Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authorities

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by jgress »

joasia wrote:


UFOs strike me as really old hat. They were all the rage decades ago when Fr Seraphim was around, but I'd hardly say they're topical today. Maybe in the late 1990s when you had those movies about extra-terrestrial intelligence like "Contact", but not recently.

What about Men in Black? It's the top movie of the latest times. A trilogy. The main focus of movies in the past 10 years is about aliens.

Or what about Independence Day??

Fair enough. I think my impression of the relative unimportance of ET issues today stems from not reading enough popular literature. It seems in the uneducated mind UFOs and little green men are still all the rage.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

jgress wrote:

If unbridled skepticism is not a virtue, neither is unbridled gullibility and completely uncritical acceptance of any report that happens to fit our preconceptions. Aren't we meant to practice discernment? What happened to trust but verify?

OK, you got me. I didn't bother to read through every link. But now I will and I'll offer my critique:

For the first one, on the "imminent disclosure of extraterrestrial life". That was in 2009, but we haven't heard any such disclosure. Sounds to me like this source ("Michael Salla", whoever he is), is not trustworthy or competent. Next!

The "IT world" article is arguing for the existence of extraterrestrial life on the basis of probability: the universe is so vast that intelligent life must have evolved somewhere else. Perhaps, but there's no indication the author believes we are about to contact these alleged extraterrestrial beings. In fact, he explicitly ridicules conspiracy nuts who believe we have already contacted ET. Next!

The third source seems to be attempting to read a belief in ET into the views of Pope Francis and this Fr Funes. All I get from it is typical RC theological speculation on impractically remote possibilities such as contact with intelligent ET life and the soteriological implications thereof. Again, no indication such ET beings are about to be contacted or revealed.

With the other sources, yes it does look like there's an ongoing research interest in ET life, but I don't see a reason to believe in some "imminent disclosure".

In addition, you say that these beliefs are "absurd". But the notion of "absurd" changes with the times. Here's a good example: very early Church Fathers (e.g. St Justin, St Hippolytus) believed that angels sometimes seduced human females, mated with them and produced offspring. Later Fathers, e.g. St John Chrysostom, thought this absurd, since angels were not corporeal beings. I'm inclined to side with St John on this issue, but clearly what seems absurd in one age may not seem so in another age. (See V Moss' article on "Genetics, UFOs and the Antichrist" for references).

I think for many the miracles we believe in seem "absurd", e.g. the Resurrection, the Virgin birth of Christ etc. And in a sense, of course, that's precisely the point: "where God so wills, the order of nature is overcome". But if we believe clearly "absurd" things ("credo quod absurdum" and all that), on what grounds do you criticize others for believing what seems "absurd" to you, e.g. evolutionary theory, extraterrestrial life, and so on?

If any source expresses the views and commonly held beliefs of the global elite, it is the Economist. I have never read anything in the past few years concerning imminent contact with aliens. I have read the odd article concerning programs like SETI, so clearly it's an ongoing research interest for some, but not in any way a priority. Consider the following blog post: ... _diplomacy

The whole thing seems to me rather frivolous, and the author takes a similar view:

So is there going to be an alien ambassador? Well for one thing, distances in space are so vast the chances of anything more than a signal arriving from aliens is fantastically remote. For another, it is more likely that if we discover alien life it will be some form of microbe found under a damp rock on Mars or some pattern in the chemistry of a planet several hundred million years away.

The views of global educated opinion seem rather skeptical about the possibility of contact with intelligent alien life.

My apologies, Jonathan. I was not being very humble and thoughtful about the feelings and ideas of others.

The tempter was trying to draw me into an ungodly attitude.

God knows what will happen in the future. I would do well to leave all this conjecture aside and leave it with Him.

I think it is good for me to focus on prayer and along with meat and dairy and movies, also avoid internet forums and give my full attention as much as I am able to the spiritual fare that Lent would have me concentrate on both outwardly and in my mind.



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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Maria »


Do you have a link to V. Moss' article: Genetics, UFOs and the Antichrist?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by jgress »

Forgive me, too, Symeon. I shouldn't have been so snarky; it's not a very lenten (or Christian) attitude.

Here is the Moss article link: ... ntichrist/

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Maria »

jgress wrote:

Forgive me, too, Symeon. I shouldn't have been so snarky; it's not a very lenten (or Christian) attitude.

Here is the Moss article link: ... ntichrist/

Thanks for the link, Jonathan.

God forgives and I forgive.

Forgive me too if I have offended anyone in my discussions about UFOs and aliens.

The very thought that aliens might exist creates fear in the minds of many people.
This kind of morbid fear that leads to depression, despair, and death, is not the same as godly fear,
which inspires us to be in awe of God and His incredibly awesome universe.
If we strive to pray unceasingly, and keep the Jesus prayer ever on our lips, minds, and hearts,
then we shall not fear the future.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

jgress wrote:

Forgive me, too, Symeon. I shouldn't have been so snarky; it's not a very lenten (or Christian) attitude.

Here is the Moss article link: ... ntichrist/

Thank you for being understanding, Jonathan. A good friend of mine reminded me that we all face greater testing during this period and need to exercise vigilance over our thoughts. The forum is a good place with potential to shore up Lenten ideas and encouragement, but it can also be a place where we can be sidetracked on subjects that are not really as helpful in making the most of this time of spiritual progress.


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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

Maria wrote:

Thanks for the link, Jonathan.

God forgives and I forgive.

Forgive me too if I have offended anyone in my discussions about UFOs and aliens.

The very thought that aliens might exist creates fear in the minds of many people.
This kind of morbid fear that leads to depression, despair, and death, is not the same as godly fear,
which inspires us to be in awe of God and His incredibly awesome universe.
If we strive to pray unceasingly, and keep the Jesus prayer ever on our lips, minds, and hearts,
then we shall not fear the future.

Very good thoughts, Maria!
Thank you,

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