How can we improve E Cafe?

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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by KOSTACC »

Barbara wrote:

Thank you, Maria, for coming forward with this LONG-AWAITED post !!

As long as you asked, with my newfound freedom, the first thing I would like to say is that I always feel uncomfortable coming to this site, though
I mostly screen out that feeling.

...[edited to remove gossip]

I never liked the blaring red color of the type that was introduced. The old Blue was so soothing.
There is so much stress everywhere that we don't need to feel more just to be able to read or post here.
What's wrong with the Blue ? It's well known to be a calming color. True, it looked a little faded perhaps.
What about a more lively shade of Blue or Violet Blue so it can be seen better on one's screen ?

Red cars are known by all today as magnets for the police : meaning trouble for the driver. So, why not steer clear.
It seems the goal should be to reduce the quite awful contention which has existed here, at least during the time I have been a member, and while I was reading on here.
Why not have a pleasant environment which will encourage people to come and read and learn ?! Not drive them away, subconsciously feeling strife. There is a reason red flags are waved at animals in bullfights to get them enraged !

Maria wrote:

Dear Barbara,

Thank you for bringing up the color scheme.

Color is important. In Russia, the color red is considered joyful.
When a survey was taken for the color of the Orthodox Study Bible, the red motif was selected overwhelmingly.

Perhaps we could have the color changed during Great Lent to a light purple color as I think that would be a good change.

However, OC net already has the blue color scheme and we do want our board to be distinctive.

Thanks for your candid reply.

In Christ,

p.s. I removed your other comment into the Mod Forum so that Anastasios could read it there, but I could not leave it in the public forum.

I personally have always been quite fond of the color chartreuse. The halfway scheme between green and yellow reminds me of sunshine and vegetation. Then I have visions of pretty little flowers of all different colors popping up out of the ground. It makes me think to myself what a wonderful world. Of course now, teal (the mix of blue and green) I think is my favorite. Another one I like a lot is Peach. I just love colors where you have to ask yourself, Is that green or is that gray? Is that brown or is that maroon? Is that pink or is that orange? (peach) It depends on how the light hits it and on how well blended it is. Paints can't mimic fabric, for example.

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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by KOSTACC »

Barbara wrote:

There is a reason red flags are waved at animals in bullfights to get them enraged !

This is just an old wives tale, bulls don't have a color preference, can you imagine that! No, the bull is actually attracted to the flag waving in their face, any color will work, even a clear plastic flag. By the way, red is consider a lucky color in Asian cultures, a sign of happiness and prosperity. In India red is a symbol of life-giving purity. In Greece red is considered a dominant male color. In Christianity, at least in non Orthodox Christianity, red combined with green is associated with Christmas. And of course red is considered a sign of the Resurrection, ever seen a red Pascha egg ?

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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by Maria »

KOSTACC wrote:
Barbara wrote:

There is a reason red flags are waved at animals in bullfights to get them enraged !

This is just an old wives tale, bulls don't have a color preference, can you imagine that! No, the bull is actually attracted to the flag waving in their face, any color will work, even a clear plastic flag. By the way, red is consider a lucky color in Asian cultures, a sign of happiness and prosperity. In India red is a symbol of life-giving purity. In Greece red is considered a dominant male color. In Christianity, at least in non Orthodox Christianity, red combined with green is associated with Christmas. And of course red is considered a sign of the Resurrection, ever seen a red Pascha egg ?

Great response and very educational!


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by Barbara »

Hee hee, how many bull fights have you attended, Kostacc ? I have attended corridas in both Spain and Mexico.
I recall there WERE -- RED -- flags.

In a more figurative context, red flags are considered SERIOUS - if not SEVERE - warning signals of some danger or trap of which the viewer is not aware but remotely senses. We don't want that type of association here !

We want openness, clarity and harmony to greet every viewer.
Whereas Red signals to an alert person's brain : Watch out ! Lurking problems here beneath the surface.

We want peace to fill the souls of our viewers. Not worries about hidden snakes coiled up to strike ! That is what I think of when I see a predominately red color scheme outside of ecclesiastical vestments or Paschal trimmings.

As for me, I love the green of Christmas trees and color motif. But I am never thrilled with the red. I prefer snowflake patterns of blue and white for Christmas labels or wrapping paper, if I can't find some religious-themed ones.

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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by KOSTACC »

Barbara wrote:

Hee hee, how many bull fights have you attended, Kostacc ? I have attended corridas in both Spain and Mexico.
I recall there WERE -- RED -- flags.

In a more figurative context, red flags are considered SERIOUS - if not SEVERE - warning signals of some danger or trap of which the viewer is not aware but remotely senses. We don't want that type of association here !

We want openness, clarity and harmony to greet every viewer.
Whereas Red signals to an alert person's brain : Watch out ! Lurking problems here beneath the surface.

We want peace to fill the souls of our viewers. Not worries about hidden snakes coiled up to strike ! That is what I think of when I see a predominately red color scheme outside of ecclesiastical vestments or Paschal trimmings.

As for me, I love the green of Christmas trees and color motif. But I am never thrilled with the red. I prefer snowflake patterns of blue and white for Christmas labels or wrapping paper, if I can't find some religious-themed ones.

Yes, they use red flags traditionally but the color has nothing to do with actually making the bull enraged to attack. If that's what you really think then try going into a cow pasture with a bull and wave around a yellow, blue or flag of whatever your favorite color is. For that matter forget the flag and just wave your hand and say ola toro. Do you really the bull is just going to wave hello back to you?
I can see you hate the color red but it doesn't bother me, and i doubt it really bothers most other people. Have you noticed that the two headers for this forum are basically all red ? I do think that getting rid of those stupid little Smiilies would be an improvement.
And, let me say that if you want openness to great people here then the private forums need to go.

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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by Barbara »

I have been meaning to get back to this section.

One idea I have had for awhile is to have another couple of Forums so that one can easily locate posts of one's interests.
I realize too many individual forums could become ponderous. But the improved organization would pay off, I think.

I wanted to suggest ideas of :

  1. History - focus on Orthodox countries
  2. Health - how to improve
  3. Psychology - pathologies to learn about and hence avoid tragedy in one's life
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Re: How can we improve E Cafe?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

I have been meaning to get back to this section.

One idea I have had for awhile is to have another couple of Forums so that one can easily locate posts of one's interests.
I realize too many individual forums could become ponderous. But the improved organization would pay off, I think.

I wanted to suggest ideas of :

  1. History - focus on Orthodox countries
  2. Health - how to improve
  3. Psychology - pathologies to learn about and hence avoid tragedy in one's life

We already have three forums under History of the Church:
If I were to add a fourth forum called The Rise and Fall of Orthodox Christian Empires and Nations, that could easily delve into politics as nefarious politics did topple many nations and created the rise of God-less republics and dictatorships.

I would suggest that in the book review forum, we discuss the lives of Orthodox Christian queens and kings as written by Doctors Vladimir Moss and Father James Thornton.

Our general health and psychological well-being seem to be suffering in this modern age as we turn away from natural God-given foods to those highly processed, sweetened, and chemicalized foods created by GMO-scientists and food-scientists. The real problem is our turning away from God as we trust more in science, chemicals, drugs, technology and cyberspace that dull our pain and distract us from the reality of Eternal Life.

Nevertheless, I welcome your responses.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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