War Is Not Peace: the "fruit" of war

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War Is Not Peace: the "fruit" of war

Post by Michael000 »

the "fruit" of war

Jesus is the Prince of peace.

War is the opposite of peace.

By examining the "fruit" of war, we can see through the deception of the idea that war is either justified, or necessary. War is extreme darkness. War steals, kills, and destroys.

fruit inspection:

War produces: fear, violence, chaos, destruction, death, suffering, bloodshed, panic, disease, trauma, hunger, famine, misery, aggression, danger, hate, psychological damage, environmental contamination, hardship, casualties, failure of infrastructure, stress, worry, instability, torture, abuse, depravity, hostility, sadness, despair, displacement of population, depression, hopelessness...

This is negativity. darkness. harm.

And the effect that war inflicts upon the most helpless, and defenseless in society... (children / animals / the sick / the elderly)...

My prayer is that the world comes to realize the Truth about war. And that Truth comes from Jesus Christ. May there be war no more. And may peace sweep across this troubled planet.

In Jesus name I pray,



Last edited by Michael000 on Tue 24 August 2004 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lucian »

Peace will "sweep across this troubled planet" only after the Lord Jesus Christ sweeps in from heaven with His armies of angels and saints.

Until that time, as long as there are evil persons and nations out there, we will sometimes find it necessary to defend ourselves and our families.

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Post by TomS »

Lucian wrote:

..as long as there are evil persons and nations out there, we will sometimes find it necessary to defend ourselves and our families.

Agreed. I have always believed that when Jesus told us to "turn the other cheek", he was referring to accepting insults and such nad forgiving those who insult and degrade us.

Not that we should allow someomne to run a sword through our gut.

Because is he meant that -- then that is what he would of said.

They say that I am bad news. They say "Stay Away."

Justin Kissel

Post by Justin Kissel »


It is strange that you mention the helpless and defenseless. Perhaps you would have preferred that we had never gone to war in Iraq? And then the rape rooms would still be opened? And Saddam would still be using chemical weapons on his own people? And chopping off limbs just as a show of power and to make people fear him? Perhaps you would not be so quick to condemn war if it was your mother or wife being raped, murdered, or having her arm or breast cut off? Perhaps you would not be so against the war if you were an Iraqi, and the police were torturing you, or exterminating thousands of your people? Is this not something to consider?


Personally, I think it depends on the individual. I believe that those who have reached the pinnacle of meekness and sanctity probably would take the passage to mean that we would let someone shove a sword through our gut. However, I would also agree that for most of us it is discussing insults and such. The passage (Matt. 5:39), after all, mentions being struck on the cheek, and not being attacked as one might be in war. Also, Jesus mentioned the right cheek, and since most men use their right hands (the hand of power and action), this striking would be a backhanded slap. It would be an insult, and not an outright, all-out attack.

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Post by Andreas »

If you want peace, you must wage war.

If you want love, you must hate.

If you want knowledge, you must never learn.

Good comes from evil, and evil comes from good.

It all makes sense, people.


Post by OrthodoxyOrDeath »


War is nothing new, it has been happening since the dawn of time and will continue to happen until its end. The trouble today is that the "love of many has grown cold", which is the love for Christ. If we really love Christ as He asked, with all of our hearts and all of our minds, then we will have averted many evils within our own lives, but most of all, we will be closer to being perfect men.

Another kind of love that has grown cold is the love for "your neighbor", the person you see in the store, your co-workers. Today people have more love for their dogs. If we can just love them as we should, why then, they would love us back as much; and if they can then also see the greater love we have for Christ, then we will help lead them to salvation. This is our goal: salvation, not peace in the world.

We are not called by Christ to prevent wars, such a cause would be totally useless.

Last edited by OrthodoxyOrDeath on Thu 22 July 2004 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by OrthodoxyOrDeath »


Anyone supporting the view that America went to war in Iraq to save lives and protect innocent people, must first explain the logic: If America is ready to go to war to save lives and protect the innocent, then why is it thatin 1994 they stood by and WATCHED as over 850,000 Rwandans were massacred with machetes? Did it make the press? Do any Americans even know where Rwanda is? And then, only a few years later, they have the audacity to claim "genocide" as a pretext to bombing thousands of innocent Serbians. What is even more incredulous is how so many Americans have been spoon-fed by CNN to believe this propaganda. I remember one reporter in 1999 saying the NATO press room in Brussels was like a mushroom farm: the reporters are kept in the dark and fed dung all day. :)

People wonder why the Germans and French are not supporting the Americans in Iraq. Well if they payed even a sliver of attention in 1999, they would have remembered American stupidity and disinformation in Kosovo was the reason. The Germans and French, whose media were not so blind, reported officials saying at the time they would not be such blundering fools the next time America chambers a round. In Iraq, there are no "weapons of mass destruction", which was the buzz phrase pretext for war there. And there was certainly no "genocide" in Kosovo, which was the buzz-word pretext there.

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