Orthodoxy and Levels of Prayer

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Orthodoxy and Levels of Prayer

Post by Maria »

From the teachings of Elder Ilie Cleopa. Translated by Ioan Calineac.

1) - Oral prayer is the first step of prayer. ... [movement of the lips]

2) - The second step of prayer is Prayer of The Mind. ... [attentive prayer]

3) - The third step of prayer is Prayer of The Heart. ... [attentive loving prayer]

4) - The fourth step is Self-Moving Prayer. ... [unceasing prayer even while sleeping]

5) - The fifth step of prayer is Seeing Prayer. ... [Through the Holy Spirit, one is able to read men's thoughts and sins.]

6) - The sixth step is Prayer in Ecstasy or Amazement. ... [A Christian becomes a living flame]

7) - The seventh step is Spiritual Prayer. ... [oneness with God]

Note: In order to avoid copyright violations, I have paraphrased and abridged the parts in brackets.
Reference: http://romanianorthodoxyinenglish.blogs ... rayer.html
This site is run by a member of world Orthodoxy.

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Many priests and books on the spiritual life have said that it is good not for people to compare and self-diagnose their own spiritual level as this may lead to prelest. In most of the Orthodox theological books, only three levels of prayer are mentioned:

[b]The Purgative Way[/b] - where one prays with the mind and lips and struggles to purify himself from passions.
[b]The Illuminative Way[/b] - where one is enlightened by the Holy Spirit and engages in unceasing prayer in a desire to reach theosis. 
[b]The Unitive Way[/b] - where one prays in union with God (theosis).

Most Orthodox Christians fall somewhere between the Purgative and the Illuminative Way.
However, we are all called and given adequate grace to reach the Unitive Way.
Lord have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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