Forensic Experts: Real Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced by fake

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Forensic Experts: Real Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced by fake

Post by Maria » ... tima-fake/

"The following announcement was just released on Dr. Peter Chojnowski’s blog, who initiated this project:"

I can now release the overall results of the facial recognition tests that have been performed using the most up to date technology available analyzed by the most sophisticated software technicians and organized and analyzed by an expert investigator.

“The only thing similar was the habit” were the words I just heard from the investigator in our phone conversation about the result. More specifics on the technicalities of the result will follow this initial announcement.

On advice, I will not yet reveal the name of the investigators, the names of the companies involved, or the names of the programs being used. They are the best. They are all working on a comprehensive and definite report on the results and this will be released in the coming weeks. I want to avoid any interference in the investigation. After the final facial recognition report is complete, the second phase of the investigation will be launched which will be finding out the identity of the Imposter and finding out what happened to our dear Sister Lucy dos Santos.

More soon.

By this time, with all the confusion created by Francis, most Novus Ordo Catholics will not care because they have lost what little faith they have had.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

Madison Grant
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Re: Forensic Experts: Real Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced by fake

Post by Madison Grant »

Maria wrote: ... tima-fake/

"The following announcement was just released on Dr. Peter Chojnowski’s blog, who initiated this project:"

I can now release the overall results of the facial recognition tests that have been performed using the most up to date technology available analyzed by the most sophisticated software technicians and organized and analyzed by an expert investigator.

“The only thing similar was the habit” were the words I just heard from the investigator in our phone conversation about the result. More specifics on the technicalities of the result will follow this initial announcement.

On advice, I will not yet reveal the name of the investigators, the names of the companies involved, or the names of the programs being used. They are the best. They are all working on a comprehensive and definite report on the results and this will be released in the coming weeks. I want to avoid any interference in the investigation. After the final facial recognition report is complete, the second phase of the investigation will be launched which will be finding out the identity of the Imposter and finding out what happened to our dear Sister Lucy dos Santos.

More soon.

By this time, with all the confusion created by Francis, most Novus Ordo Catholics will not care because they have lost what little faith they have had.

Highlighted the part I want to comment on.

Well good luck because all parties involved in the disappearance of the Fatima girl are all dead by now. Good luck with trying to get a DNA sample from the remains of the impostor and checking it with the surviving family members of the Fatima girl.

The significance here is huge and I can only begin to imagine what it will mean (tongue in cheek). Which hierarchs were involved in the disappearance of the Fatima girl? Did the Marian Pope "JP2" know of the switch? Did Pope Paul VI know about it in 1967 when he was seen in public with the impostor? Did Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger know about this switch in the year 2000 when the official 3rd secret of Fatima was released? And what of the official 3rd secret? If it is a fake then where is the real 3rd secret? What does it say? Does it speak of the apostasy in the Vatican after the year 1960? Who ordered its suppression?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Hopefully the Roman Papacy is restored. Oh wait, never mind, to what will it be restored to? The pre-Second Vatican Council church of the 1950s? The liberal 1950s church of the liberal (Divino Afflante Spiritu, 1943; Mystici Corporis Christi, 1943; Suprema Haec Sacra, 1949; De Musica Sacra et Sacra Liturgia, 1958) Pope Pius XII, "muh last one true pope"?

The first aforementioned piece of legislation opened the door to what Pope Saint Pius X, who happened to have been made a saint by Pope Pius XII mind you, condemned as Modernism, to mentally illustrate: using a jack-hammer to the bible. The second and third aforementioned pieces of legislation pretty much opened the door to what is now known as Universal Salvation. The fourth and final aforementioned piece of legislation jacked up the volume, literally speaking (pun intended) at church on Sunday.


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Re: Forensic Experts: Real Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced by fake

Post by Barbara »

As far as Vatican II Catholics being interested in this news, there are still plenty of people alive who grew up hearing much talk about Fatima, and at least several Apostolates trying to drum up support for either the Pope's Consecration of Russia or at least to spread awareness about the apparitions. So many people who are not readers of Tradition In Action - which was the 1st place to discern this difference, will I think be shocked.

It's so apparent that the 2 were different people, with the replacement as actress playing a role, that few could reasonably dispute this finding. I am glad the strong hypothesis of Dr Marian Horvat was authenticated.

One feels sure that Pope John Paul II -- himself an actor and even I think had actual acting experience before beginning his service to the Church -- knew well about this changeling ; whether Pope Paul VI did is less likely.

In 2000, only an absurd substitute was released by the Vatican to appease the many Fatima supporters. It was a pathetic excuse for a message given by the Mother of God. So the release was only official in the sense that it originated from high places in the Vatican ; otherwise it was an attempt at fraud. As I recall, the real message was 4 lined schoolbook pages long, witnesses asserted, whereas this was only 1 page which rambled about a seeming Pope [ not even identified specifically as such, but some bishop in white ] being killed on a hill in a war zone -- as if the Queen of Heaven would have bid the Church wait til 1960 - the year the 3rd Secret was supposed to be released - to hear THAT ! She would have only spoken of things of wide-ranging importance, not the demise of one Pontiff. This, as most observers know, was passed off by the Vatican as the Bulgarian's firing at John Paul II - who of course recovered, showing the obvious fakery.

