Prayer updates requested

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Prayer updates requested

Post by Chrysostomos »

I am hoping that someone could give me an update on
the following individuals that have requested prayer.

Subdeacon Cyril of Yokohama Japan - suffering with

Peter Nelson - suffering from Cancer. I believe his
son, Elijah requested prayer.

I have been keeping them in my daily prayers and was
wondering if anyone has heard any updates?

Also, Seraphim Reeves, I continue to keep you, your
wife and family in my prayers. Please pray for me
as well.

With bow,

Reader Chrysostomos

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Re: Prayer updates requested

Post by Savva24 »

Chrysostomos wrote:

I am hoping that someone could give me an update on
the following individuals that have requested prayer.

Subdeacon Cyril of Yokohama Japan - suffering with

Dear Chrysostomos,

I can't thank you enough for your continual prayers for my friend Subdeacon Cyril. Unfortunatly his condition has not improved. He remains in the hospital and still suffers. Please continue your prayers for him, his wife and three small children. However, I have recently seen some new additions to his website though, some translations into Japanese of some Akathists and other things, so he is still finds the time to work for the Church even in his sufferings, which means he is not totally out of commission. I will write more (hopefully good) news when I here it.

You can take a look at his site here (all in Japanese however...):

Thank you again for your kind prayers.

In Christ,

Nicholas (Savva)

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Seraphim Reeves
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Thank you, Chrysostomos

Post by Seraphim Reeves »

Thank you for remembering me and my family; I feel unworthy of anyone's help, which makes it all the more appreciated.

My situation has not changed much. My wife has her good days, she has her bad days. My immediate family (brother, parents) are still die hard Roman Catholic traditionalists, and somewhat puzzeled about just what I'm doing with myself as of this time. My brother is a seminarian with the SSPX, and quite contemptuous of my religious/philsophical views (to a degree I don't blame him - I've not given a very good witness of these views in my personal life, and he certainly knows me better than most). My last surviving grandparent (a grandmother in Peru) is still alive and kicking, though like many in that part of the world (particularly in rural areas), thoroughly unchurched and basically still half pagan (to refer to South America as being "Roman Catholic" is a half truth, unless one is to believe Roman Catholicism to be half pagan.) I love her dearly, and she is a sweet woman (she's practically 100% indian, from the Andes), but I do worry about her (temporally, but more so spiritually.)

I still loath my job, though I know things could be much, much worse in that department. I still have to get my wife's immigration situation worked out as well, which is going to be a very taxing and costly undertaking.

Update complete. :)


Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

Praying :)

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