ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

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ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Maria »


OLD KGB DEVICES AND DESIGNS IN ACTION AGAIN!!! Persecutions of non-conformist churches have started anew!


The search that was begun this morning (September 6) in the Synodal Building of ROAC in Suzdal is still underway, reports correspondent of In the course of the search, computers and other electronics have been impounded, a protocol filled up, Metropolitan Theodor, The First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, and Bishop Irenarch were detained and transferred to the Regional Directory of the FSB.
The MONAVISTA Agency has published, with reference to some "reliable sources", the version of the Law Enforcers with some explanations of what is taking place in Suzdal. According to the Agency, the LE "suspect the ROAC of performing acts of extremist nature".
"The LE's attention - reports the Agency - was drawn by certain extremist speeches by certain members of ROAC, aimed at exciting enmity, hate and diffamation towards a certain social group". Such acts have been perpetrated in public during the religious meetings inside the church building… ROAC followers have been repeatedly reported to perform extremist actions".
In the Agency's publication two particular names have been mentioned: that of the's Editor-in-Chief Alexander Soldatov who allegedly produced and posted the movie "The 'Piety' of the Bailiffs", aimed at exciting hate and enmity towards the ROC of the Moscow Patriarchate and towards some federal bodies" and and V.Rev. Andrew (Maklakov), Archbishop of Pavlovsk and Rockland, a US national, also found guilty of extremism".
The ROAC Synodal Building houses the Synod of the Hierarchs, Suzdal Bishopric Directory, male monastery and the Synodal Church of the Iverskaya Icon. The latter became the factual main church of ROAC after she had been driven out of the 11 churches she owned in Suzdal in the year 2009. The spring of last year saw the dramatic events that took place in precisely this church when the Holy Relics of sts. Euphymy and Eufrosyne of Suzdal were forcefully expropriated.
translation into English provided by Fr. Tikhon:

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Maria »

Now this ....

NOTE: The Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Boston (HOMB) is in serious heresy with their promotion of Name-Worshiping (Name-Glorification) and Awake Sleeper's teachings, and as such is no longer counted among the Old Calendar True Orthodox. I only present this email to show that the ROAC persecution has been ongoing for many years and that they have lost many church buildings and relics to the MP. Always the MP is the beneficiary of the Russian State persecution.

This should prove once and for all that the MP is using political force to drive the True Orthodox either to compromise their faith or to be driven further underground in an effort to preserve the Holy Faith. There can be no unity with the MP.

From: Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Boston

Date: Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 6:55 AM


To: Diocese Information

August 24/September 6, 2016

Saint Cosmas of Aetolia

Beloved Clergy and Faithful of the Holy Orthodox Church in North America,

I would like to share with you some alarming news that I received from Russia concerning the continued persecution of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC), a True Orthodox Church in Russia that is on very friendly terms with our Synod.

  • * * * * * * *
    • Suzdal: ROAC First Hierarch and Bishop Irinarkh Taken for Questioning by FSB

The search that began in the afternoon of September 6 in the Synodal building of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC) in Suzdal is still ongoing, reports a correspondent for “Portal.Credo.Ru.” During the search, computer equipment was seized from the Synodal building, a protocol was drawn up, and the ROAC First Hierarch, Metropolitan Theodore, and Bishop Irinarkh (Nonchin) of Tula and Bryansk were detained and taken, according to preliminary reports, to the regional department of the FSB [Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation].

The “Monavista” news agency, citing “reliable sources,” has disseminated the version of the “security forces” with some explanation for what is taking place in Suzdal. According to the agency, the law enforcement officers suspect ROAC of the “involvement of its adherents in committing acts of an extremist nature.”

“The objects of interest by the security forces,” the news agency reports, “were previously-committed facts of extremist statements by individual representatives of ROAC with regard to hate speech, rancor, and humiliation on grounds relating to a social group. These actions were committed publically during religious gatherings on the premises of churches… The followers of ROAC have been repeatedly spotted conducting extremist activities.”

The news agency’s publication names two “adepts” of ROAC: Olexander Soldatov, editor-in-chief of “Portal-Credo.Ru,” whom the agency accuses of creating and distributing the film “Pristavnoe blagochestie” [“Piety with Ushers”], which was “aimed at inciting hatred and hostility towards the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and state structures”; and Archbishop Andrei (Maklakov) of Pavlovskoe and Rockland, a “US citizen,” who has been “convicted of extremism.”

Located within ROAC’s Synodal building are the Synod of Bishops of this Church, the Suzdal Diocesan Administration, a men’s monastery, and the Iveron Synodal Church, which effectively became ROAC’s main church after it was expelled from eleven Suzdal churches in 2009. In the spring of last year it was in this church that dramatic events unfolded relating to the forced seizure of the relics of Sts. Euphemia and Euphrosyne of Suzdal.

(Original report in Russian:[/list]

I would like to make a statement concerning this report.

The Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church has suffered many outrages from the authorities over the years. Eighteen of their church buildings in the city of Suzdal have been confiscated by the government and handed over to the Moscow Patriarchate. As if this were not enough, the authorities have even confiscated holy relics that were in the possession of ROAC! And when their hierarch in Unites States, Archbishop Andrei of Pavlovskoe and Rockland (who is resident in New Jersey), publicly raised his voice against such injustices, he was permanently banned from entering Russia.

In today’s incident, the ROAC Synodal house was raided by the security services, their computers, books and documents confiscated, and two bishops forcibly taken for interrogation.

