First openly American bishop consecrated

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Well, there's no accounting for taste

Post by Nevski »

Daniel wrote:

Satire is used to mock what some concider a vice, or folly. So does the writer concider Orthodoxy a vice or folly? Whether intended or not, that's the way writer comes off. The ethinc stereotypes are very outdated.

Subject matter aside, the writing is just plain bad. It's not funny because it simply is not funny.

I'm sure the writer, an Orthodox Christian in good standing and a tonsured reader, considers Orthodoxy neither vice nor folly. But it could be that he considers certain expressions of Orthodoxy vice and folly. I think that is his point in The Point.

Some Orthodox Christians, myself included, do consider the material funny (though I personally have seen funnier satire). The people that don't find it funny seem to be those for whom the message, "Stop taking yourself so seriously" falls on deaf ears.

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Post by Bogatyr »

What do you expect from the OCA, with their "female readers" in Washington, DC and their new calendar, their ecumenism, their renovationism, their endorsement of sergianism, their false "autocephaly"?! Then really question yourself, how a loyal DEMOCRAT can be an Orthodox Bishop, a party which believes in ABORTION ON DEMAND, MILITANT SECULARISM--they believe things like Nativity Scenes are hate speach. They endorse homosexual civil unions, etc. How serious can that be taken or any of the people that follow that nonsense?! Having personally seen the OCA Diocese of the West, well, I can say it is nothing more than ROCOR-"light" which attracts converts like this fellow "who are not ready for ROCOR". Hence, the motive, one of the great sins...envy. I wonder if Bishop Tikhon has done ANYTHING about the OPEN AND ACTIVE HOMOSEXUALS communing at his San Francisco Cathedral?! As a democrat, I doubt he can.
Rostislav Mikhailovich Malleev-Pokrovsky

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Post by user_223 »

I wonder if Bishop Tikhon has done ANYTHING about the OPEN AND ACTIVE HOMOSEXUALS communing at his San Francisco Cathedral?! As a democrat, I doubt he can.
Rostislav Mikhailovich Malleev-Pokrovsky[/quote]

Code: Select all

   WHOA!!!!  Wait just a minute!

              Where are your sources for such calumny???

    I believe His Grace, Bishop +Tikhon is a Republican.  But his political affiliation is really none of our business in this free country.
    Also, not one Party in the US can claim to be "God's Party"

                   Please! A little common sense and decent moderation would not come amiss.  Or do we intend this Forum to become the "Indiana List-Lite"??

Post by Gregory2 »

It seems that we Orthodox give the Reader Alexis plenty of fodder for his site. And who are we to pass judgment anyway??

"Judge no one" -- Elder Paisios the New (20th Century Greece)

Since when does being a Democrat or a Republican have ANYTHING to do with being Eastern Orthodox? In my many years of being an Orthodox Christian, I never heard anyone say "you must vote republican," though many seem to. Plus, Metropolitan HERMAN of the much-slandered OCA, has for MANY, MANY years been active in Orthodox Christians for Life (anti-abortion).

More slander, more slander. But slander just more and more lifts the souls of righteous men, thanking their Father for their tribulations.

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Post by Nevski »

bripat22 wrote:

I believe His Grace, Bishop +Tikhon is a Republican. But his political affiliation is really none of our business in this free country. Also, not one Party in the US can claim to be "God's Party"

Having had some in-depth conversations with His Grace on this matter, I can tell you that he is most definitely not a Republican. But he's not a Democrat, either.

I would disagree with you, as I strenuously disagreed with His Grace, that one's political affiliation these days is indeed "none of our business." Here's why: ... -5pg3.html ... -3pg3.html ... 3pg23.html ... -5pg5.html

Moreover, I would argue that Orthodoxy calls forth SOME form of social conservatism, which should affect how we vote.

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+tikhon (oca)

Post by Bogatyr »

+tikhon is most certainly a democrat--visit the eGroup, Orthodox Jurisdictions and READ THE ARCHIVES. And I've BEEN TO WHERE I'm talking about. Your Green ST Cathedral is a haven for homosexuals. Orthodoxia I Thanatos!
Rostislav Mikhailovich Malleev-Pokrovsky
PS The not ready for rocor crowd is out in force today. The dilletantes are on parade. LOL! It must be unhappy with the indiana list, or simply trying to "poison wells" or some such nonsense.
PPS Although no one has staked a claim out for the "god party" yet, we definitely do have an anti-God party which is militantly secular humanist. Those seem to be the dems who rail against Nativity scenes, judicial nominees with Christian beliefs, the ten commandments, the "free exercise" clause of the First Amendment. These are people working to undo the ban on partial birth abortion and imposing a new pc winter holiday, who work hand in hand with the aclu. Sounds like a watered down version of the league of militant godlessness.

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Re: +tikhon (oca)

Post by Nevski »

bogatyr wrote:

+tikhon is most certainly a democrat--visit the eGroup, Orthodox Jurisdictions and READ THE ARCHIVES. And I've BEEN TO WHERE I'm talking about. Your Green ST Cathedral is a haven for homosexuals. Orthodoxia I Thanatos!
Rostislav Mikhailovich Malleev-Pokrovsky
PS The not ready for rocor crowd is out in force today. The dilletantes are on parade. LOL! It must be unhappy with the indiana list, or simply trying to "poison wells" or some such nonsense.

Well, he may or may not be a REGISTERED Democrat, but I'll tell you what he told me: he said that sometimes he votes Republican, sometimes he votes Democrat, and sometimes he votes Green. In other words, he strives to vote not according to party lines but according to what he deems as the worthiness of the candidate. He is definitely liberal on some issues but definitely conservative on others.

Are there homosexuals in the Orthodox Church? Well of course there are, because there are sinners, sometimes unrepentant ones, in the Orthodox Church. Might we not expect a larger percentage of them in the Church in a place like -- uh -- San Francisco? I for one don't know this to be the case, mind you. Maybe it's true and maybe it isn't. Another poster has asked you for evidence, and thus far all you've done is repeated your original assertion. Evidence, please.

But let's assume it's true: to insinuate from this that the OCA or any other Orthodox jurisdiction approves of ot tolerates homosexual behavior is both illogical and sinful. And super-trads such as you ought to be careful about casting stones, given their apparent lack of discernment when it comes to their own churches, where the infiltration of sodomites is not unknown.

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