Positive steps to stay healthy

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Re: Neem "Indian Liac" is a natural insecticide.

Post by Barbara »

Maria, you found the right source. This seems to be the main Neem tree grower in the US.
That was the place I had seen on a list of references, too.

I checked their website briefly. I noticed the interesting fact that Neem is good for dogs ! Especially those with joint problems or other old age or similar ailments. However, cats seem best to take a pass on Neem. However, for the dogs, there are even special 'chew sticks' which is the professional name for the twigs. Probably does wonders for a canine's teeth and killing the bacteria and viruses in the mouth. Proof has mounted that THESE in fact are the source of much else wrong through the entire system, human or animal. Many infections, inflammations begin in the mouth.

So try ordering a bunch of "chew sticks' from Neem Tree Farms and see how they work if you have a dog, especially an ill one.

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Re: Neem "Indian Liac" is a natural insecticide.

Post by Barbara »

Try looking up under "chew sticks". I found this source of Organic ones :


Apparently, there aren't too many left in stock here. There will be other sellers, particularly as the word spreads about the marvelous benefits of Neem tree products.

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Natural Forms of Pain Relief

Post by Maria »

Although the article starts with acupuncture, there are other forms of natural pain relief mentioned that do not depend on opioids. For example, in this article Dr. Mercola demonstrates a brief and simple set of exercises that can boost your body's own production of Nitric Oxide. NO increases circulation and helps prevent the formation of blood clots, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... id=2766728

Story at-a-glance

  • * Research suggests acupuncture can be an effective treatment for pain. Clear and robust effects have been found in the treatment of back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, osteoarthritis and headaches

    • When properly administered to elicit da qi, acupuncture results in the release of nitric oxide (NO) at the acupuncture site, which in turn encourages the release of natural analgesics in your body
    • Previous research shows acupuncture deactivates certain parts of your brain, thereby altering your experience of pain

If you do decide to try acupuncture, please be advised that some doctors will use music CDs that have subliminal messages, which can be dangerous as they are forms of hypnosis. These subliminal messages are usually found in music tapes with sounds of ocean waves in the background, but even light piano music can also contain these subliminal messages. Just be careful.

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Luteolin-rich foods calm inflammation & help heal cancer

Post by Maria »

Luteolin is emerging as the most powerful health agent in the bioflavonoid family. ...

In 2012, these researchers [at Hallym University in South Korea] refined their knowledge about how luteolin induces apoptosis. They found that it limits the ability of insulin-like growth factors to signal colon cancer cells known as HT-29 cells. The result: colon cancer cells die.

In 2010, studies at the U.S. Department of Agriculture first showed that six different bioflavonoids could stop an enzyme called TBK1 from triggering inflammation. Of the six bioflavonoids, luteolin was found to be the most powerful anti-TBK1 agent.

http://links.cancerdefeated.com/a/746/p ... RlZC5jb20i

Here are some foods that are rich in Luteolin:

  • Artichoke leaves
    Brussels sprouts
    Celery seeds
    Chamomile tea
    Green peppers
    Olive oil
    Oregano (dried)
    Peppermint (fresh)
    Red bell peppers
    Sage (fresh)
    Thyme (fresh)

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Re: Acid Reflux or GERD - What can be done?

Post by Maria »

Maria wrote:

* Acid reflux affects an estimated 50 percent of Americans. The hallmark symptom of acid reflux is “heartburn”—a burning sensation behind your breastbone that sometimes travels up your throat

  • Acid reflux is not a disease caused by excessive acid production in your stomach; rather it’s a symptom more commonly related to hiatal hernia and/or Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
  • The problem also typically results from having too little acid in your stomach, which is why proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) typically just perpetuate the problem, and make acid reflux worse
  • The answer to heartburn and acid indigestion is to restore your natural gastric balance and function. Eat lots of vegetables and other high-quality, ideally organic, unprocessed foods
  • Make sure you’re getting enough beneficial bacteria from your diet by regularly consuming fermented foods. This will help balance your bowel flora, which can help eliminate H. pylori bacteria naturally

To view the entire article, which has some extra recommendations and two videos, please click: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... tment.aspx

Since I have been avoiding grains and beans, my acid reflux has vanished. Must be the lectins in those food items.

However, I do use probiotics before bedtime, usually organic yogurt (the white and red quart container from Trader Joes).

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Barbara »

Oh I missed all this.

Bac to the Acupuncture treatments, I think they are great. But one MUST make sure the acupuncturist is not just qualified but 'with it'. I went to one here in Idaho [ in short, not in California where a wide array of choices exists ]. This M.D. did acupuncture as a side practice for his hospital work in a different field. I thought he was good. BUT - he disappeared suddenly. No explanation was given by the staff except that they thought he would be gone for 6 months or so.
That was odd. When he returned, he admitted he had been overdoing some of the medications he was issuing to his hospital patients and needed to get free from all that. Yikes ! And this physician had been putting acupuncture needles into various meridian points on my arm ?! These must be done with high precision, or no healing result will occur because the meridian has not been reached. Not too comforting to find out.

So - just be careful to choose the RIGHT acupuncture professional. This was quite some years ago, and I had little choice ; but best to rely on one's intuition for guidance, as there can be these hidden problems that one might never suspect.

What you said, Maria, about the subliminal messages is fascinating. It rings true. I never liked that phony type of piano music played in various places. The ocean wave CD's are sold everywhere these days, probably used as a backdrop for practitioners in many areas. So these are dangerous ? I can believe it. I never liked those, either.

Last edited by Barbara on Fri 8 December 2017 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Subliminal Messages

Post by Maria »

Today, I called JC Penney's to check on an order status. They left me on hold for more than 15 minutes with no option for them to call back.

The tape recording had that little piano piece, obviously with a subliminal message to pacify customers.
Finally, I had had enough. One could not pray, hence it must be a subliminal message. I hung up.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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