Astonishingly, this latest wave of persecution seems to have been triggered, at least in part, by Metropolitan Theodore’s friendship with our Synod. I personally know Metropolitan Theodore. In fact, this past July, I had the honor of hosting him in Georgia, along with two other bishops of his Synod, in order to become better acquainted with each other and slowly to advance the friendship between our Churches. During the interrogation by the authorities, Metropolitan Theodore was even asked about our meeting in Georgia and about “his friendship with that church in America” — i.e., HOCNA — thus outrageously suggesting that his friendship with us somehow made him an “American spy”!

This injustice cannot pass unnoticed. That is why I intend to contact the State Department, as well as various human rights organizations, to bring to their attention this unacceptable violation of a basic right of every man, the right to freedom of conscience, and to ask them to use pressure on the Russian authorities to stop this persecution.

I appeal to you to do the same, by contacting your Senators and Representatives to urge them to raise their voices and do whatever is in their power to help end this injustice.

Above all, let us all pray for our persecuted brethren in Russia.

May our Saviour, the Theotokos, and all the Saints of Russia cover and protect them. Amen.

Your fervent supplicant unto Christ,

  • Gregory, Metropolitan of Boston
    President of the Holy Synod
    Holy Orthodox Church in North America

Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Boston

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Barbara »

Thanks to Fr Tikhon for his translation work ! We need to know exactly what was said in the Portal-Credo report on such a major news item.

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Maria »

Please Note:

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Maria »

To continue discussing the intra-TOC ramifications, in more detail, please visit: ... 30&t=11860

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Barbara »

I thought to post the biographies of the 2 held Hierarchs so readers are familiar with them :

His Eminence, The Most Reverend THEODORE Metropolitan of Suzdal and Vladimir

In the world Vladimir Alexandrovich Gineyevsky, Metropolitan Theodore was born on April 5, 1955, in the Kuban of the Otradnaya Region, where he grew up surrounded by catacomb Christians. In 1972, while living in Makhachkape, he became acquainted with the then-Archimandrite Valentine (Rusantsov) and became his spiritual son. Over the next several decades, he became Archimandrite Valentine's irreplaceable assistant. In 1973, he followed Fr Valentine to Suzdal where he was appointed reader in the Kazan church. In 1976 he was tonsured into monasticism. He was later ordained first as hierodeacon and then as priest of the St Constantine cathedral in Suzdal, and finally to the rank of hegumen. Supporting the labors of Archimandrite Valentine, he took a most active part in the regeneration of church life in Suzdal.

In 1990, following the initiation of the persecution of Archimandrite Valentine, he petitioned for retirement, and together with Archimandrite Valentine and the Suzdal believers, he transferred to the Russian Church Abroad. He was then raised to the rank of archimandrite, became secretary of the Suzdal Diocesan Administration, and undertook great labors to regulate the life of the diocese.

On March, 19, 1994, in accordance with a decision of the Temporary Higher Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was consecrated as Bishop of Borisovskoye and Sanino, a vicariate of the Suzdal Diocese. As a result of intrigue initiated by Archbishop Mark and his faction, the consecration was not immediately recognized by the Hierarchal Council of the ROCA. Following the reconciliatory Lesna Council of the ROCA in December of 1994, the foreign bishops recognized his consecration and invited Bishops Theodore and Seraphim to a session of the Hierarchal Synod of the ROCA in New York. Trampling upon their expressed word, at this session, the Hierarchal Sobor revealed their true motive for inviting the Russian Bishops to New York, imposing uncanonical bans on the Russian Bishops. Archbishop Valentine and Bishops Theodore and Seraphim were informed by this Hierarchal Sobor (which wished to remove them as a cause of trouble with the Moscow Patriarchate) that they would remain bishops only if they would agree to never return to Russia, accepting instead residence in another remote place such as Australia. As mentioned previously, at the diocesan assembly of the Suzdal Diocese and the sessions of the THCA, it was decided to cease submission to the Hierarchal Council of the ROCA in view of its uncanonical policies. Since 1996 Metropolitan Theodore has served as secretary, and then as chancellor of the Hierarchal Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROAC). In 2012, he became Metropolitan of ROAC after the death of Metropolitan Valentine.

Metropolitan Theodore is ardently loved by the believers for his kind and simple manner and unfailing goodwill. In the diocese and Synod he bears a huge load of administrative work and carries out numerous pastoral journeys.

His Grace, The Right Reverend IRINARCH Bishop of Tula and Briansk

Bishop Irinarch was born in 1967 into a family of believers in the Nizhni-Novgorod region, where he attended church from childhood onward. He arrived in Suzdal in 1984, where he later met then-archimandrite Valentine, became part of his parish, and, in 1987, was tonsured into monasticism. In 1990, the future-Bishop Irinarch left the MP along with then-archimandrite Valentine and many other clergy and believers, repudiating it, and becoming a part of the FROC. He was later made a priest-monk and eventually an archimandrite.

On November 23, 2003, in the temple of the Mother of God in Suzdal, Archimandrite Irinarch was consecrated Bishop of Tula and Briansk by now-Metropolitan Valentine along with Archbishop Theodore of Borisovsk and Sanino, and Bishop Ambrose of Khabarovsk.

He is quiet, prayerful, and has served in Suzdal for many years and is well-loved and respected by all. Along with his parishes, he is establishing a women's convent in his diocese.

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Re: ROAC Persecution: Met. Theodor & Bishop Irenarch held by FSB

Post by Mark Templet »

Metroplitan Theodore and Bishop Irinarch were both released the same day. They are at home but with absolutely no means of communication.

Fr. Mark Templet

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