The Position of the GOC in relation to other churches

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Re: The Position of the GOC in relation to other churches

Post by Maria »

diakrisis wrote:

Looks like that specific Orthodox Tradition was published in 2007.

Cf. An Unpleasant But Necessary Statement About Certain Misrepresentations of Historical Fact
by Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland with the editorial collaboration of Bishop Chrysostomos, Metropolitan emeritus of Etna

We have already discussed this Encyclical in another thread.
Bishop Auxentios is an unrepentant and unashamed Cyprianist.
He tries to justify his Cyprianist position by creating a false dichotomy, which he calls the Royal Path.

As I have stated before, the strait gate and narrow way to Heaven is not Bishop Auxentios' so-called Royal Path, which is apparently a Roman Catholic creation. Auxentios' Royal Path is the broad middle way, the way of compromise.

Matthew 7:14 (KJV)

“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: The Position of the GOC in relation to other churches

Post by Maria »

Mark Templet wrote:

In my opinion: ...

Thus, I see the same within True Orthodoxy. This process had to unfold as in the example above. Some, can act more quickly because the situation is clearer to them, having witnessed it first hand. Others might be more cautious and be justified to do so until more clarity is reached. It is not uncommon within Church history to have such instances of confusion and caution.

However, at this point, how can anyone believe that God’s Grace is within the World Orthodox who are ravenously rejecting Holy Tradition in favor of ecumenism, and falling for the seduction of the false shepherds outside the Church? Why would anyone need to still be cautious? The evidence and canonical violations are mountainous at this point! I can see no way that the Conservation of Grace could be actually helping anyone among them at this point. Yes, I’m sure that God will have mercy on many, especially converts who know no better, of those ignorant of the choice. But this has never been the standard of the Church; such blatant refusal for correction has never gone on this long without the Church getting to a determination. It is time to stop tiptoeing around something so obvious at this point.


In viewing what has happened with the EP and his false council at Crete, we can see that many in World Orthodox, actually the majority of World Orthodoxy in communion with the MP, Georgia, etc., are now questioning this rampant ecumenism and heresy as seen in the EP and in the deliberations at Crete. Yet, ecumenism is still present to a lesser degree in the MP, who are still guilty of Sergianism and Ecumenism, so isn't this a matter of the pot (the EP) calling the kettle (MP) black and vice versa? Can and should we take sides when both the EP and the MP have lost grace? No, both need to be called to repentance, and until they do, we should not be praying with them. Neither should we be praying to their pseudo "saints" such as Elder Paisios, as some in the Kallinikites are doing. Remember that Paisios as a novice left True Orthodoxy for the EP, and he continued to commemorate the EP until he died.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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