My conversion story

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Mary Kissel
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Post by Mary Kissel »

See, you're not alone Joe :) Which Roman Catholic 'group' were you in? one of the traditional Latin groups or the Vatican 2 Catholics? I'm just curious :)

JoeZollars wrote:

Seraphim and MaryCecilia:

Glad to know I'm not the only Latin Masser who is converting.

Joe Zollars

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Mary Kissel
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Post by Mary Kissel »

Justin wrote:

we were baptized on a Saturday and married on a Sunday.

Glad to hear that it was such a good ending for you!


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Joe Zollars
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Post by Joe Zollars »

I was officially an Indult Catholic, but I had very strong SSPX leanings (I sent my tithe to Regina Coeli House in Kansas City), but there was no Priory or Chapel anywhere nearby. when I was in Texas for a few weeks (working for a traditionalist catholic group promoting the Rosary), I regularly attended Rosary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Stations of the Cross, and Benediction as well as the two daily Masses (really four by the time you count the ones on the Side Altars) at Queen of Angels Priory in Dickinson TX and I frequented their bookshop. On sundays I assisted at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at St. Jude's Shrine in Stafford TX.

I was going to become a seminarian for the local post Vatican II "catholic" "diocese," but that fell through. When I met with the "bishop" for the interview, I knelt on my left knee and kissed his ring in proper, traditional RC fashion. Somehow he asked me about my thougts on how to bring back devotion and reverence within the New "Mass." I told him the best and only way to improve the New Missal was a match and to put the Old Mass back in its place. He decided I needed to wait a few years before becoming a seminarian.

Joe Zollars

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Mary Kissel
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Post by Mary Kissel »

I see you were in both of the groups then :) When I was sspx we were told that the indults were bad people basically...that they were compromising their faith/beliefs....

it's a good thing you didnt become a seminarian :)

Thankyou for answering my question :)


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Joe Zollars
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Post by Joe Zollars »

well, we were. And we were willing to take anything as long as we could keep the Mass. Some Bishops forced Indult Parishes to not perform weddings, first communions, confirmations, funerals, confessions, paraliturgical devotions, etc. They could only keep the Mass, and sometimes only on Sundays. The PCED (Pontifical Commision Ecclesia Dei) issued a statement saying we had to give Communion in the hand if people asked for it. With the latest decision of the USCCB banning kneeling for Communion, many indult parishes have had their altar rails ripped out, etc. To beat all this most Indult parishes don't have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every sunday. Our Local Indult Chapel (St. Anthony's wichita) only had Mass on 2nd and 4th Sundays. The People I rode with didn't want to go to Immaculate Heart of Mary, the SSPX mission in Wichita, because it wasn't an Indult Chapel. Fortunatly there was St. Augustine's in Tulsa and the Indult Monastery in Hulbert.

If there had been a Society Priory or Chapel nearby I would have gone there. And I considered going to St. mary's for college, but they never sent the application and since I didn't have the recomendation of a Society Priest, I probably wouldn't have gotten in.

Joe Zollars

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Post by Julianna »

JoeZollars wrote:

the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass



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Joe Zollars
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Post by Joe Zollars »

trad RC speak. It's how one, if they are tradRC, should refer to Mass.

Joe Zollars

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