Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Pravoslavnik »


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 I am certainly no apologist for Zionism and Israel, but you surely don't imagine that the Israeli Mossad bombed the Jewish synagogue in Taksim Square in 2001, or fire-bombed the Phanar in 1999, do you?  Or that the Mossad murdered a group of Coptic Christians in cold blood following the divine liturgy for the Nativity of the Lord in Egypt on January 7, 2010?  There is an excellent website called that you should study.  It keeps a running log of the routine murders of non-Moslems by Moslems throughout the world today.  Most of the victims of these Moslem jihadists are Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Hindus, and Jews.

 Do you realize that the bombings and mass shootings in Mumbai, Fort Hood, Texas-- and the recent attempted bombings in Times Square-- were all perpetrated by devout Moslems?
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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Catherine5 »

Prav, many of those events have been highly questioned by OBJECTIVE analysts.
What people outside the region of the Middle East up to India do NOT realize is that Mossad and RAW, the Indian intelligence, work hand in glove together and most Muslims consider that violent deeds have OFTEN - it cannot be proven either way - been perpetrated by such operations of Mossad and/or RAW. The object?
Again, to stir up irrational hatred and fear of Muslims. Muslims in Pakistan happen to be India's worry; Muslims around the world are Israel's only threat. Hence, a convenient partnership.

I was searching around just now and found this video which fits the theme of Memorial Day perfectly.
Though it begins with facts that readers already are aware, keep watching for much is explained.
The video features a former US Representative of whom I had never heard, but he does a creditable job of explaining WHY Israel is such a threat to the U.S. and its security.
Apparently this man is looking at running for President and believe me, there would be no fear of Obama as Antichrist were someone who tells the truth like this to be elected. Adios forever, Obama, should the American people wake up in time: God Willing!!!

One excellent point brought out here is how Christian priests are SPIT upon by israelis - perhaps fanatics, but there is such undeniable persecution of Christians who are NOT pro-Israel evangelicals on the territory of this state that it's APPALLING !

Why aren't we raising our voices in these blogs about THAT?

I was raked over the coals by Israeli airport officials checking passengers for my -- not the Jewish state's el al, but TWA, an American airline with nearly all American passengers -- flight. They pulled out my Russian icons purchased in the Jerusalem bazaar one by one and laughed derisively at them, showing them to other officials as though objects of evil. I have NEVER forgotten either that scene or the extensive harassment they put me through.

Then upon return I saw these lying ads about Come to Friendly Israel...which are still all over the place. As though Israel is an ally of Christians.
They aren't, just Arch-Deceivers of them.

Whereas, when leaving Russia, the frowning, sour-looking customs agent actually gave me a happy smile with eyebrows raised in pleased surprise when she flipped through my passport and saw my "Synaxis of All Saints of Rostov" stapled into the back. I had kept it there for the entire trip and always felt uplifted seeing it. Apparently, she did too. What a contrast.

Why haven't people on here targeted this problem of hatred for Christians wishing to visit holy sites in Palestine - I heard Orthodox clergymen talking about having had the exact same experience at Ben Gurion airport customs. They were wearing their cassocks but were still roughhoused. You don't care??

A mysterious silence reigns regarding Jewish/Israeli problems - where too many Orthodox fingers rush to point at much lesser offenses and offenders. Let's be aware of who has something to gain from so many crises, as well as who has extensive capabilities to mount such false flag attacks.
The hijackers of 9-11 were NOT REMOTELY devout Muslims. They were probably Israeli hirelings. Muslims would never go out to a bar or chase women on the night before their sacred duty = NEVER! See how scarce understanding of the mentality of Muslims can skew political attitudes so easily. Jihad Watch takes advantage of this ignorance, beyond a doubt.

Furthermore, an American author knew a few of the hijackers at their flight school in Arizona. He said they were not AT ALL Islamic, in fact, very worldly. But of course, the media would never pick up HIS remarks, going against the U.S. government 'party line' concocted to enable the invasions of first Afghanistan, then Iraq and now being worked on to beat the war drums against Iran and others.

