Small Prayer Request

Justin Kissel

Small Prayer Request

Post by Justin Kissel »

For the past week and a half my wife and I have been having some minor health problems. We get headaches every day (sometimes more than once a day), and my wife has had more stomach aches than normal, and also has required more sleep of late than she normally does. I wouldn't be posting about this except that I find it odd that we are both getting headaches daily (this has been going on for at least a week and a half now). I'm hoping it's just some wierd coincidence, but I also worry somewhat that there might be some type of foreign gas or something (perhaps leaking from somewhere below us) that is causing our symptoms. My suspicions (paranoia?) got so bad last night that I literally put my clothes on and took a pillow and went out to the car to sleep for a bit just so I could have some "fresh air". If you could, please say a prayer for our well-being, that it is nothing serious--for we are far from salvation and I shudder to think what would happen if one of us were to die at this point (and I know that that might sound extreme, but many people do die each year from unknown gasses that they breathe in their own homes).

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Post by Jakub »


Keep some windows open for ventilation and check the plumbing traps in the house, if they don't retain water odor/gas will come into the house. The trap is that S/elbow shaped pipe under your sinks, there are some in showers and baths too.


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Post by rebecca »

Do you find that you feel better when you're out of the house? You should have your house tested as soon as possible. Sounds like the symptoms of CO poisoning.

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

This could be a serious problem, I think it is free for the gas company to come check for leaks. Might want to get a carbon monoxide detector too. You have our prayers!

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »

Thank you all for your prayers and concern! :) We do have a CO detector, so we are relatively sure that it's not that (oddly enough, it went off about a month ago because there was a leak, but it's not going off at all now). I'm hoping that it's just a coincidence (it could be, there are other possible explanations for both of us).. but we will indeed be careful, and if it continues more than a few more days, we are going to see about getting things checked out.

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Post by Seraphim Reeves »


How long have you lived at this residence? I know you moved not too long ago, I'm just wondering how long. Is the place that old? I only ask, because in some older houses/buildings there is either old lead paint still up on the walls (or thinly buried under newer paint), or other nasty contaminants left over from the "good old days" which are no longer on the market. Even if you've been there awhile, it is possibl that these things have taken time to build up in your body, before they start causing an intolerant reaction on your (and your wife's) part. What hapens apparently, is these things will build up in your body, until they reach a threshold - after that point, your body will say "enough, already!" and contact with the substance in question will cause a bad reaction.

I really hope writing this isn't going to feed paranoid delusions or anything - it's just something to think about if these problems don't go away, and you don't find any other likely explanation.


Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »


We've been staying here for a few months, though I don't think this place is that old. We live in a suburb of Pittsburgh and most of the places around here seem like fairly new (70's or later) buildings. Thankfully, we are soon going to be moving to a more permanent location. I hope. :| :)

The headaches seem to have eased for me, as well, and my wife hasn't had some of the other problems she was having :) /\

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