Monks Robes

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Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

I am planning on becoming a monk, and I believe it would help prepair and strenghten me if I had a robe to wear. Also, I want to show my resistence to the way the world dresses. I was thinking of wearing either an Orthodox novice robe or a Catholic or other kind of Christian robe. Is something like this allowed? I would discard it when I entered the monastery.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Catherine5 »

Very intriguing!
And finally a livening up of the moribund discussion activity here, too!

Which places are you thinking of entering as a monastic? You don't need to say if you want to keep it personal.
Well, what has propelled you to make this decision?
Are you still weighing it out, or pretty much determined to go ahead with it?

[I personally think a Catholic robe would work perfectly for the time being, tho maybe few here will agree with me!
The robe could be navy blue, or brown, as these are colors which indicate one's renunciation of worldly things in my opinion. It doesn't need to be standard issue black.]

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Varsanufios »

Incognito1583 wrote:

I am planning on becoming a monk, and I believe it would help prepair and strenghten me if I had a robe to wear. Also, I want to show my resistence to the way the world dresses. I was thinking of wearing either an Orthodox novice robe or a Catholic or other kind of Christian robe. Is something like this allowed? I would discard it when I entered the monastery.

To be a monk.You must be monk in your soul monks robes dosnt change anything.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

Wearing a rob does help spiritually. It helps the mind focus on the spiritual life. I believe everything we see and experience creates a brain or mind frequency. Even just wearing a rob in my house while I pray would be helpful. I don't want to show my identity with this world because I don't want to have any part of it. I feel like wearing a rob in public would be making a statement that I do not belong to the spirit of this fallen age, and I refuse to blend in with it.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

Also, if anyone can tell me where I can get a traditional old calendar, let me know. Thank you.

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by Incognito1583 »

Correction: "ROBE."

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Re: Monks Robes

Post by joasia »


Wearing a rob does help spiritually. It helps the mind focus on the spiritual life. I believe everything we see and experience creates a brain or mind frequency. Even just wearing a rob in my house while I pray would be helpful. I don't want to show my identity with this world because I don't want to have any part of it. I feel like wearing a rob in public would be making a statement that I do not belong to the spirit of this fallen age, and I refuse to blend in with it.

Actually, it's the opposite. The Pharisees thought they were spiritually superior because of their position and clothes they wore in order to identify themselves as priests of the House of Worship. Jesus even pointed that out. But, He didn't dress differently from the citzens. That's why most people, at that time, with embelished ideas, thought he was a regular man. We are also taught that we shouldn't make a big deal about when we fast. Some Orthodox people like to exaggerate their condition by emphasizing how tired or burdened they are because they are fasting. That's another type of outward dress.

You want to identify yourself as a monk although you have not been tonsured as one. This is a decision you are making for yourself. Have you discussed this with your spiritual father?

It's what's inside that counts. Please recognize the trap of pride that has been set up for you, by the Deceiver. When the monastic saints were still in the world, they dressed like the rest(moderately, of course), but they hid their lifestyles, from the world. So if you want to live a humble life, in the Orthodox faith, then live it in secret, for God will see your efforts, but if you announce it to men, by dressing as a monk(which you are not), then you have received your reward, in this life. And that means that you do not want to wait for God's reward and are giving it to yourself, right now. That is the essence of pride. And that is the same like Adam who wanted his reward of knowledge, at that moment, instead of waiting for God to give it to him, which God would have given. But, Adam wanted it now and look where that got him.

Your view is the same as a friend of mine. He had grand expectations of becoming a monk and you know what....he started dressing all in black because he wanted to appear monastic. He thought that his outward appearance would set him apart from this decadent world and he could focus his mind. But, he was just clothing his body. He didn't realize that he had to focus on his soul which is not seen by man, but only by God. So he went to the extreme. And what happened? He was completely disillusioned by the monks around him and left Orthodoxy.

You see, the clothing doesn't determine our state of mind...the disposition of our souls does. And we need to look inward, in order to reconnect with God. When did Jesus ever teach about coming to God by what we wear? He even gave an example about the Pharisees who focused on washing the outside of the cup, but the inside is dirty. Everything we try to show outwardly is our own pride. What really counts is the inner workings of the soul which God sees and helps. And then the outward appearance comes naturally. But, if you try to force the issue before it's time, then you are battling God...and there's nothing good that comes out of that.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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