The video below makes some reasonable points -- and contains concrete reasons why we all must sit up and be aware of what Israeli officials almost boast to have up their sleeves: the exact trouble to which I referred earlier today.

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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Catherine5 »

Prav, please expand your narrow horizon, and realize that Americans who are alert are aware of the false flag operations.
Here's something I found at random written by a former US military woman, please think about what she says based on HER area of experience.
[Unusually, she is ALSO from Louisiana.]
I disagree with some things she writes, such as about NATO vis a vis the Russians. But she raises a good point regarding its obligation to defend member nations when attacked.

This is a down to earth set of thoughts, written without polish or intellectual veneer.
In fact, exactly what the U.S. needs much more of: plain old truths from average people.
NOT slick American news shows forcing a one-sided opinion on listeners. All the SAME one-sided opinion, too, strangely enough...

"It may come as a surprise to many, but this veteran usually doesn’t celebrate Memorial Day, at least not like I previously celebrated it. I spent six years in the air force as a Russian linguist and intelligence analyst after doing a brief stint with Army ROTC at Marion Military Institute in Marion, Alabama, at the age of 17. My last air force assignment was at the National Security Agency headquarters at Fort Meade, MD, an assignment of which I had been so proud, and really, still am. Many Americans naturally assume that after having spent such an amount of time dedicated to my country that I would be surrounded by friends, flying American flags... eating, and being merry. However, that is not the case these days, and it hasn’t been for some time. Memorial Day for me has become a day of reflection and solitude.

Memorial Day is an awkward day for me, because it is a solemn reminder of what my life used to be like. It is a reminder of the life that I lived before I realized that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are based on many lies. It is a reminder of the life I lived before I chose to voice such opinions. It is an even more painful reminder of the life I lived before I learned that the attacks of 9-11 were carried out with the assistance of my own government and the security apparatuses of so-called allied nations, namely Israel. Memorial Day is usually a quiet day for me living in the countryside of Louisiana, a place I escaped to after having been a post-service anti-war activist with IVAW and VFP in Washington DC.

I was awake in the early morning hours as the news first began breaking that something had gone wrong. Information began pouring out on the internet that the Gaza flotilla had been attacked, but the death tolls were all different. I stayed online for hours and continuously monitored news from all over the world for the latest information.

I can report that the Western media were the last to begin reporting. Long after the story had broken all over the world did CNN only begin to report, and even then, it did not make the front page of their website. Sky News and BBC also trailed in their coverage of the attack. At 2:30 pm today STRATFOR, a subscription-based online publication which spews disinformation for the CIA, sent via email their latest pro-Israel, neo-con diatribe regarding the international incident. It is written by George Friedman and titled “Flotillas and Wars of Public Opinion”. However, this particular false “intelligence” is free, of course, and STRATFOR urges everyone to freely distribute it. How thoughtful, STRATFOR. Happy Memorial Day to you too.

I am once again monitoring the internet for the latest information about the Israeli assault and the international community’s reaction. I have been extremely worried about a friend, retired Colonel Ann Wright, who was aboard the Turkish-flagged ship. Other members of the Gaza flotilla include former Ambassador Edward Peck, current Kuwaiti and Malaysian politicians, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, a Holocaust survivor, and journalists from all over the world. It is being reported that most of those killed were Turkish nationals.

What I would like to sarcastically say is “Israel, you have really done it now.” But, have they? Yes, have they truly crossed the Rubicon this time? I am frustrated that this remains to be seen. Israel has gotten away with so much in the past, why should this be any different? Will the fact that their assault involved so many citizens from other countries be a decisive factor?

On this Memorial Day, I find myself asking questions about NATO. What purpose does this outfit really serve these days? Is it just a provocation to the Russians like they claim? Is it really a military alliance that will defend member nations in the event of an assault? How will you respond to the murder of many Turkish nationals in international waters, NATO?

