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Re: Saint John of Kronstadt and the homeopathy

Post by joasia »

Archimandrit Nilos wrote:

We all know Saint John of Kronstadt (1829-1908): He enjoyed a very high authority, earning thanks for his gift of speeches and philanthropic activity. Beside this he was known for his healings. Ioann of Kronstadt rendered a very significant support for homeophathy in Russia by word and by deed. Later, some priests treating with homeopathy mentioned in the homeopathic periodicals that it was Archpriest Ioann's of Kronstadt speeches concerning homeopaths showed how Russian Orthodox clergymen created miracles in the treatment of the sick with homeopathic medicines, that led them to begin with homeopathic activity.

My thoughts: The creation of this world, by God, is a miracle in itself. The saints recognized that. And they saw that God provided everything for us including healing of the body. I think there's a deep spiritual connection when one uses the elements that God created in order to heal the body because at the same time they are expressing their faith to the One that created all, whether they realize it or not. And those who do not, I hope that they will be led to realize what a miracle this planet is.

Do you have any excerpts of these periodicals?

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

I knew Bishop Constantine (Essensky) from the ROCOR personally. I visited him 1985 in London. Altough he has studied medicine, for me is new that he has occupied with homeopathy. He was coming from Eulogian jurisdiction and he was a graduate from the contested so called "Parisian School", he was coming later to the ROCOR.

His Grace, the Right Reverend Constantine (Essensky) of Richmond was a bishop in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Bishop Constantine was born Emmanuel Essensky in 1907 in St. Petersburg, Russia. His family moved to Riga, Latvia during the first year of the Bolshevik revolution. His father, who had worked in the Imperial Chancery, was arrested by the Bolsheviks and executed. His mother died of grief following her husband's death, leaving their son, Emmanuel, an orphan. Emmanuel finished school while also studying iconography under the Old Rite iconographer Pimen Sofronov.
In 1928, Emmanuel entered the seminary in Riga with the blessing of Archbishop John of Riga. After graduating in 1930, Emmanuel moved to Paris, France where he continued his theological education as St Sergius Theological Institute, graduating with a doctorate degree. Entering the Holy Orders, Emmanuel was ordained to the priesthood by Metropolitan Eulogius of Paris and was assigned to the Church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir in Berlin, Germany. After serving for two years as the second priest, Fr. Emmanuel was assigned as rector of the Church of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow Church in Leipzig, Germany, serving also at parishes in Kassel, Dresden, and Einbeck.
In 1938, Fr. Emmanuel moved to the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. During World War II, he studied medicine at Berlin University, finishing four semesters, before moving in 1945 to Bad-Hartzburg, in the American Sector, due to ill health. In 1949, Fr. Emmanuel moved to the United States, where after temporary assignments in Washington, D. C. and Trenton, New Jersey, he was assigned as rector of the Church of the Ascension in Glen Cove, New York, which he transformed with his talent for iconography.
In October 1967, Fr. Emmanuel was tonsured a monk with the name Constantine by Abp. Averky at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. Two month later Hiermonk Constantine was consecrated bishop and assigned as vicar Bishop of Brisbane within ROCOR's Diocese of Australia and New Zealand where he served from 1967 to 1976. Between 1976 and 1978, Bp. Constantine was in retirement. He returned to the United States in 1978 where he served as vicar Bishop of Boston and Eastern America and New York from 1978 to 1981. He was then assigned as Bishop of Richmond and Great Britain from 1981 until his retirement due to poor health in 1985.
In 1991, Bp. Constantine moved to the Christ of the Hills Monastery in Blanco, Texas, a place that proved a better climatic for his health. Bp. Constantine reposed on May 31, 1996 after a brief struggle with pneumonia and was buried at Christ of the Hills Monastery.

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Barbara »

Oh ! Thank you, Archimandrite N., for these insights into that Bishop.
I did not know anything about him except his title [why was he given Richmond, I wonder ?] and that I believe his picture is in that famous one of Metropolitan Philaret's consecration,
looking from the right side ?
I have to check again. Someone had told me that.
Let me go through the whole bio. This is fascinating info. Really great of you to present that for us.

Fr Augustine, good idea to bring up !

I am amazed about St John of Kronstadt.
This adds new devotion to him for me.
Don't forget, everyone, his Feast Day is soon approaching.

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Barbara »

A healthy time to brief ourselves on the info presented in this thread again !

