What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

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What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Handmaiden50 »

I've been trying to educate myself on the Name Worshiping heresy from reading other threads on ECafe and elsewhere online, but it only makes me more confused, as an inquirer to Orthodoxy. What are some examples?

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Re: What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Hieromonk Enoch, with Met. John's jurisdiction posted a very concise and easily understood explanation on his Facebook page. I have copied the relevant parts below. It is not my work, it is solely his writing, but it is completely consistent with my understanding of the issues raised by name worship, and the fundamental error of the practice.

  • The anathema talks about the Uncreated Essence and Uncreate Energies of God. The point of the anathema is to contradict those who say the Name of God, such as the Name "Jesus", however exalted it is, and it is exalted, is itself Uncreated; the Name "Jesus", and even "I am" are created words for convey appelation of the Uncreated Energies. For example, the Name of God is an Icon of God, but it is not God; just as an Icon of Christ portray Christ and through it we can have mystical connection with Christ and we worship Christ through the icon of him, but the Icon itself is not worthy of latria. Only the Uncreated God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who is Uncreated Essence and Uncreated Energy, with the aforesaid Uncreated Persons, is worthy of Divine Worship.

    We can say the revealed names of God can be called icons of the Uncreated Energies, but they are not themselves the Energies. The Energies can be named, and we can name the Uncreated Persons, even, since these are revealed, but, we would never say that names, which are human constructs are themselves Uncreated, even if they are to convey ideas of the Uncreated to us.

    The Name of Jesus, and other Divine Names, are exalted, powerfull, and honourable, but only so because they are endured by God's Grace to be so, not because they are the Grace. Holy Water drives off wicked spirits, not because the water itself is the Grace of God, but because God Sanctifies by His Power the creature, though the distinction between creature and Creator is always there. We should understand the proper veneration of the God's Name to be analgous to the honour we give to Icons of Christ; i.e., we worship Christ through praising His Name, but we recognize the Holiness of His Name is so because of Who is represents to us, not because the name "Jesus" is in itself Divine. After all, "Jesus" is the same as Joshua; and in many cultures, like the Spanish, "Jesus" is also used as a common name for folks, like we would call someone Joshua.

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Re: What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Maria »

Please link the source of your excerpts.

Maria, Administrator

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Re: What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Maria wrote:

Please link the source of your excerpts.

Maria, Administrator

As I said, it is Hieromonk Enoch's facebook page. I do not believe it is possible to link to specific comments, much less to three separate comments in one link. However, the comments cited are appended to a post made on January 17 at 8:52am.

Thank you.

If you click the time given for the facebook comment or statement, then a link will be generated.
However, not all can view that link. It is only viewable to those who have facebook accounts.


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Re: What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Maria »

Here is Fr. Enoch's link at Facebook for his story and his comments:

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Re: What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Maria wrote:


If you click the time given for the facebook comment or statement, then a link will be generated.
However, not all can view that link. It is only viewable to those who have facebook accounts.


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Re: What exactly is the Name Worshiping heresy?

Post by Maria »

seekermark66 wrote:
Maria wrote:


If you click the time given for the facebook comment or statement, then a link will be generated.
However, not all can view that link. It is only viewable to those who have facebook accounts.


You learn something new every day! :D :D

Thank you for sharing. I hope this answers her questions.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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