Natalie Wood : proud of Russian blood

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Re: Natalie Wood : proud of Russian blood

Post by Barbara »

Natalie also used to tell her daughters Russian fairy tales as bedtimes stories, I learned from a recent article.
Thus the culture did not leave her. Too bad she did not take more interest in the Church, however !

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Re: Natalie Wood : proud of Russian blood

Post by Barbara »

Speaking of Natalie Wood's daughters -- her daughter Natasha Gregson Wagner [ the name combination chosen by Natalie to reflect both the girl's real father, Welsh film producer Richard Gregson and her stepfather, American actor Robert Wagner ] revealed a hitherto unknown facet of the situation.

In an April 25, 2016 interview with that weighty tome, People Magazine, Natasha asserted that she had had a presentiment about danger to her mother on that last trip and tried to forestall the yachting outing :

" Natalie Wood’s daughter Natasha Gregson Wagner remembers how she said goodbye to her mom just before she left to go boating ... that weekend off of Catalina Island.

“Don’t go,” said Natasha, then 11, as Wood got ready to go sailing on their yacht, Splendour.

.... Natasha, 45, [ related ] “They were getting ready to go on the boat. I was hugging her and telling her I loved her and to have a great trip. She had an angora sweater on and it was very soft. That’s my last memory of her.”

“I had a funny feeling,” says Natasha.... “I don’t know if it was just being a child who didn’t want her mom to leave or what it was but I didn’t want her to go.” ... and-death/

Perhaps loss can be turned into profit if a lesson is learned for all to listen to the voices of reliable children [ as opposed to delusional ones ].

For had Natalie heeded this loud alert from her daughter and skipped the trip, the actress would possibly be alive today.
Certainly her fame might be less due to not having had that mysterious end which shocked the world. But Natalie might have a happy, fulfilling family life -- which is what she had always wanted. It was her mother, nicknamed "Mud", who though staunchly anti-Communist, was a dictator to her daughter, pushing her relentlessly to become a child movie star.

As it was, Natasha Gregson Wagner said that she could not get over the loss of her mother until quite recently. The trauma affected many other aspects of her life.

Too bad that as a girl, she had apparently had the right instinct. But, like a Cassandra, Natasha was NOT listened to. Her parents did not even consider canceling their yachting expedition that November 1981 weekend.

This vignette certainly adds further poignancy to the Natalie Wood scenario.

PS - Of course, warnings by spiritually alert people of ANY age should be heeded if there is any good reason to do so. Not only those of children.

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Re: Natalie Wood : proud of Russian blood

Post by Barbara »

Natalie Wood's gravestone in Westwood Cemetery, Los Angeles does feature a nice old-fashioned looking Russian Cross :

Too bad that there had to be the name Wagner listed : if only she had never married that suspicious actor, she would likely be alive today !

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