transformed by the spirit

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transformed by the spirit

Post by Liudmilla »

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 2:9-3:8 Gospel: St. Matthew13:31-36

Transformed by the Spirit: 1 Corinthians 2:9-3:8, especially vss. 2:12, 13:

"...the things that have been freely given to us by God, these things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual." The Apostle presents us - both the Corinthians and we who read his words today - with a challenge to examine ourselves. Have we capitulated to the "natural" tendency (vs. 2:14) to "behave like mere men" (vs. 3:3)? The Corinthians fully demonstrated the reality of this "natural" state in their lives, as St. Paul notes. Hence, he speaks of their "envy, strife, and divisions." Then, he asks them to face the obvious conclusion: "...are you not carnal?" (vs. 3:4).
What of us? Have we been free of every trace of envy and strife? Have we never taken sides nor contributed to divisions in our communities? Beloved, if we are to grow in Christ, these things cannot be. Today, the Apostle exposes the contradiction of continuing to yield to the "natural" tendencies in us after becoming recipients of the "deep things of God" (vs. 2:10).
The Apostle begins by reminding us of the wondrous realities which "God has prepared for those who love Him" (vs. 2:9). Then he points out that we received the Holy Spirit when we became Christians. To what end was the Spirit given? He came that "we might know [those] things that have been freely given to us by God" through Christ (vs. 2:12). God not only gives us life in Christ, but He also gives what is essential for living that new life - His own Holy Spirit.
By the Spirit we can continue growing in Christ (vs. 2:12). We have a Teacher "within" us, if we will heed Him, One Who is inaccessible to the "natural man" (2:14). The possibility of real, personal transformation is ours. We do not have to continue acting like "the natural man [who] does not receive the things of the Spirit of God" (vs. 2:14). Not at all! We have the Holy Spirit to instruct us, and, therefore, we have access directly to "the mind of Christ" (vs. 2:16).
This possibility of transformation became ours when we received the fullness of the Christian Mystery in Baptism and Chrismation, and the gift may be renewed by repentance, confession, and the receiving of the Holy Gifts. In Baptism we were joined to Christ, freely given the grace of His forgiveness and His new life. In Chrismation we were sealed with the Holy Spirit so that we might be capable of spiritual discernment (vs. 2:14). The Spirit indwells us to work in and through our spirits, to illumine our hearts, to instruct us in the mind of Christ.
As the Holy Spirit discloses the things of God to us, we are enabled to face situations spiritually, "comparing spiritual things with spiritual" (vs.2:13). Also, our bond to Christ through the Holy Spirit may be renewed over and over as we confess our sins and receive the Holy Gifts of Christ Himself. Even if we act "carnally" like babes and behave "like mere men" (vs. 3:3), all does not need to be lost if we will, through tears, confession, and repentance, re-enter the wonderful Holy Mystery and again be transformed by the indwelling Spirit of God.
The Apostle's appeal in this passage is to return again and again to "God Who gives the increase" (vs. 3:7). Let us stifle, resist, and defeat every tendency within our selves to use "words which man's wisdom teaches" (vs. 2:13). Rather, let us yearn for, and seek that which the Holy Spirit teaches – the transforming words of Christ - even when everyone around us believes the Lord's ways are "foolishness" (vs. 2:14). The Holy Orthodox Faith is not milk for infants who want to satisfy every "natural" inclination (vss. 2:14; 3:2). Let us receive the mature "solid food" which will transform and guide our words and actions by the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Free us, O Lord, from all carnal ways proceeding from the weakness of our old man, and so transform us in holiness by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may glorify Thee all our days.

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