Met. Vitaly's exhortation to women of today

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Re: Met. Vitaly's exhortation to women of today

Post by Barbara »

You're welcome, Cyprian and IrishPilgrim ! I am marveling reading over again what Met Vitaly wrote at how beautifully he expressed the concepts.

Right now, I am suffering from toxic reaction from researching a topic in this same field : but on the opposite viewpoint.
This gives me an idea. Rather than say much here to mar the pristine ring of Met Vitaly's words, I may start another thread and attack this aggressive promotion of the idea that "women absolutely must 'break the glass ceiling'. This is a current pop term being thrown around right and left - LEFT primarily ! Let me tell you that I have been researching for a week or so in this very area.

"Good and Evil : The Devil Luring a Young Woman" by French artist Andrei-Jacques-Victor Orsel, 1832

I concluded that there is a demonic thread - [ no, not a 'footprint', that corny term tossed around by this same type of individual who wants to fit in with 'the conversation' < = another term of recent vintage that I hate ! ] - running through the heavily promoted attitude that women must work in hotshot careers or be considered hopelessly primitive.

Along with this concept, many other beliefs, including some quite unsavory for an Orthodox person, are required to be espoused. Thus we face not just this one big campaign of the Devil so well described by Met Vitaly. But in tandem with it, an entire Hydra-headed monster of other leftist - dictated beliefs : it's enough to make one heart sink at the impossibility of reaching these brainwashed women [ and soon, men also will be on the same bandwagon ].

As a result, glancing through material on World Orthodox sites [ for example,'s article by an Archimandrite Andrew Konanos, "What Trap the Devil Wants to Lure us in[to] the most" ], is a welcome RELIEF from the intense darkness I encountered which permeates the material about women's angry march to the highest rungs of the corporate world to - well, to show off mainly - but ostensibly to claim equality with men. Self-righteous indignation is the hallmark of the discussion raging about how women can climb the ladder fastest, garnering the highest salaries and the maximum power for themselves [ all based, in my observation from reading, on greed, ego, vanity and an unhealthy narcissism, at times a superiority complex vis a vis men ]. This topic is unfortunately growing like wildfire, particularly in California, and everywhere in the U.S.

I looked back at that article and saw a paragraph which exposes the true mentality of such women whining that they are unequal with men in the corporate world :

"Your “ego” is always to blame. If you are finding fault in everything, if you are complaining, if you are discontent, if you grumble at your life, if something is missing and you grieve, that is all because you lack Christ and humility. You lack humility, but have a lot of egoism." -

In case I don't get around to creating that thread soon [ maybe there would not be so much interest in it anyway ] this is a brief introduction.

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