Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Maria »

Cyprian wrote:

I don't wish to spend time concerning myself with analyzing all their old publications determining the precise progression of their descent into promoting demonic new-age belief. The Greek Archdiocese are heretics, plain and simple, and have been for more than 50 years. True Orthodox Christians should not even care about reading their garbage publications. There are thousands of holy and edifying writings by God's saints, and yet people have this satanic obsession with wanting to read everything that is new and recent, as if that is somehow better.

It is harmful and a waste of time to read the likes of Romanides, Metallinos, Vlachos, Ware, Meyendorff, Schmemann, Hopko, and renovationists of their ilk.

If folks would cease reading and promoting these ecumenists, occultists, and masons, and confine the majority of our reading to genuine Holy Fathers of the Church, universally recognized for their sanctity and piety, we likely would not live in such dangerous, discouraging, and disheartening times.

Heresy is rampant in World Orthodoxy, for example, Silouan of Mt. Athos was influenced by Name-Worshiping as was his disciple, Sophrony, who wrote the biography of Father Silouan. Thanks to Sophrony, Name-Worshiping is spreading throughout world orthodoxy. It can be found in some quarters of the OCA and in the GOARCH. Vlachos is also into Name-Worshiping.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Cyprian »

That part I find ironic is that Met. Ephraim of HTM and others associated with the Boston monastery have always been vocal and avid defenders and supporters of Met. Anthony (Khrapovitsky), and his Dogma of Redemption, but Met. Anthony was instrumental in condemning the imyaslavie heresy, and now Met. Ephraim is known for promoting it.

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Barbara »

Oh. Met Hierotheos Vlachos [ does that name mean "Black" ? ] is a Name-Worshipper. Does he promote this in his many books and writings ? Thanks Maria, for that gleam of helpful insight.

Cyprian, so 'the Boston monastery' as it was called in those Platina books, with which I see from your other post you are conversant, agreed with the Dogma of Redemption ? That is so 'liberal' theologically ! Yet those were the ones Fr seraphim described as 'super-correct' or some term like that.

So, these people zigzag between left and right.

It is good to know that Met Anthony wrote against Name-Worship. I didn't know that.

Maria, so it was mainly the disciple Sophrony who is responsible for this widespread adoption of the Name-Worshipping belief ?
I would like to understand why exactly he was listened to, when much more true sources must have been bypassed.

What did Sophrony think about Rocor, by the way, is there any information about that ? I know his monastery of St John the Baptist in Essex was liberal [ with the MP-Bloom jurisdiction ? I have forgotten. ]

What could be done to counter this noxious influence of fathers Siluan/Sophrony ?

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Cyprian »

Barbara wrote:

So Met Hierotheos Vlachos is in the same boat, then ? I was under the illusion that he was a little more traditional, while still New Calendar Greek. But that impression only came from reading the MP's outreach website, Pravoslavie.

The supposed traditionalism of Vlachos is all a facade. How can anyone be considered "traditional" when they do not even have enough sense to follow the traditional Patristic calendar of the Church, rather choosing to follow the innovation of the Pope? Met. Hierotheos Vlachos is one of the greatest proponents and enthusiastic supporters of Fr. John Romanides. Vlachos published a couple of volumes called "Empirical Dogmatics of the Orthodox Catholic Church" based upon the corrupt teachings of Fr. John Romanides, in lectures he gave.

Metallinos ? What a name. I have never heard of him.

Fr. George Metallinos was Dean of the Athens University School of Theology. He is another ardent admirer or Romanides, praising him as one of the greatest Orthodox theologians of the 20th century. He also published a book about him.

Fr. John Romanides, with his many heresies, blasphemies and slanders, sums up everything that is wrong with the sorrowful and pitiful current state of "Greek Orthodoxy". Notice I don't make a qualification of only New-Calendarist "Greek Orthodoxy," because not only are the Masonic wolves (disguised as shepherds) in Greece cunningly promoting this scoundrel as "the greatest Orthodox theologian of the 20th century," but there are Masons operating within certain Old Calendarist Greek synods (including here in America) who also are engaged in a systematic conspiracy to promote him.

Fr. Neketas Palassis of HOCNA said to me of Romanides in 2005 that, "the monastery [Panteleimon's HTM] thinks very highly of him." Romanides is also thought highly of by certain leaders of the HOTCA (synod of Metropolitan Demetrius of America).

So it is not only New Calendarist Greeks who promote him.

Vladimir Moss published "Against Romanides: A Critical Examination of the Theology of Fr. John Romanides" in 2012, which gives a brief treatment of a number of his false teachings. I have not read it thoroughly, but skimmed through some portions of it.

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Barbara »

Thanks for the further explanation. That's helpful to start to understand the widespread influence of Fr John Romanides ; I hadn't known that he was anywhere near so influential. Too bad indeed.

I thought the name Metallinos sounded like it was made up : did not sound like a Greek name except for the ending.

Your mention of Fr Neketas Palassis reminded me to check whether he was still alive. I found out he reposed on April 3, 2017.
I never understood exactly who he was except that he was associated with the St Nektarios Press in Seattle, and I figured was in the HTM jurisdiction. I wonder whether he stayed with them all the way through the change to Hocna [ do you know ? ].

That is deeply alarming about the infiltrators from the Masonic groups even in Old Calendarist Synods ! We've got to root them out before they do more damage, doesn't everyone agree ? [ Except the Masonic agents themselves, of course ! ]

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Thanks for the further explanation. That's helpful to start to understand the widespread influence of Fr John Romanides ; I hadn't known that he was anywhere near so influential. Too bad indeed.

I thought the name Metallinos sounded like it was made up : did not sound like a Greek name except for the ending.

Your mention of Fr Neketas Palassis reminded me to check whether he was still alive. I found out he reposed on April 3, 2017.
I never understood exactly who he was except that he was associated with the St Nektarios Press in Seattle, and I figured was in the HTM jurisdiction. I wonder whether he stayed with them all the way through the change to Hocna [ do you know ? ].

That is deeply alarming about the infiltrators from the Masonic groups even in Old Calendarist Synods ! We've got to root them out before they do more damage, doesn't everyone agree ? [ Except the Masonic agents themselves, of course ! ]

Yes, Fr. Neketas Palassis stayed with HOCNA until the end. He was very much opposed to Metropolitan Moses who was forced to leave Seattle and move his diocese to Portland while still associated with HOCNA. Met. Moses ultimately left HOCNA in Spring of 2011. From Portland, Met. Moses was appointed as Metropolitan of Toronto, Canada by HOTCA (under Archbishop Kallinikos) sometime after 2013 when Bishop Sergius took over the operation of the Portland Diocese. Shortly after the union of the SiR with Archbishop Kallinikos in Spring 2014, Dr. Auxentios was made the Bishop of the newly minted Diocese of Etna and Portland (called DEP). All through this time, Fr. Neketas Palassis stayed faithful to HOCNA and supported Elder Panteleimon.

Please keep to the topic of GOARCH's PRAXIS.
It has been wandering dangerously close to being moved into Intra-TOC Polemics.
Notice that I have not attacked anyone or used pejorative words.

In Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is GOARCH’s “PRAXIS” Magazine Going New Age?

Post by Barbara »

Yes, you are right. The problem is : I have never read the GOA's Praxis magazine and don't intend to. Otherwise I would have more to say about it specifically. We are just talking in general here, but hopefully with no polemics which would offend any TOC people. While some words on this thread might well offend a New Calendarist, we don't care about that !

I appreciate knowing about the history of Fr Neketas. I had always vaguely wondered who could be behind those publications.

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