Man in near death calls on God, who comes?

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Re: Man in near death calls on God, who comes?

Post by joasia »

My apologizes Symeon. I was being critical.

I think that we are simply instructed to do what is healthy and spiritually beneficial and glorifying to God. That might make us look rather extreme, as Jonathan has remarked. However, if one is healthy and Orthodox in the way one goes about this, it will not be extreme or unhealthy, but staying in the centre of the field of God's spiritual meadow, and healthy and a sign of love for God. God help us in this.

I think there is a lot of romanticism of Orthodoxy, in your mind. The true test is our spiritual struggles. The "healthy" state of Orthodoxy is being in repentance with God and living every moment for God. It's about facing the darkness of our struggles and overcoming them with Christ's help.

We can certainly enjoy reading about the saints of God and their spiritual accomplishments and how they helped so many people, but we don't know what struggles they went through to get to that blessed state. They had something in them that was so extreme, on a spiritual level. I am in awe of their spiritual achievements.

Who is really "healthy" in the Orthodox faith? To be "healthy" in Orthodoxy means to be free of all the worldly concerns. To live for God and with God every minute. It means to love God with all your soul and to love all others no matter what they may do or say to you. Do you live by this law of God?

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Man in near death calls on God, who comes?

Post by Matthew »

We live in dry times, Joanna. I would never claim to be where I ought to be spiritually. Pray for me. And thank you for your admonishments. I receive them wholeheartedly.


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