As far as the UN is concerned, I see online reports in which journalists at the UN are asking for Susan Rice. Where is the United States’ top representative for the UN today? France and the UK have their top representatives present, and many representatives are speaking to the media. Susan Rice, where are you? The session ended at 4:30pm, and she was supposed to have issued a statement. I guess she is doing other things. Maybe she is busy coordinating her statements with Rahm Emanuel or Daniel Carmon. Maybe she is busy buying shoes like Condoleezza Rice was doing during Hurricane Katrina.

The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla is just as nasty as the oil that is spewing into the Gulf of Mexico along the Southern border of my home state. I remember fishing in the Gulf as a child. I remember eating the best oysters at restaurants in Grand Isle, Louisiana. I guess I will not be doing that anymore either.

While BP continues to cover up the seriousness of the oil spill, Israel is busy trying to impose a media blackout on information regarding the flotilla. Before the blackout really began, Israel had the audacity to issue a statement that they had not attacked anybody. Really? I guess my fellow activists shot themselves. BP and Israel have a lot in common. I wonder if they have some of the same public relations consultants.

I do know one thing. If my friend Ann Wright makes it back to the US, she will not be silent about what she saw on the Mavi Marmara. There will be no public relations firm that can attack her credibility or stop her from speaking. On this Memorial Day, I await news of her, and I pray for the civilians who were attacked by Israel like the American servicemen aboard the USS Liberty were attacked."

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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Catherine5 »

Here's one small part of the DARK TRUTH about how depraved so many average Americans - - - I'm not speaking here of Orthodox Christians, but I feel by so clearly siding WITH Israel and the bedrock of Judeo-Christian 'solidarity' in their intense antipathy for anyone else but themselves, especially beating up on Muslims running after the common crowd of American prejudice - - - have become.
With no moral compass, a fearful number of Americans have descended into unbelievable depths of satanic possession.

Normally myself I would not post something so awful.
But I think some readers need to think very deeply about where they really stand and what is truly right.
What would most Westernized men feel if this happened to YOUR mothers or sisters or daughters? Would they care? Most Americans seem to have no feeling for those in their life, as though their hearts have nothing in them; no ability to FEEL FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Well the news is that Middle Easterners dearly love and defend their families. They will defend a foreign woman - yes, absolutely a Christian, too - at the drop of a hat. Without even thinking twice, because they know their role as men: to defend women.

Not only has no Orthodox man here on this site - or in real life - EVER ONCE stepped forward to defend me in any way whether from physical or verbal attack.

I watched even a former US military intelligence ROCOR parishioner shake with fear of a Soviet emigre WOMAN who had that nasty, bossy way of pushing around for evil purposes.
Supposedly there to guard me, he buckled, cowered and fled. A traditional - I don't mean Americanized - Muslim man would never have been intimidated, AND would have fought on my behalf with the rather frightening woman until sure I would be safe. Only then would he courteously take leave.
Furthermore I have numerous stories of brave men standing up against dreaded, ruthless security services on my behalf. They risked everything to ensure my safety alone. There was no possible personal gain for them. They simply did the right thing in PROTECTING a woman and a foreigner. I will always be grateful for this extreme bravery.

However, I have never had one Orthodox gentleman even treat me as a lady. Instead, they have adopted the rough, crude ways of countries such as the U.S. American men are devoid of chivalry. American women with no sense of their feminity are at fault too for discouraging this -- instead becoming demanding, angry, aggressive toward men, as too many modern American women are. The whole dynamic is enough to dissolve families so no wonder there are so many single mothers in the US and Europe!

In general, many Christians consider themselves automatic exemplary human beings. This doesn't work: you have to earn praise, not rest on the laurels of OR mask your imperfections behind membership in a religious group: "I'm Orthodox, so that means I'm fantastic! I don't have any faults: but everybody else does for sure!"

