Ukrainians give Pope honorary Cossack title!

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Ukrainians give Pope honorary Cossack title!

Post by OrthoDoc »

UNBELIEVABLE!  Just when I thought I had heard everything!

The body of every Zaporozhie Cossack  must be turning in its grave while their souls are crying  from heaven -

"Why did we give our lives to save Ukraine from the Poles and defend it from Roman Catholic subjugation to try and  preserve Holy Orthodoxy?"

If you look at the autobiography of this guy Shevchenko who is the head of the cossack clans and who gave the Pope his honorary 'Cossack' award you'll find out he's a retired intelligence agent and KGB member!

Excerpt from his autobiography -

[More than 20 years he was on military security services in KGB (State Security Committee), (SBU). Five of these years he spent, serving as an officer of the front-line reserve. When he was retired, he was the lieutenant-colonel. In 1985, he defended a candidate's thesis. He worked at Donetsk State University, where scince 1989 he became a head of the special bureau "Intelligence". In 1990 he defended a thesis on technical disciplines for doctor's degree. In 1991 he was set as a director of just made scientific-research Institute of Artificial Intelligence of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and Ministry of Education of Ukraine.]



Pope John Paul II has been awarded a truly high honor,
one of the most highly regarded titles in all of Slavic tradition.
He is now officially a "Registered Cossack"

07.24.03 ( – Rome/Lviv --

A 140-member Ukrainian delegation participated in the European symposium “University and Church in Europe,” held in Rome from 17 to 20 July 2003 in commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the Roman university “La Sapienza.” Anatolii Shevchenko, rector of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence in eastern Ukrainian Donetsk and hetman (leader) of the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks, took part in the symposium and also met with Pope John Paul II.

The Ukrainian delegation consisted of church representatives, rectors and deans of higher educational institutions, students and lay people.

Shevchenko told RISU that some higher educational institutions in Ukraine, like the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, have established close cooperation with religious jurisdictions and provide better instruction in religious studies than most Western institutions. He also noted that the rectors of Western European universities whom he met know basically nothing about religious life in Ukraine.

During a meeting with Pope John Paul II, Shevchenko awarded the pontiff with the insignia of an honorable Ukrainian Registered Cossack. In response, the Pope gave his blessing to the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks.

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