England paving the way for the Antichrist

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England paving the way for the Antichrist

Post by Alexandros »

Christians have no right to wear cross at work, says Government

Christians do not have a right to wear a cross or crucifix openly at work,
the Government is to argue in a landmark court case.
In a highly significant move, ministers will fight a case at the European Court of Human Rights

in which two British women will seek to establish their right to display the cross.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religio ... nment.html

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Re: England paving the way for the Antichrist

Post by Maria »

Lord have mercy.

The fall of the Iron Curtain was not the fall of communism, but the acceptance of socialism, secular humanism, and communism by the West. Thus that wall could be torn down.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: England paving the way for the Antichrist

Post by Alexandros »

The West (England & USA) is much, much worse that communism.
Communists -through their persecutions- "created" martyrs.
The west is creating atheists, and the New World Order

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Re: England paving the way for the Antichrist

Post by Maria »

Alexandros wrote:

The West (England & USA) is much, much worse that communism.
Communists -through their persecutions- "created" martyrs.
The west is creating atheists, and the New World Order

Exactly, secular humanism, which is being taught in our schools, not only creates doubt in our youth, but also it praises atheism, agnosticism, and immorality of all kinds. Thus, with strong peer pressure urging the populace to give into political correctness and popular opinion, people of all ages risk losing their very salvation to the pernicious errors of despondency, apathy, secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism, and/or immorality.

One priest described the spiral decay that is taking place today:

A lack of faith, hope, and charity leads to jealousy, envy, and anger. To dull the pain and guilt of such anger, people often fall into the sins of intemperance (alcohol, drugs, and gambling), gluttony, and lust, which are quickly followed by despondency due to the out of control behavior. Then apathy and depression can lead to death and damnation. Even in this bleakness, God and His angels are constantly hounding sinners to return to Him in repentance and live.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: England paving the way for the Antichrist

Post by Maria »

Another thought:

Except for some Jewish Zealots who wanted to hasten in the Messiah, ancient Christianity didn't have the same mindset as many today when it came to what the Roman Empire was doing. The Church saw the corruption and urged the faithful to put on Christ and love their oppressors who were martyring them. The Church also encouraged the faithful to stand up for their faith when persecuted and threatened with martyrdom, yet not run outside, taunt the authorities, act foolishly, and/or become instant martyrs. Thus as told in Acts, we see St. Peter running away, but being told by an angel to return to Rome where he suffered martyrdom. This was the same position taken in Soviet Russia where grandmas kept the faith alive by baptizing and instructing the children in secret. Political power was not the goal of the early Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: England paving the way for the Antichrist

Post by Maria »

Our moderator, Priest Mark, mentioned in a PM to me that the account of St. Peter's martyrdom is not found in Acts. He is correct. I stand corrected. Thank you, Father.

I found an account of St. Peter's martyrdom in The Lives of the Holy Apostles, published by Holy Apostles Convent, Buena Vista, CO, 1988, p. 21-22.

The aforementioned ecclesiastical historian Hegesippus reports that, when they were seeking for St. Peter to execute him, the faithful pleaded with him, for the sake of their common good, to hide himself and depart from Rome. The apostle would in no wise consent to do so, desiring rather to suffer and die for Christ; but with tears the faithful entreated the apostle to save his life, which was so necessary for the Holy CHurch, which was tempest-tossed amid the waves of tribulations caused by the ungodly. Yielding to this tearful plea of his reason-endowed flock, St. Peter promised to hide himself outside the city. On he following night, after praying with his spiritual children, he bade farewell to all and departed, alone. But when he was? beyond the city gates, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ coming towards him. Bowing low before Him, the holy Peter said: "Whither goest Thou, Lord?" "I go to Rome, to be crucified anew!" the Lord said in answer and then vanished.

Astonished, the apostle understood that Christ, Who suffers in His servants, as in His own members, also desired to suffer in his body.

For the rest of the story, including the martyrdom and death of St. Peter, please see the book listed above.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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