I'm writing this introduction because I want people to really think over what is important in life.
Think about making positive changes instead of striking out at Muslims to divert blame and attention for one's own deficiencies. So many American christians and atheists do this reflexively. There is no ability to shoulder responsibility or to search INSIDE one's own self. Isn't that what Orthodoxy is supposed to be about? The interior work on one's soul ?

Let's see some actual RESULTS! Not endless talk - but REAL compassion for others.

The same lack of reverence for women exists too much in Russia as well. But ancient cultures of the Middle East have it imbued in them. The former Iraqi general - now in exile like millions, solely due to the American takeover of Iraq - who posted these 2 blurbs was SO furious that his countrywomen had been so cruelly treated by American invaders. It's a credit to him that he cares so much ! It feels like the average American man would shrug, oh too bad and go back his baseball game on TV. He can't even FEEL any more. I don't see any difference in this respect to Orthodox faithful. Why don't they CARE about the pain of others? Why are spiritual fathers NOT inculcating this most basic of all human virtues: CARING for others. Isn't Christianity supposed to be centred on caring for one's neighbor ?? Why has it inherited the Jewish meanness toward others beyond the narrow limits of their own little group.

What I'm asking is for Orthodox and other readers to separate themselves off from the pollution which swirls around so many Americans and those of Western countries. Don't persecute people who try to hold on to admirable values: notice the powerful words here about how Muslim women cherish viriginity - isn't this exactly what all the Orthodox elders tell us? How many American women can one find who think like this?

WHY are you people here mocking Muslims so brutally, especially when you know NOTHING whatsoever about what type of people they are??? Why not turn anger where it belongs: devils in Hollywood propagating violence, abuse of all types as "cool", disgusting books hailed as "literature" pushed on readers everywhere, libraries included, etc. And the heavy Jewish cultural influence in the U.S. which pushes cheapness and appalling immorality 24 hours a day to pull down the - unguarded by the Mother of God, their Saintly protectors and Guardian Angels due to lack of prayer or belief in Heaven - into this mindless and callous behavior which in extremes, leads to such shocking, tragic tales as these.

By the way, Afghan society is even more focused on the honor of women, it's one of the 3 pillars of the Pashtun code.
Therefore, stories will be even slower to emerge from the American war in Afghanistan. For sure it has happened there as well. to be very honest, I don't know if even the Red Army was so brutal in THIS particular regard as American military personnel have been revealed to be.
These articles show WHY the entire government and military are lying through their teeth to us, the public across the board.
But especially in perpetuating the notion that the US is invading so it can "bring freedom" to a 'benighted people'.

Well, so THIS is how they are "enhancing the role of women in these 'backward' societies" ? This is how they are 'liberating women" - ? Read on if you dare to :

Human rights groups: Iraqi women raped at Abu Ghraib jail

Closed nature of Iraqi society made claims difficult to verify, women prefer to die rather than talk.

By Rouba Kabbara – BAGHDAD
Iraqi women who were held at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad have complained of rape by both US and Iraqi jailers, according to human rights groups citing alleged victims.

Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, chief military spokesman for the US-led coalition in Iraq, told AFP the prisons department was "unaware of any such reports at Abu Ghraib," and the cases were not confirmed first-hand by AFP.

...Iman Khamas, head of the International Occupation Watch Center, a non-governmental organisation which gathers information on human rights abuses under coalition rule, said one former detainee had recounted the alleged rape of her cellmate in Abu Ghraib.

According to Khamas, the prisoner said her cellmate had been rendered unconscious for 48 hours. "She claimed she had been raped 17 times in one day by Iraqi police in the presence of American soldiers."

Mohammed Daham al-Mohammed said the Iraqi group he heads, the Union of Detainees and Prisoners, had been told of a mother of four, arrested in December, who killed herself after being raped by US guards in front of her husband at Abu Ghraib.

The account came from the woman's sister who said she had helped in the suicide.

According to the sister, the woman had told of "being taken into a cell where she saw her husband attached to the bars.

"An American soldier held her by the hair to force her to look at her husband while he stripped her," Mohammed said.

