on his own. I believe his error was not so serious, and most of the GOC at the time agreed and remained with Met Chrysostom. But as I also say elsewhere, these issues were resolved in 1971 when the Matthewites and Florinites entered into communion; it is disingenuous for Matthewites to keep bringing it up like its news when trying to argue for the rightness of their position (just as Florinites today should not attack Matthewites for what happened before). We're not interested in the 1948 consecrations anymore, we're interested in why the two sides broke communion in 1976 and what can be done to fix that.

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Re: Bp Auxentios GOC-K: 1-19-2015 OS - Debate

Post by Jean-Serge »

For the 1971 events, we have some original documents in Greek. At the moment, I do not have money to have them translated but if someone has, he can have the work done.

http://fr.slideshare.net/SpyridonVoykal ... ndence1972

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