Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

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Re: Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

Post by Maria »

Cyprian wrote:

There are man-made Auroras too. It would behoove us not to become overly enthralled by signs occurring in the atmosphere, since this is the abode of the demons. Our eyes may be easily deceived.

Do you think, Cyprian, that these noctilucent clouds are also man-made?
With all the rocket launches into space, surely these could be causing NLCs, and the weather modification drones that are being used to seed clouds and cast a silvery haze over major cities in the USA might be contributing to the increase in NLCs.

Noctilucent clouds first appeared in the 19th century. At the time, they were a polar phenomenon usually restricted to regions around the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. In recent years, NLCs have intensified and spread with sightings as far south as Utah and Colorado. This could be a sign of increasing greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

At the moment, NLCs over the USA are little more than wan ripples. As summer unfolds, however, they could turn into something truly bright and eye-catching. Observing tips: Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the sun has dipped 6o to 16o below the horizon. If you see luminous blue-white tendrils spreading across the sky, you may have spotted a noctilucent cloud.

Some noctilucent clouds (NLCs) noted on June 7th over Penmon Point in Anglesey, Wales:


Barbara, surely you are seeing some of these NCLs just after sunset.

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mammatus clouds

Post by Maria »


These are called "mammatus clouds." Named for their resemblance to a cow's underbelly, they sometimes appear at the end of severe thunderstorms when the thundercloud is breaking up. They are interesting in part because they're formed by sinking air. (Most clouds are formed by rising air.) Contrary to myth, however, they don't continue sinking downward to form tornadoes.

Researchers have called mammatus clouds an "intriguing enigma," because their inner workings are not fully understood. The clouds are fairly common but often go unnoticed because potential observers have been chased indoors by the rain. If you are one of them, go back outside when the downpour stops; you could witness a beautiful mystery in the sky.

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Re: Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

Post by Barbara »

Fascinating ! It's so true that everyone goes inside to escape showers, so misses this phenomenon. I have never seen it, or at least, noticed it.
You are educating us, Maria, to appreciate cloud formations ! Thanks.

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Re: Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Fascinating ! It's so true that everyone goes inside to escape showers, so misses this phenomenon. I have never seen it, or at least, noticed it.
You are educating us, Maria, to appreciate cloud formations ! Thanks.

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Re: Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

Post by Maria »

Here is another phenomenon noticed in the northern regions:

POLLEN CORONAS: It begins with a sneeze. Pollen floating through the air tickles your nose, and your body responds by expelling the allergen. Gesundheit! When the paroxysm subsides, look up at the sky. The same pollen that makes you sneeze can also make beautiful coronas around the sun, like this one photographed on June 15th by Vesa Vauhkonen of Rautalampi, Finland :

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Re: Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

Post by Maria »


Noctilucent clouds can still be seen in the presence of city lights.

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Re: Upside down rainbows and other unusual sights

Post by Cyprian »

Maria, I have no way of knowing what specifically caused the phenomena seen in those beautiful pictures you posted. I am not able to deduce anything, since this is beyond my field of study.

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