Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

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Re: Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

Post by Cyprian »

Maria wrote:

However, for Orthodox Christians who do not watch movies, a lot of this will fly right over our heads.

How many Orthodox Christians do you know that do not watch movies? Sadly, not many, one would assume. Perhaps some monastics. Unfortunately, I know plenty of clergy from GOC/TOC synods (even bishops) who watch movies and television. A certain GOC bishop has even been known to host a "movie night" discussion at their church.

One does not have to defile themselves by watching movies to learn the foreign language employed by the Illuminati. The Freemasons/Illuminati employ this same language in all their public actions, which are not limited to movies. The news is filled with lies every single day, and this is not a recent phenomenon, but has been happening even prior to our lifetimes. Fake news is not a recent phenomenon.

One can learn to decipher the actions/intentions of the Illuminati simply by reading the steady stream of lies in the news headlines, or deciphering news programs on TV, or listening to talk radio, or going out in public with discerning eyes. Illuminati-speak surrounds us everywhere, and is even found printed on our currency, which everyone has seen.

No, one does not have to analyze Hollywood movies to learn how this secret society, which is preparing the way for the Antichrist, speaks. In fact, the vast majority of people who watch movies do not even understand what they are watching, and are programmed and propagandized by what they watch.

No, the reason people do not know how to decipher the language of the Illuminati, is because they are ignorant of the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Holy Fathers, who explain the images and figures employed in Sacred Scripture. The Scriptures are filled with many parables and riddles, and once one learns how to decipher the parables of Scripture, it will be much easier to recognize how the devil imitates with his own dark sayings and parables.

One does not have to watch TV or movies to know that Meghan Markle's birthday yesterday was the feast of St. Mary Magdalene and why this is not an accident, but is significant.

One does not have to watch TV or movies to recognize what Scripture says about "the great goddess Diana...whom all Asia and the world worshippeth" (Acts 19:27), and to realize how the devil has made a supposed or pretended virgin Diana, Princess of Wales, the most famous and iconic woman in the world, after, of course, the Mother of God.

No, these things do not go over our head because we don't watch enough movies. They go over our head when what little free time people have when they are not caring for the things of the world, how they may please their spouse (cf. 1 Cor 7:34), is spent cluttering our minds with unimportant things like upside down rainbows and space weather.

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Re: Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

Post by Justice »

Cyprian wrote:
Justice wrote:

Are you kidding? :lol:

Do you see me laughing and telling jokes on this forum? You are the one laughing. "Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep."

Some of my posts are not always easily understood by many.

I apologize for my attitude in my previous comment.

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Re: Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

Post by Barbara »

I think Cyprian's comment is brilliant, for it gives anyone at any level of understanding his allusions a foothold into 'what is really going on out there'. It takes practice, but when one reads Cyprian's remarks consistently, one gains something new every time. It can be a lot to take in, especially a non-moviegoer like me. Perseverance pays, for one gains another piece of the complex puzzle of the orchestrated events occurring ever more rapidly, it seems, compared with say, 50 years ago when the world moved more slowly. Or at least international communications did.

Except for analyzing movies as Cyprian does, there is no point to any attendance at any movie. Let alone a church-hall gathering to talk about them ! That's preposterous to me, with all the problems going on everywhere. Almost all books brought out today by known publishers are bad or terrible, too, or I would suggest a more intelligent use of time as gathering to discuss books read in place of a movie-fest.

Most of the self-published books are shockingly poorly edited, thus barely readable. But some few may have something to offer in the way of an independent viewpoint.

[Cyprian, maybe it's time for you to debut your book, a compilation of your various teachings over the years.]

I would defend Maria's threads, nonetheless, since they add a welcome counterpoint to the often heated or emotional discussions in other subjects. The calm, cool, and factual information she posts about the weather, various sun conditions, etc. is valuable therefore on this otherwise high-conflict Euphrosynos Café Forum !

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Re: Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

Post by Maria »

Thank you, Barbara. I check on spaceweather regularly because several of our electronic components have failed due to the CMEs that hit us during the last solar maximum. Even during a solar minimum, we can experience CMEs from the sun that can damage electric stoves and other electronic components in cars, homes, and offices. Also, people and animals should not be outside during a solar event like an M or X flare. The radiation is too strong.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

Post by Barbara »

I didn't realize any of that. Too bad about the damages !
Now that you gave that warning, I will keep a closer look at the M and X class flares TOO. That is important.
How far in advance are they able to be predicted ? So as to be able to keep track of upcoming ones.

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Re: Trouble in Paradise - Kilauea explodes on May 15, 2018

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

I didn't realize any of that. Too bad about the damages !
Now that you gave that warning, I will keep a closer look at the M and X class flares TOO. That is important.
How far in advance are they able to be predicted ? So as to be able to keep track of upcoming ones.

M and X flares happen suddenly. Usually there is a growing sunspot in the delta-gamma range, which triggers alerts from NOAA as Air Force jets and commercial airlines can be disabled. Not only that, but also communications are severely disabled. Thus, it is unsafe to be flying when one of those solar flares emits radiation that will strike the earth. These effects can be felt on earth within seven to ten minutes. Not much time. GPS can also be affected, so a car could end up in a river or the ocean.

A CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) takes a longer time to reach us as another CME that is in progress can speed the time it takes to reach earth. However, other events can delay a CME. Usually NOAA will issue an alert. Just in case, whenever we have had a sizable CME, we disconnect the power to our stove and computers during the time a CME is expected to arrive.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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