ClimateGate - man's unethical manipulation of the weather

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ClimateGate - man's unethical manipulation of the weather

Post by Maria »

Is manipulation of the weather to have that perfect rain-free wedding or a perfectly sunny California Inland Empire Musical Festival a moral act, when neighboring farms have been facing serious droughts for decades?

Back in 2003, I, Maria, studied meteorology in college. However, lately, I have witnessed strange weather events as dark clouds laden with moisture approach, along with weather reports predicting 100% chance of rain, only to see jets arrive that start criss-crossing the skies leaving behind geo-engineering clouds of aluminum and lithium designed to dry up those clouds. Next, I have seen the sudden disappearance of those rain clouds. Instead of the predicted rain, the sun comes out and bakes the ground, and then high winds pick up the soil causing dust storms, fire tornadoes, exploding roofs, and exploding palm trees due to the highly inflammable aluminum and lithium mix that the jets were releasing.

Yes, something nefarious is happening in our skies, and it is not moral at all. In fact, geoengineering is self-centered evil personified, and it is genocidal as fire fighters and citizens alike die in these fiery infernos created by the Military Industrial Complex in concert with the Air Force and multinational chemical corporations. ... t-landman/

. . . I started to demand answers .... I learned there were even patents for technology to make it rain using aerosolized silver iodide sprayed from jets and patents for the contrary, that used aluminum oxide to dissipate moisture to prevent rain. The aluminum was even showing up in the sparse rain that would fall from these seemingly manipulated rain clouds. ....


Since then, my research has uncovered a treasonous, nefarious plot to control the weather and an even worse agenda that involves tricking the public into a hoax that the planet is heating uncontrollably because of our carbon emissions. The so-called problem (global warming) has been so elaborately constructed and endorsed as to persuade us it is simply self-evident. Their so-called solution (chemical spraying among other things) to this problem, which we are now being persuaded to accept by a bought-out, compliant media, is equally self-evident. Such is the elaborate nature of the problem-reaction-solution paradigm being foisted upon us.

As we know, the global warming theory has been weakened to become simply ‘climate change’, and change is what they are effecting through what they call Solar Radiation Management, also known as Solar Geoengineering (or blocking the sun). Manufactured drought, manufactured flooding and storms, extreme weather patterns – all are part of the ‘problem’ to which SRM is being given as the answer. All would seem in the realm of conspiracy; however, the concept has become official and is being publicly launched as the official solution to global warming/climate change. Even new cloud names have been created to trick the public into thinking these new sky phenomena are natural!

The plan to control not just the weather but the sunshine, too, has been afoot for decades and the Department of Energy in conjunction with the U.S Airforce are the primary evil doers. One document to sink your teeth into is the Tropospheric Aerosol Program through the Department of Energy in 2001, easily found online. One shocking disclosure hidden in plain site is the Civil Society Actors meeting of 2013, where a group met in Washington D.C to decide how to go about blocking out the sun 17972700_1486160987with geoengineering. ...

In order to get the word out on this ongoing crime against humanity, I have endeavoured to inspire the movement, hosting various talks and conferences (the most successful being the first and second Global Chemtrail Summits) and have been on 40 radio shows and podcasts since the June, 2017 release of my feature documentary film FRANKENSKIES ( The film, complete with cover artwork by the infamous MEAR ONE, details the history of weather modification, dating all the way back to the 1930’s and culminates in the unfortunate present reality where the geoengineering agenda is exposed. A must-see film, considering the importance of actual-activists-logosuch an issue, FrankenSkies is 80 minutes long and can be found by visiting Also in an attempt to bring unity and inspiration to activism, I have created the brand Actual Activists as an umbrella for activism so that we can come together to make a future for the next generation that we can be proud of, which includes blue skies and Truth. Furthermore, in response to the normalization and official launch of solar geoengineering as a cure-all to climate change and global warming, I am hosting the [*] 3rd Global Summit to Stop Geoengineering, in Tucson, Arizona on May 12th[/b] ( The location is fitting considering this is where the public experiment to prove to the world we need this technology is being deployed later this year, 2018.

Ultimately we must learn to discern and take truth as the authority rather than authority as the truth. Learn more at and, in the interim, remember what Malcolm X said: “If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.” Never forget the freedoms and truths our ancestors fought for, and remember we are only one generation away from losing everything if we choose silence when faced with injustice. contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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