She was then raped. After her release the woman had begged her sister to help her die so she would not have to face her husband when he was freed.

One former male prisoner, Amer Abu Durayid, 30, who was released from Abu Ghraib on May 13, told AFP he had seen women being taken into a room. "They had to pass in front of our tent and cried out, 'Find a way to kill us'" he said.

Human rights groups point out that in a conservative society like Iraq women feel that rape dishonours their whole family.

"A woman would prefer to die," Khamas said.

She added that one single woman, an economics teacher, had whispered her story of being raped at Abu Ghraib in Khamas's ear, even though there was no one else in the room.

"The next day, she came back with her brother and asked me to tear up her statement [out of fear of reprisals apparently]," Khamas said.

Iraqi Woman Recalls Abu Ghraib Rape Ordeal -

CAIRO, July 21 – The rape ordeal she suffered at the hands of US soldiers, both males and females, in the notorious Abu Gharib prison will continue to haunt Nadia for the rest of her life.

Though freed now, she is "imprisoned" in painful memories that left her psychologically and physically scarred, paying the price of the brutality and sadism of her American jailers.

Nadia, the name given by a freed Iraqi female prisoner to Al-Wasat, a weekly supplement of the respectable London-based Al-Hayat newspaper, felt it incumbent upon herself to speak out and expose the less-talked-about abuse of female prisoners in US-run detention camps across Iraq.

Her visit to a relative ended up in her detention by American troops, who stormed the home under the preferable excuse of "searching for weapons".

"I tried in vain to convince the impeded interpreter I was a guest, but I lost consciousness to find myself later in a dingy dark cell all by myself," Nadia recalled.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, she told the paper how she was stripped by her "liberators" of the most precious thing an Arab and Muslim women can have: Her virginity.

"Fear ran through me when I saw US soldiers laughing hysterically with a female solider telling me mockingly in an Arabic accent ‘I never heard about female arms dealer in Iraq’," Nadia said.

"As I tried hard to explain to her that I was wrongly rounded up, the female soldier started accosting and kicking me with my cries and pleas falling on dead ears."

She went on: "She gave me a cup of water [drugged, obviously] and no sooner had I started sipping it than I went into a deep trance to find myself later naked and raped."

‘Like Animals’

Only then Nadia realized that hard times and an uncertain fate were lying ahead.

And days proved her right. The other day, five soldiers fondled and raped her one after another in a distasteful sex orgy on the tunes of culturally offensive [offensive to Muslims and Middle Easterners, they mean] heavy metal music.

"One month later, a soldier showed up and told me in broken Arabic to take a shower. And before finishing my bath, he kicked the door open. I slapped him but he raped me like animals and called two of his colleagues, who forced me to have sex with them," added Nadia.

"Four months later, the female soldier came along with four male soldiers with a digital camera. She stripped me naked and started fondling me as if she was a man while her male colleagues broke into laughter and started taking photos.

"Reluctant as I was, she fired four shots close to my head and threatened to kill me if I resist. Then, four soldiers raped me sadistically and I lost conscience. Later, she forced me to watch a clip of my raping, saying bluntly: ‘You were born to give us pleasure’."

Nadia was set free from the US hell in Abu Gharib after spending up to six months there.

The American soldiers dumped her along the highway of Abu Gharib and gave her a meager of 10,000 dinars to "start a new life"..(equal to 5 dollars.)

Too ashamed to return home, she now works as a housemaid for an Iraqi family.

Britain’s mass-circulation The Guardian revealed on May 12 that US soldiers in Iraq have sexually humiliated and abused several Iraqi female detainees in Abu Gharib.

...In a damning report presented to the administration in February, before the outbreak of the [abuse of Iraqis by Americans at that prison] scandal, US Major General Antonio Taguba found numerous "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" at the prison complex."

