The Falling Asleep of Archpriest Gregory Williams of the ROCOR under Agafangel

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The Falling Asleep of Archpriest Gregory Williams of the ROCOR under Agafangel

Post by Barbara »

After the repose of Mitred Archpriest Gregory Williams, the Haitian charitable mission which was under his pastoral supervision may now be in jeopardy.
Will Rocor-MP try to take advantage of the temporary upheaval to seize control of this mission under the ROCA of Metropolitan Agafangel ?

Looking back at the mission's website, there is a post on the home page from a year ago which shows that Rocor-MP is vastly exaggerating its role in Haiti. Plus other alarming developments such as one of the local priests who went over to Rocor-MP having absconded with $ 50,000 which had destined for the mission to build a new Church [ under Met Agafangel ] :

"Truth department: Some of you may have seen claims made by Fr. Grégoire Legouté and others of the MP/ROCOR concerning the size of the Orthodox Church in Haiti which can most charitably be characterized as wild exaggerations. The earlier figure of 3,000 (in the MP, that is), has been downsized to 2,000 in more recent web postings. Even that figure is at least 1000% inflated — counting everyone who has ever been baptized & still comes to church at least once in a while. One posting claimed that they (the MP, that is) had NO liturgical books, communion vessels, or church furnishings. At the time of their submission to the MP, there was a complete set of liturgical books (in French) at Fr. Grégoire’s home, another complete set at the rented space in Les Cayes (where, we are reliably informed, there have been essentially no services since the submission), and a substantial part of another set in Fr. Jean’s possession. There were complete sets of communion vessels at both Nativity and St. Moses the Black (Fr. Grégoire’s house-chapel), and both were well furnished with icons and other liturgical items. At the time of the submission, Fr. Grégoire was in possession of (or had already paid out in part to a relative who was brokering the transaction) $50,000 of Mission funds for the purchase of a substantial tract of land at Les Cayes for eventual construction of a church there, for which no paperwork ever reached my hands (and no evidence that any work has ever been undertaken)."

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Re: ROCOR-A / ROCA: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Barbara »

Tonight, the Feast Day of the Icon Joy of All Who Sorrow, was calculated to be the 40th Day of Mitred Archpriest Gregory Williams. A reminder for those who remember him, his pastoral labors and especially the St John of Kronstadt Press which Fr Gregory ran for many years.

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Re: ROCOR-A / ROCA: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Maria »

May his memory be eternal.

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Re: ROCOR-A / ROCA: Who are they? What is their history?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

I have a good friend who was at his 40 day memorial. Memory eternal!

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