Hieromonk Elia Rejected by the ROAC, Officially

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Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »


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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Here is the response I got from a ROCiE member who investigated this for me:

Dear Nicholas, Christ is risen!!!

I was told that the secretary of The ROCE Synod said that Fr. Elia Y.
has not petitioned to The ROCE for acceptance. "Enter [ye] at the
narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go by it. Because narrow is the
gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are FEW
who find it." (Matthew 7:13-14 Orthodox Study Bible)

Truly He is risen!!!

john chaplain

Tizzi, do you know whose antiminsion he is currently using or what bishop he currently claims to be under? In Orthodoxy you cannot serve without an antiminsion of a bishop that you are under, so knowing this would help us understand the situation. For the record, he never was given an antiminsion from Metropolitan Valentine.

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Post by Tizzi »

He mentioned he never received the paperwork from Met. Valentine, but the archpriest in NJ assured me that he was part of ROAC. However, I believe Fr. Elia tired of the situation with Colorado. I do not know all of the details, but it wore on him I can assure you. He did not mention any petition to ROCIE - in fact I asked him. He then described how some monasteries would remain silent when it came to the part about commemorating a particular Bishop. He did not give me a direct answer.


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Post by Грешник »

This is tiring and scanalous to others to say the least. I propose this:

He mentioned he never received the paperwork from Met. Valentine, but the archpriest in NJ assured me that he was part of ROAC.

I will be going to the home of Father Dionysi this Friday to do some work. I will also be spending some time with Metropolitan Valentine. I shall ask him directly if these things are true. He has stated however, on the ROAC site in both Russia and America that these things spoken of by Fr. Vladimir, (the priest in NJ) are untrue and that his (Father Elia's) application for acceptance was denied. As this came from the lips of the Metropolitan I take this to be the final word. I have never spoken to Father Vladimir and nor do I feel I need to when the Metropolitan is as accessible as he is at present.

I will write a response to this Friday evening for all who await it.

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Post by Vicki »

tizzi wrote:

He mentioned he never received the paperwork from Met. Valentine, but the archpriest in NJ assured me that he was part of ROAC. However, I believe Fr. Elia tired of the situation with Colorado. I do not know all of the details, but it wore on him I can assure you. He did not mention any petition to ROCIE - in fact I asked him. He then described how some monasteries would remain silent when it came to the part about commemorating a particular Bishop. He did not give me a direct answer.


Dear Tizzi,

I am reading this post not as a member of ROAC, which I am NOT, but as a cradle Orthodox Christian.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the moderators, may I state that this is completely insane?

No priest or monastic may operate on his own without the blessing of a bishop. Any "monastic" that claims to do so has placed himself outside the Orthodox Church, and is, in fact, vagante.

As Nicholas has pointed out, to serve the Divine Liturgy on an unconsecrated altar, which he cannot have, as no bishop has consecrated it, requires an antimens, with the name of that bishop on it. The fact that he will not tell you this is suggestive of the fact that either A) He does NOT have one B) He bought one on e-Bay.

Delighted to hear that you are interested in Orthodoxy, but bear in mind that everything that claims to be Orthodox, ISN'T, necessarily, and if he WILL NOT ANSWER, do NOT go there.


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Post by PFC Nektarios »

Could some explain this whole Father Elias thing, ive been following this thread but I still dont understand who this priest is what he has done, who he blongs to and why the ROAC rejected him. I am suprised at the being only 6 ROAC Parishes in america there would have been 7 if he was admitted.

In Christ

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

There are a number of missions in America that are not listed among the 6 fully functioning churches. It would be nice to see the Church grow, but not indiscriminately with those that do not repent of heresy.

Let me quote what has been said publicly before:

There still seems to be some confusion. This matter was being delayed until after Pascha. So, the idea that he is or was received is not
correct. What will happen, is that his petition will again be looked at
and a decision will be made. To be accepted into ROAC an UKAZ would be written, plus an oath of fidelity to the ROAC rejecting heresies needs to made. This is made in front of the Gospels, a Cross, and a witness. I do know that Fr. Vladimir has yet to see Fr. Elia, so this too has yet to be done.

Fr. Elia has once before claimed to be part of the ROAC and had it on his web site. Only later to have have changed to the ROCIE, now wanting to come back to the ROAC. SO, I think cation must be used when looking at this situation.

Fr. Elia teaches things like that The god of Mohamadism is the same God that we worship. He teaches that you must be in communion with the Jerusalem patriarchate to be Orthodox. When he applied to become part of ROAC, he was told that these were unacceptable and that he would have to remove these false teachings from his site.

Recently he even said that Afghanistan under Mohamadan control was like Mount Athos!

Do not get me wrong, he teaches many things correctly and I truly wish that he would repent of those things wrong, but by his actions, he has chose to act in such a way to not be allowed to be received into the Russian Orthodox (Autonomous) Church.

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