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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Pravoslavnik »


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With all due respect, you have a great deal to learn about Americans, and about some of your fellow Orthodox Christians.  For example, please read my old St. Euphrosynos Cafe commentary on the subject of the Iraq War (per the link below.)  Don't assume that all Americans, especially Orthodox Christians, simply watch television and get their opinions about world affairs-- including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict-- from mainstream American media.

 As for your comments about Americans lacking basic courage and moral convictions, it is utterly absurd.  My father fought in the U.S. 753rd Tank Battalion in multiple major battles in World War II-- including the bloody Battle of San Pietro, where many of the tanks in his battalion were blown up by German artillery.  He also fought at Monte Casino, then in the Rhone Valley to Strasbourg, finishing the war in Bavaria.  His tank battalion lost over 80% of their original men during the course of World War II.  He was the kind of man who respected people of all cultures, and would stop and help someone if their car broke down on a country road.

  Most Soviet-era Russians know almost nothing about America's involvement in WWII and the eventual formation of NATO as an alliance against the disastrous Soviet occupation of eastern Europe.  While I am no apologist for modern American militarism and corporate greed, I certainly believe that America did the right thing in WWII, and in occupied Western Europe after WWII.  However, I strongly disagreed with NATO's support for the Kosovo Liberation Army (an Islamic jihadist organization funded by Osama Bin Laden), bombing of Serbia, and with the recent belligerent attitude of NATO toward the Russian Federation during the Bush-Cheney years.

   Finally, your concept of Islam-- both theological and historical-- is grossly flawed.  You obviously need to study the scriptures of the Sunna and the terrible history of Islamic jihad throughout the world-- especially in the Orthodox Christian world of the former Byzantine Empire.  One can certainly decry the anti-Christian Satanism of Islam without approving of the anti-Christian Israelis.. ... f=6&t=8634

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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Catherine5 »

I was speaking of the general public only receiving their impressions of the world and America's wars from the heavily censored American TV stations.
I trust that Orthodox Christians are smarter than that.
But the area where they are weakest is this.
That's why I am trying to present much more accurate pictures, based not on writings of some weirdos, but my own direct experience in traveling in their countries.
I am surprised at this mind-set of total lack of curiosity. If YOU, Prav, had traveled so extensively all over the Middle East and were confiding experiences, I would be pelting YOU with questions.
No one cares at all here about what are the realities.
You keep at your same arguments over and over without even responding significantly to my most important points.
You didn't answer about Meryemana, either...
You pick and choose a couple of angels that suit you only.

I will address what you brought up about WW II.
I had just been thinking myself this afternoon about how it was a mistake to automatically run to fight against Hitler ON THE SIDE OF THE SOVIET UNION.
Why was this so speedily done before any American analysts or public had time to weigh the questions carefully?
I NEVER would contest the caliber of our soldiers who were incredible as far I understand, in their WW II effort.
Not only courageous, they were KIND men who helped the suffering civilians and thus were remembered with much gratitude by starving French and Germans and others probably too.
All praise goes to them.
They were just obeying their orders, it was not their place to question who was the real enemy.
My impression is that it would have been better to stay out entirely than to allow this close relationship between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin to DEVIL-op the way it did into the drastic betrayal of Roosevelt's ceding of Eastern and Central European countries to Stalin's iron grip. I wouldn't visit Livadia for that very reason. I avoided the building due to the tragic Yalta Conference held there which ruined the lives of so many millions. I avoid even driving on any street named Roosevelt if I can ! He was an enemy of the Light of God, so I will never kowtow in any way just because Americans have been brainwashed for decades about how he was a --- hmn, what term? Savior...speaking of overrated American presidents who worked or work for the dark.

There were other unconscionable decisions made by British and American leaders, such as the UNBELIEVABLE sending back to Russia of large numbers of Russian Cossacks from Linz in Austria.
These examples of abject American placation of Stalin really make you wonder about WW II and the dark forces entwined with it which got to even American and British commanders.

