Mt.Athos on NPR - women want to visit Athos

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Mt.Athos on NPR - women want to visit Athos

Post by CorpusChristi »

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Post by Kollyvas »

I wonder if npr will approach "infidels" wanting to visit mecca...

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Post by TomS »

Orthodox6 wrote:

..I identified myself as an Orthodox Christian woman, then stated calm facts buttressing WHY Mt. Athos is NOT a "woman's rights" issue...

They can file that email in the same folder as "I am a Muslim woman and I have to kep my dirty body covered (except for a little slit for me to see through).

They say that I am bad news. They say "Stay Away."

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Post by christine »

I am very saddend in hearing such a topic being discussed on's frustsrating isn't it when the world argues against the very thing it often proclaims to be all about..which is the TRUTH! and whats right or wrong! Being a woman doesn't give us the automatic right to do whatever we want! just like men have limits, we aren't automaticaly entitled to everything.
What about a women's retreat...? Shall we open our time to men just because they are men...It's like with children- just because one sibling happens to have something different than you doesn't give you the automatic right to have somthing just like it of your own. But really however we try to simpify it or explain it they will never understand because they have no foundation in our understanding of the matter. We understand Humanity different, we understand gender different, we understand wants and needs different- our lives and understanding is all around different. Alas-
But this too shall pass right!! And in the end All will know the truth..

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Post by TomS »

Women should be allowed to visit Mt. Athos. It's time for the boys to GROW UP.

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Post by Ekaterina »


Under other circumstances I might agree with you, BUT this is a monastic community....a MALE monastic community. I very firmly believe that women have no business there. That's even if you discount the fact that the Theotokos claimed the mountain for herself and commanded that women stay away. (I'm fairly certain that she had higher authority's approval to do so.) We live in a world that discounts the monastic life. But as Orthodox women we should be mindful of the temptations our presence in male monasteries presents. I for one have no wish to add that to my long list of things I have to answer for.

I do regret that I am not able to venerate some of the wonders that exist there, but God must have a reason and maybe someday he will let us know.


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