Icons of the theotokos without head covering

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Icons of the theotokos without head covering

Post by Ekaterina »

There was a discussion not long ago about how the Theotokos was never represented without head covering.... took a while but here are some icons for those who were so sure....

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Thanks to Mashenka @
http://mashenka-sench.livejournal.com/1 ... to=4198064
for finding these....katya

Last edited by Ekaterina on Sun 20 April 2008 5:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ekaterina »

And the we have these sainted ladies......


St Valentina

St Irene

And my personal favorite:
St Mary of Egypt

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Post by GOCPriestMark »

Perhaps I wasn't in on the earlier discussion, what is the point of this exercise?

St. Irene has a crown, as does one image representing the Theotokos.
St. Mary of Egypt was naked when St. Zosimas found her.
Sts. Faith, Hope and Love were 12, 10 and 9 years old.

Out of the 7 images you have posted I would only use 2 in my home icon corner. The others are quite a stretch to call them Holy Icons, though this is my simple, unlearned opinion.


Priest Mark Smith
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Post by joasia »

The first image is a Western version and hardly considered an icon. No doubt an attempt of the ecumenists to blend in with the pope. The Theotokos is never depicted without a head covering. Notice many Western versions that depict her with wisps of hair showing; very vulgar; they want to present a sensual image, like in the Renassance period. The crowns are present on the metal covering over the original icon. The other icons are not of the Theotokos, so they don't support your statement.

Where is this arguement that you mentioned? Is it on the Cafe?

You really should educate yourself before making such brash statements.

Don't use Western icons for your examples because they have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

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Post by Ekaterina »

Yes, there was such a discussion....I'll try and find it when I have the time ....and all of these were found on Pravolsavie.ru under ther calendar listings. But then that probably doesn't mean anything to y'all as many of you consider that a heretical and condemned sight too!

And my my aren't we condemning so early in holy week.


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Post by Ekaterina »

Fr Mark wrote:

Out of the 7 images you have posted I would only use 2 in my home icon corner. The others are quite a stretch to call them Holy Icons, though this is my simple, unlearned opinion.

Father, icons are frequently a matter of preference, however, that does not negate the ones we don't like. All these icons were used by the Russian Orthodox church since the 18th century.

As to the reason for this "excersize". There are many who state unequivocally that there are no icons with the heads of women uncovered, this proves them wrong. Also the icon of the Theotokos with the crown is a later addition like a risa, she was originally crownless.

Joasia wrote:

Where is this arguement that you mentioned? Is it on the Cafe?

You really should educate yourself before making such brash statements.

Perhaps you should browse the archives more often. My sister who has been posting on this site since 2002 tells me there are probably 3-4 conversations scattered over time in the old files.

Don't use Western icons for your examples because they have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Perhaps you need to study 18th century iconography in the Orthodox church.

It must be really hard to be so sure of yourself, personally I try to avoid that, it helps keep me humble.


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Post by GOCTheophan »

Ekaterina wrote:

Father, icons are frequently a matter of preference, however, that does not negate the ones we don't like. All these icons were used by the Russian Orthodox church since the 18th century.


I am speaking as someone quite fond of many Western style Icons.

Icons maybe frequently a matter of preference but they are not always so. There is a strict theological science behind how Icons are or should be put together, strict rules about how someone should pray and fast before attempting to write one. Yes there are different styles of Iconography but they are not all theologically equal. Some indeed maybe theologically dangerous.

The Orthodox Church in Russia began to be corrupted by foreign influences in the 18 th century, a century which also saw the almost complete destruction of the truelly ascetic life in Russia which is the basis of Iconography. Therefore that someone would be doubtful as to whether these type of Icons express the mind of the Church is surely understandable.


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