I bet Hitler would have run out of steam because GOD would have arranged it thus. The US got dragged in, just like the trick about the Pearl Harbor bombing to pull the US into the war in the Pacific. In short, it was not in the US's best interests at all to join.
This does not mean individual military men were lacking = they did their very best.
However! Compare that generation with the generation today, and we see an entirely different picture.
All foreigners who dare raise their voices against the U.S.' very cruel occupations of completely non-combatant countries due to a whim of the Devil, agree on the following. They say that US forces are ignorant, unwilling to even speak to locals, let alone make friends with them because of looking down on them in this same way that is - unfortunately - built into particularly American but also European - racist attitudes toward anybody else but themselves.
Observers also frequently complain that the US military has hidden mostly behind its super hi tech weaponry. In a face to face combat, who would win? Those who are fiercely defending their OWN beloved soil - AND THEIR BELOVED WIVES AND THEIR DEAR CHiLDREN.

Not kids who barely have a clue as to what they're supposed to be doing in the country. [Read up on the horrible and rising incidence of psychoses and an array of mental illnesses in American troops - also the ever-increasing suicide rate in the Army.
This is not publicized, but statistics are not difficult to find especially for scientists, so evaluate this trend and draw your own conclusions.]

The use of the Predator "drones' is considered the most despicable of all. Americans are scathingly hated by all those who know about this sordid operation.

I happened to read a drone operator's remark to a reporter, Lara Marlowe. He bragged in these approximate words: "With the drone, I can kill anyone I want-- anywhere I want.
"This is the "sexiest" == HUH??? Why always violence and sex together in the American popular mentality ? Other peoples don't think on this primitive, base plane like people in this country have descended in the post WW II decades = = program that we have in the military."

No wonder that many Middle Easterners disparage Americans as UTTER cowards and almost thugs, for this is what they have witnessed themselves.

Americans have changed from the earlier generation which was victorious in WW II.
Look at pictures of St John Maximovitch with a US general from the early 1950s. The latter looks noble, caring, and has light in his heart or soul.
Switch your eyes then to "Petraeus" - also known to those who see through this entire "war effort" as Betray US - i.e. a sellout to Israel and other foreign interests. Look at his repellent face and manner. Same with all the other top American commanders on the scene. It's frightening, but the devil got a hold of them due to their lack of spirituality-- and/or general weakness. The Achilles heel of one may be alcoholism or another some other vice. And the simple lack of ability to bend their knees and beseech God for HIS orders. Not a poor excuse for a president's ones. Nor a computer's cold calculations about human lives.

Perhaps these men figure the vaunted American technology will do every single thing for them. Who needs God when there are "sexy killers" - aptly named Predator Drones - to kill tons of civilians without anybody even seeing or calling you to account for their lives ??
Due to this mentality and much else on the invisible planes, the grip of demons is very evident in the visages of the U.S. military brass .
It's quite a different world, Prav, than your father's, and many of ours. They served honorably and did their best with what they knew at the time.
P.S. - one reason was the coming into existence of israel which simply ruined the US from SO many angles.

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Re: Is Barak Obama the Antichrist?

Post by Pravoslavnik »

Well, Catherine, I agree with you about the declining moral sensibility of the modern American military. There is an arrogance and cold-blooded ruthlessness which seems to have developed hand-in-hand with the evolution of our high-tech warfare, drones, and cruise-guided missles. I do not know enough about our military to have more than a general impression of this problem. High-tech militarism IS glorified by the American media-- and many military-minded American young people are also playing violent video games based on high-tech warfare and weaponry. An abomination! And many of our war veterans are now committing suicide!

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 Frankly, I don't see how America's reckless militarism can result in anything but our own eventual destruction.  "He who lives by the sword (drone, cruise missle, etc.) will surely die by the sword.  For that matter, I do not believe that the Lord can look with much favor on the many Godless abominations of our post-Christian American society.   Our sins are as many as the sands of the sea, and there is so little true Orthodox faith remaining in the world.

   To this, I can only say, "Maranatha, Adonai."  "Have mercy on us, and save us from this adulterous generation..."
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