Though I disbelieve the purported apparition of Our Lady of La Salette in the mid-1800s near Grenoble, France, there is one line supposedly uttered by the Holy Virgin "Rome will lose the faith..." which is obvious. That the 2 children seers, Melanie and Maximin, were manipulated by French anti-monarchist political interests was very obvious. Incongruous words were put into their mouths after the fact. Thus one can not be sure from where that message derived. To think back in that era that no one could imagine how drastic would be decline of the Church in the future, when it appeared rock solid, gives a bit of credence to that one line - but not to the whole apparition, which has many strange elements.

PS - speaking of Fatima Apostolates, it seems the Fatima Center is in turmoil, as nothing has been heard from them for awhile.

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Re: Forensic Experts: Real Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced by fake

Post by Maria »

The Fatima Center has suffered a huge hostile takeover, and is now controlled by the SSPX and their followers, who are still in league with the Vatican.

As a result, the Servants of Jesus and Mary had to form a new group, lost their bank accounts, and their supplies of books and religious articles. See

The hostile takeover took place shortly after the sudden death of Father Nicholas Gruner. The CIA and the KGB both have tiny weapons the size of a pen that can be used to trigger deadly massive heart attacks. Father Gruner, as you may recall, suffered a massive heart attack shortly after he agreed with Father Paul Kramer that Francis is not the pope as Benedict never officially resigned from office.

Father Kramer's thoughts regarding Benedict can be read at

Seeing all this nasty intrigue within Roman Catholicism and the division within the Traditional Catholics makes me sad. Let us pray that they find the True Faith. These are the End Times. We are the Remnant.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Forensic Experts: Real Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced by fake

Post by Barbara »

I did look at the new site. It seems to be exclusively Fr Paul Kramer and some sympathizers.
Hopefully, it can expand its readership.

I have to say, though, that there is a mournful air to the website, as though persecutions have taken place. To think that the takeover occurred in 2017, 100 years precisely after the Bolshevik Revolution and the Fatima apparitions which closely preceded that nightmare in Russia.

On the new website, not a word is uttered about the nature of the current-era persecutions, at least not in the articles at which I looked. Maria has given us the gist. How disastrous to have the funding absconded with by the coup-makers at the New Fatima Center. [ One has to distinguish between Old and New, or one gets the wrong impression that the same staff are at the helm. ]

I located that same letter from Cornelia Ferreira from last autumn which I found after the last time we talked about this upheaval. Cornelia didn't hesitate to sound the alarm and name names. Either she or another source wrote that even the attorney Chris Ferrara is strongly with the New Fatima Center group and did not join Fr Paul, which seems odd. In fact, this mainstay from the old days seems to have made an uncalled for denouncement of Fr Paul Kramer and his faction.

Coralie Graham was also ousted. Cornelia Ferreira writes : "Coralie Graham, who worked side-by-side with Fr. Gruner for over three decades and was editor of The Fatima Crusader for more than a quarter century, was abruptly shown the door a short while ago. Of all Father’s staff, she was probably the closest in thinking to him..."

Sounds really unfair. Maria, you say it was the SSPX which has usurped rule of Fr Gruner's Apostolate. Does it seem the SSPX were waiting in the wings all this time, biding their time ? Or they seized the opportunity to make a grab for control of the Fatima Center ?

I saw where some former supporters of the latter pulled their donations to the New Fatima Center as a result of the unpleasant machinations.

About that theory of Pope Benedict still being the Pope, surely this must be a face-saving way to avoid denouncing Francis the way he deserves ! It could be that Fr Gruner figured out this angle as a way to still stay in the Vatican II Church, but protest the nightmarish devil, Francis. [< = Is outrage ! ]

This has always been a major weakness the Old Fatima Center. A Pope is needed to perform the Consecration of Russia -- but how could the recent Popes be considered valid by the Queen of Heaven ? The Old Fatima Center did not therefore feel it could announce itself as sedevacantist, since SOME Pontiff was a vital part of the Fatima requests, together with all the Bishops.

However, the Old Fatima Center's stubborn position in accepting the all Popes became increasingly untenable in the face of the apostasy of this. Probably many members increasingly howled in complaint, seeing the evil behavior of Francis. What was Fr Gruner to do ? Maybe this illegal election of Francis idea was hoped to be the way out of the dilemma.

Then, too, Fr Gruner refused to accept the obvious existence of the 2 Sister Lucy's. While this was chalked up to his old age and understandable reluctance to change, the unbending Old Fatima Center party line that there was no substitution of an actress for Sister Lucy also presented a logical inconsistency.

It would be wonderful if Fr Paul Kramer could courageously speak out in this regard, which, although it would upset the apple cart, would pay dividends in the long run when the investigation mentioned above concludes that the real Sister Lucy was done away with in 1959 or sometime after. It would be too embarrassing to cling to the notion that there was only 1 Carmelite sister for the entire duration, because this has already been disproved. More findings may turn up in the Chojnowski or other quests to learn the fate of the eldest Fatima visionary.

Though the truth could, as Madison Grant asserts, be difficult to track down nearly 6 decades later, it may be a simpler endeavor to discern the identity of the imposter who impersonated Sister Lucy -- with very little talent, one must state. Surely a demure, reserved, frowningly serious woman could have been located for the job, but instead a grinning, laughing, joking woman was selected who received little or no training in the behavior of nuns.

It reminds one of the actress attempting to play Sister Scholastica in the 1949 film Come to the Stable. The Protestant Celeste Holm had to be shown by her Catholic co-star Loretta Young how to genuflect and much else as part of displaying a nunly demeanor.

With all the faux pas committed by the Sister Lucy Imposter, it's unbelievable that no one at all noticed the vast discrepancy until Dr Marian Horvat put her x-ray vision to work in uncovering this gross deception.

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