Patriarch Tikhon from (Translated by me)

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Patriarch Tikhon from (Translated by me)

Post by Methodius »

Patriarch Tikhon's matter SV Nachalo of the constraint of patriarch Tikhon's freedom SV began as early as 1919, but formal arrest and imprisonment first into monastyr', and then into the Moscow GPU - it took place in the fall of 1922 after metropolitan Veniamin's matter, when the following charges were produced for patriarch by the Soviet regime:1) patriarch prevented the rescuing of the lives of those perished from the hunger;2) patriarch sympathized to counterrevolutionary motion in the period of civil war and he supported with his authority of the appearance of foreign?kontr- revolutionary circles (in particular the political side of the activity of church cathedral of 1922 in Sremskikh Karlovtsakh, with T. NAZ.Karlovatskogo Cathedral). These charges were completely unsubstantiated and could not be in any way proved.On the contrary, even in the official press/printing in their time were reported the messages and the calls SV of patriarch Tikhon, of which undoubtedly appeared his hotter tendency to save those starving.The fundamental indifference to politics of patriarch Tikhon also to all was well known.Nevertheless, the Soviet regime arrested patriarch and it organized agitation among the dark masses and the scum of population for the carrying out everywhere of the resolutions, which require mortal sentence To pervosvyatitelyu of Russian orthodox church.Knowing the methods of?vozdeystviya?For the Soviet regime for the population (up to the tortures of children on the eyes of parents) - it is not necessary to be surprised so that such?rezolyutsii?they began in large quantities everywhere to appear.It suffices to give one example to this disgusting and vile?rezolyutsii?,in order to understand entire infamy of provocative government agitation against the sharpened patriarch. Thus, for instance, on behalf of the peasants Of the zagarskoy rural district (province it is not indicated) in?Izvestiyakh OF VCTscIcK ╨ - ALL-russian CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (1917-1936)╩?87 (1824) of 21 April, 1923, was printed this?rezolyutsiya?: the nonpartisan peasants Of zagarskoy rural district, after learning, which in the near future has to be the court trial of patriarch Tikhon, we declare, that it bloodsuckers in the cassock, counterrevolutionary cannibal... we require the central Soviet regime to carry out to bloodsucker patriarch Tikhona the severe and merciless measure of punishment?. After a number of such?trebovaniy from the population?,in?Izvestiyakh OF VCTscIcK ╨ - ALL-russian CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (1917-1936)╩?90 (1827), of 25 April, 1923, appears the following note:the?Massovye resolutions of clergy, which condemned patriarch even to the law court, and as the traitor of church, and as dissent-revolutionary- criminal, do serve as the best response/answer to white guard mongrels...? Appointed as attorney on business of patriarch Tikhon well-known communist Krylenko, being turned to the representatives of the province organizations, assembled into Moscow for the idea of?rezolyutsiy?these organizations, which require the carrying out of mortal sentence to patriarch, it stated to the gathering:of the citizen Of tikhona in our hands and you can be assured that we will not spare this class representative, which during the centuries suppressed Russian people and which, until now did not forego the thought about the fight with the sovereign will of the Russian proletariat.Soviet government solidly decided to answer these attempts by most energetic counterattack.It will be merciless and it will show/render no one of condescension.The proletariat must in whatever it began to be held down/retained on the conquered positions.At present one of the main stages of fight, which we conduct, is fight against the religious prejudices and the blind fanaticism of masses we they declared the war of religion, war to all religions, they such as were not such Russian people it must be freed from this last yoke?. Persecutions and pursuits of church by Soviet bogoborcheskoy authority yet were not the most terrible testing of believers.This testing began when in church itself appeared the motion, begun in priest- traitors Vvedenskim and Krasnitskim.This motion, by the name of?Zhivoy church?or?Obnovlenchestva?,after the arrest of patriarch it began to grow and rapidly to be extended on entire Soviet Russia. these were fruits sown even before the revolution liberal intelligentsia.Revolution perverted the hierarchy of spiritual values.Sacred formula of orthodox Russian autocratic people statehood -?Pravoslaviye, autocracy, national character?,with which people masses were held in control

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Not exactly...

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Another example of online translation software not exactly doing a complete and perfect job of translating a document! :D

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Post by Logos »

I agree Nicholas. Methodius, is there any way that you can clean up that translation?

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Post by bogoliubtsy »

My first post..and a rather boring one. I find it strange that an online translation service(I'm assuming that's what this is from) wouldn't be able to translate "Nachalo", but gives it in the English transliteration. Hmm...
"Prompts" online translator seems to work fairly well, if anyone is interested.

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