Not only has Bp Constantine been found to be incorrupt, a remarkable, awe-inspiring discovery, but perhaps one could make a link between his apparent practice of homeopathy, according to Fr Enoch, and the great blessing of Heaven upon the Rocor Bishop to be rendered incorrupt. If nothing else, it's surely a word to the wise !

I came back because I wanted to check with Joasia about any ongoing treatment by Dr Bill Gray of her friend. Perhaps
Joasia did not return to his office. But maybe her friend did and has given her reports of her progress ??
That would be encouraging for all of us natural-oriented people !

And to think it was the 50th Anniversary of St John of Kronstadt's canonization this very year, 2014. We can all remember his
advocacy of homeopathy and mark the end of this year by resolving to follow the great Archpriest's example in 2015 - and the years to follow !

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Barbara »

Perhaps we might want to start a separate thread on Bishop Constantine {Essensky}.

It's amazing that Archimandrite actually met the saintly hierarch !

One thing I don't understand is : what problems were there in Australia ? This is alluded to in the standard bio of him.
What happened there ? Bp Constantine was there quite some years, unlike Metropolitan Philaret, whose tenure as
Bp of Brisbane was short due to the great wisdom of the Rocor Synod in following St John Maximovitch's self-effacing suggestion of making the fearless anti-Soviet Archimandrite the next Metropolitan rather than either himself or the other
recipient of a large number of votes. Wasn't that Abp Nikon ?

Anyway, why did Bp Constantine retire ? Was it just the ill health, or he thought he could not get anything accomplished as
a Vicar Bishop of Australia - due perhaps to conflicts about that St Peter and Paul Church ?? [Just a guess.]

I looked up trusty Mike Woerl's Lives of Bishops, but did not immediately see one on Bp Constantine.

Any more details, Archimandrite ? Or any of our members on this particular chapter of Bp Constantine's life, or about his
legacy in general ?

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Re: Homeopathy

Post by Barbara »

Never got any answers here...
Meanwhile, back to Homeopathy, I was discussing this subject today with someone whose family supports use of it. However, his Greek wife or former wife is ambivalent. I told him about George Vithoukas in Greece and checked to see whether this premier homeopath is still alive. Yes, he is ! Age 87 and apparently active.

His American disciple, Dr Bill Gray, in Los Gatos, California, is still practicing. I glanced at the 'yelp' website reviews and saw to my surprise that some people were not enthused about Dr Gray's manner and the results from his remedies. Curiously, all these had Hindu names. Perhaps they are on a campaign to tarnish Bill Gray as competition for an Indian homeopath in the Silicon Valley region ?
Most reviewers were appreciative, however.

One review which got hidden [ why ?! Who hid it when it is the most powerful of all the positive feedback ? ] reads :

Ann D. wrote :
Unlike the destructive surgical procedures and suppressive drugs with damaging side effects offered by western medicine, homeopathic treatment involved inexpensive, natural, non-harmful remedies prescribed specifically for me based on the totality of my symptoms. That's where Dr. Gray's brilliance as a practitioner was key - well worth the cross-country travel. His depth of knowledge and extensive experience combined with his keen perception and astute understanding of the human condition led to identification of exactly the right remedy (a rare one) for me.
Under Dr. Gray's care, homeopathic treatment has been both life-saving and life-changing. I am now happier and healthier than ever in all regards. One surprising outcome has been that homeopathy healed not just physical illness, but all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Quite remarkably, all aspects of being were treated equally well. Not only was the physical illness for which I sought treatment cured, but several other long-standing problems (including relational issues) resolved in the process.
Although I live on the east coast, I continue to visit Dr. Gray from time to time when travel takes me through San Francisco so that when the inevitable injury or sickness does arise, then I can arrange a phone consult for follow-up care."

Mike R wrote :

Doctor Gray is absolutely the smartest Doctor I have ever seen or spoken to...He will cure you with the right homeopathic remedy instead of going to a doctor who prescribes western medicine that will only mask the symptoms. Not only have I not been sick 5 years after seeing him, I have referred a couple people recently who were helped. Simply put the correct remedy will boost your immune system and cures you permanently.....without the side effects of many of the western meds that doctors who don't know about homeopathic cures....

Do yourself a favor and read the book Overdosed America!! Luckily there are world class doctors like Dr Gray.



Some reviewers complained about Dr Gray's wife, Victoria. But after all, she is not the one diagnosing conditions and assigning remedies. Probably her brusqueness and protectiveness of her husband's time, though irritating, could be easily overlooked.
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