Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authorities

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by JamesR »

Is there really anything wrong with aliens or UFOs being real? Does it really challenge our faith? Sure the "Ancient Aliens" theory stuff about them engineering humans is wrong, but is the existence of aliens really bad? I'm not denying or confirming it. I guess I'm just undecided. I don't like the thought of aliens beng demonic visions because I have strong rationalistic tendencies, and it really deals a blow to my reliance on empirical reason.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by yeshuaisiam »

There are some awesome Youtube videos about "aliens and demons". I mean I don't give the credence, but like the theory. Check them out, it's the fun & weird part of the internet...

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

JamesR wrote:

Is there really anything wrong with aliens or UFOs being real? Does it really challenge our faith? Sure the "Ancient Aliens" theory stuff about them engineering humans is wrong, but is the existence of aliens really bad? I'm not denying or confirming it. I guess I'm just undecided. I don't like the thought of aliens beng demonic visions because I have strong rationalistic tendencies, and it really deals a blow to my reliance on empirical reason.

My feeling is that it is not so much a point of the existence of aliens (in the Star Trek version of things) who, like us are biological and intelligent beings capable of making good moral choices and becoming more ethically advanced along with the new challenges of increased technological powers (such as space travel, genetic engineering, advanced weapons technology, etc). Actually, I do believe that the UFO/Alien thing is "real" -- not that the phenomenon is really being interpreted correctly as to what is truly and accurately at work, but simply real in the sense that there is something intelligent there that is interacting with us or being observed. The real question for me is, what is the true nature and intention of these beings? and are they really material in nature, or bodiless beings that have the ability to convincingly appear to be material in nature. No one is saying that the physical and biological type of alien cannot exist in an Orthodox view of reality, rather what is being said is, "Do they really exist?" and the prevailing opinion of the elders and fathers of the Church seems to be, "No, they are not merely biologically and technologically advanced intelligent life forms coming to visit us, but rather they are bodiless spiritual entities (fallen angels) who seek to deceive the inhabitants of the Earth into worshipping them and following them." Blessed Seraphim Rose is one of these. But Vladimir Moss has put together a compendium of information on this issue citing various elders and fathers who tried to explain this issue drawing on the ancient wisdom, insights, and prophecies of the Orthodox Church. It can be found in his book, "The Book of The End" which is available online at: ... 5X9.25.htm

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Maria »

yeshuaisiam wrote:

There are some awesome Youtube videos about "aliens and demons". I mean I don't give the credence, but like the theory. Check them out, it's the fun & weird part of the internet...

Since some/many/most of those videos are definitely demonic and can cause nightmares, inattentiveness in prayers, or worse, I would not recommend viewing those videos on aliens and demons.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by joasia »

I think what should be addressed is the meaning of Christ's incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection. If we are to have a proper Christian understanding of the meaning of our existence then we should be able to see that the Holy Trinity formed this world for the existence of man. He was born in the flesh on this planet and He died for our sins so that we would be released from the bondage of satan. He did this for US on this planet. It makes no sense to say that He created other beings on other planets. What did He do? Be born in other worlds and die for them too? There is no intelligent life on other planets. This is a fabrication, which unfortunately, confuses those who do not know the Holy Scriptures. Worldly reasoning have always been opposed to God.

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by Matthew »

I agree with Joanna. This is all a great end of days deception.

Unfortunately, even the highest levels of authority at the Vatican are buying into this great Lie. Witness for example this short quote from a very recent article:

Not only were they able to discuss the study of deep space with the Jesuit astronomers there, but they also gained access to one the top Vatican astronomers in Rome. Horn said Brother Guy Consolmagno, who has also been called the papal astronomer, told the authors some astounding information during five interviews. "He says without apology that very soon the nations of the world are going to look to the aliens for their salvation", said Horn. Consomagno also gave the authors private Vatican documents which reveal much of the thinking of high-level theologians and astronomers within the Church. Horn said these documents show that they believe that we are soon to be visited by an alien savior from another world. To conduct their research, Vatican astronomers are using a German-owned telescope at the Mount Graham International Observatory which uses the acronym LUCIFER to shorten a very long name.

For full article See: ... hors-22068

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Re: Aliens and UFOs Will be Declared Real by World Authoriti

Post by silverbeam »

It was a Catholic 'astronomer' who first developed the big bang theory, default creation myth of modern McCommunist man and his humanist 'faith' in which salvation from without could easily take the form of 'alien brothers' since another of it's doctrines is the complete failure of mankind, and his 'religions' to help himself or each other. So I would say they are not just buying in, they are some of it's chief architects, along with the numerous other, mostly Jewish or Catholic 'scientists' responsible for much of the rest of it, including evolution, quantum theory, materialist psychiatry and psychology, relativity etc.

It is not unreasonable to consider the 'disclosure' of alien life as a possible grand deception in preparation for Antichrist or NWO, it is one of the strongest possibilities in my view. Technology available to the government/military/corporate manipulators is usually estimated to be at least thirty years ahead of what trickles down to the populace. Holographic projection is as advanced as it needs to be to create a realistic invasion or visitation from space and the number of people with at least a healthy skepticism of the reality with which they are presented through the MSM is so small, it seems to be one of the most likely scenarios for an effective end game, even if it might seem crazy on the face of it. The power of the 9/11 psyop has waned, it's job is done, and the next shock needs have far more impact than a mere terrorist attack. That the idea is simultaneously presented as a real possibility and ridiculed as a crackpot fantasy is, I think, indicative of it being a genuine candidate for the next phase of the deception.

Drop a few tantalizing hints, sprinkled with a little scientific mumbo-jumbo, throw in some theological speculation but keep it vague enough to be acceptable to almost every belief system, throw a few 'authoritative' voices behind it but not so respectable that it can't also be dismissed (funny how the RC is perfect for that.) Build the tension, but make sure it will still be shocking when it hits. I could see it working. Question is, will it be invasion or salvation? Will the aliens help us save ourselves from ourselves or will the NWO or Antichrist save us from the invaders? Will it be for the formation of a world government or will that already be in place? Will it follow a war or proceed one?

I know this is all speculation, but when I read this thread it reminded me of something the science fiction author Philip K Dick said: 'When your'e ready to laugh at the idea of little green men, that's when they really zap you.' And he wrote real sci-fi, not the mass market fluff of doxacon. His aliens were almost always hostile and when they were friendly, it was probably a trick.

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