Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

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Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

Post by Matthew »

Schools To Force 5 Year Old Girls To Share Bathrooms With 14 Year Old Boys

Massachusetts Commissioner of Education Mitchell Chester has issued orders to the state’s K-12 public schools requiring them to permit “transgender” boys and girls to use the opposite sex’s locker rooms, bathrooms, and changing facilities as long as they claim to identify with that gender. Many elementary schools in smaller Massachusetts towns include children from kindergarten through eighth grade, making it possible for boys as old as 14 to share toilet facilities with girls as young as five. Under Chester's leadership, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released an 11-page document on Friday outlining this and other new guidelines giving “transgender” students special status and privileges in Massachusetts schools. ...

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Re: Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

Post by Maria »

Time for all good Christian parents to homeschool their own children, or to form cooperatives where they can homeschool in cooperation with other parishioners.

The purpose of public schools is ungodly. They were started to provide a well-trained and disciplined work force for monopolies. Public schools today are advocating secular humanism, free sex through free contraceptive distribution and promiscuous sex education which starts in kindergarten, and separation of church and state. If parents entrust their precious children into these ungodly institutions, they risk damning the souls of their children and themselves.

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Re: Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

Post by Matthew »

Yes, but I fear that the retreat to homeschooling will inevitably be outlawed. Perhaps the only refuge will be in state licensed Christian (heterodox schools) like the Roman Catholic schools that were allowed to stay open during Hitler's indoctrination education system. There parents who recognised the evil of what they were now teaching in the public schools were able to shield their children by sending them to Catholic convents that were allowed to run schools.

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Re: Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

Post by jgress »

I can't stand identity politics. This is not the solution to the very real problem of transsexualism, that is the existence of men and women who have psychological characteristics of the opposite sex. If they think such people suffer because they don't fit in to their own peer groups of the same sex, think what will happen when they start using the other sex's bathrooms.

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Re: Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

Post by Maria »

jgress wrote:

I can't stand identity politics. This is not the solution to the very real problem of transsexualism, that is the existence of men and women who have psychological characteristics of the opposite sex. If they think such people suffer because they don't fit in to their own peer groups of the same sex, think what will happen when they start using the other sex's bathrooms.

I guess they will have to have same sex bathrooms with all equipment necessary for both females and males.
I am so glad that I am not in public schools. Wait, soon at airports and all public facilities, there will be mandatory unisex bathrooms. Just wait.

Stop the planet, I want to get off.

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Re: Schools Force 5Yr Old Girls To Share Toilet w/Boys

Post by Matthew »

Yes, valid apprehensions of things to come. I remember how shocked I was when I went to university and learned that the dormitory building (some 8 or so stories high) had "co-ed" snowers and bathrooms on select floors. If that is not inviting rapes and assault, or sexual harassment at some point in the future, I don't know what is.

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