Positive steps to stay healthy

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Barbara »

Eww, sounds terrible about that spreading threat. Strange, I just threw out the Tickseed plant I had thought would be a decorative look. But it didn't survive the heat, as I never got around to planting it ; sat around for months and only tonight did I notice that it was not in very salutary condition. Then this report.

Still the image is so pretty that I will post it here to uplift everybody. I had never heard of this until quite recently.
Maybe it repels the little varmints ?


Oh, Maria, I referred to the figure [ the expert on elderly movement, walking tentatively, etc. ] in your earlier post. I didn't see the link about the woman who recovered. I'll look at it later. The theory sounds right about tracing ALL these problems to toxicity in the blood and system. It is ONLY COMMON SENSE !
Why do so many people rush to MD doctors instead of taking their time, studying natural means of healing from ANYTHING > or, going to a naturopath ND - ?

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Eww, sounds terrible about that spreading threat. Strange, I just threw out the Tickseed plant I had thought would be a decorative look. But it didn't survive the heat, as I never got around to planting it ; sat around for months and only tonight did I notice that it was not in very salutary condition. Then this report.

Still the image is so pretty that I will post it here to uplift everybody. I had never heard of this until quite recently.
Maybe it repels the little varmints ?


Oh, Maria, I referred to the figure [ the expert on elderly movement, walking tentatively, etc. ] in your earlier post. I didn't see the link about the woman who recovered. I'll look at it later. The theory sounds right about tracing ALL these problems to toxicity in the blood and system. It is ONLY COMMON SENSE !
Why do so many people rush to MD doctors instead of taking their time, studying natural means of healing from ANYTHING > or, going to a naturopath ND - ?

I am wondering if the tickseed plant has seeds that resemble the immature stages of the tick.

People have said that the immature tick looks like a seed, so they try to brush it off, but it sticks in the skin. And the word stick rhymes with tick.

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Premature gray hair linked to nutritional deficiencies

Post by Maria »

Premature gray hair linked to nutritional deficiencies

... Melanin is what gives our skin, hair, eyes and organs their color. It is also a known antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory, radioprotective and immunomodulatory qualities. It also assists in lowering blood sugar and protecting the gastrointestinal system and the liver. Gray, silver or white hair results when melanin production slows down. This normally occurs gradually over several decades in the middle to later years of life.

With premature gray hair, high levels of oxidative stress from reactive oxygen and hydroxyl radicals adversely impact melanin-producing cells called melanocytes. Simply put, premature gray hair is essentially evidence of an accelerated aging process.

Melanin is derived from the amino acids tyrosine, methionine and cysteine as well as the nutrients iron, vitamin B12, copper and zinc. A lack of even one key nutritional component can result in impaired melanin production. ...

To read the complete article, please visit: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/gray-h ... -2629.html

Thus, a B12 deficiency, a common occurrence especially in vegetarians, can lead to gray, silver, white, or premature graying.

Last edited by Maria on Sun 15 July 2018 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Premature gray hair linked to nutritional deficiencies

Post by Justice »

Maria wrote:

Premature gray hair linked to nutritional deficiencies

... Melanin is what gives our skin, hair, eyes and organs their color. It is also a known antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory, radioprotective and immunomodulatory qualities. It also assists in lowering blood sugar and protecting the gastrointestinal system and the liver. Gray, silver or white hair results when melanin production slows down. This normally occurs gradually over several decades in the middle to later years of life.

With premature gray hair, high levels of oxidative stress from reactive oxygen and hydroxyl radicals adversely impact melanin-producing cells called melanocytes. Simply put, premature gray hair is essentially evidence of an accelerated aging process.

Melanin is derived from the amino acids tyrosine, methionine and cysteine as well as the nutrients iron, vitamin B12, copper and zinc. A lack of even one key nutritional component can result in impaired melanin production. ...

To read the complete article, please visit: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/gray-h ... -2629.html

Thus, a B12 deficiency, a common occurrence especially in vegetarians, can lead to gray, silver, white, or premature graying.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

Last edited by Maria on Sun 15 July 2018 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Barbara »

Maria, yes about the flower's name. There is something like that. I don't know precisely because I tried to avoid any association with the sticky nuisances, so I glossed over that section of the writeup when I was deciding whether to plant the sunny flower.
I am going to make my own unfounded assumption that this plant REPELS the sticky ticks.
Seems the botanists could have come up with a more savory name for a pretty yellow flower, doesn't it ?!

About this melanin, make sure never to take a copper supplement, for nearly everyone gets plentiful copper in their diet.
In fact: TOO MUCH. This is an important point. Vegetarians and others concerned about their nutrition MUST make sure that they are getting lots of ZINC in their diet to offset the copper, which is actually kind of toxic. The copper needs to be neutralized by the ZINC. Many, if not all, ZINC supplements -- including those of top of the line companies like New Chapter -- contain a certain percentage of copper, annoyingly.
This proportion is too high in my opinion.
So take this factor into consideration when trying to find the best balance of nutrients for optimum health every year throughout one's life. Look for ways to take in ZINC, which is important for the immune system as we all know, naturally through food.

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Barbara »

Going back to that post of Maria's about the woman who recovered, I glanced at that today. She has a spirituality section, not yet completed, which has categories for "Meditation" and "Numbers", so just beware.
She also said that she had slipped away from Christianity during her long time searching for a cure, which seems strange. If someone had received all these fearsome diagnoses, would they not become much more needy of God's help, hence prayerful, attending Liturgy, etc. ?? So we don't know too much at this point about the writer.

But there is one interesting thing I dug up on her website. It's a little gross, but could save massive trouble if such things are caught early instead of way too late, as was her case. Small editing from me, including putting in the abbreviation I prefer to use in place of the word that is known to strike terror into many hearts round the world :

"You might wonder whether I had an dental infections leading to my Stage IV Melanoma c..... As a matter of fact - I DID! I had four wisdom teeth extracted when I was 16 years old, just like most teenagers my age. When I was first diagnosed my research lead me to Mike Ventras, a member of the Independent c. Research Foundation, who developed the Cellect-Budwig Protocol for advanced c. patients. When I consulted with Mike, he flat out told me that if I did't find out whether I had any dental infections underneath my wisdom teeth extractions, I would NEVER heal from c.

It took me a year of research to find out all about dental infections. This research then lead me to one of the top dental surgeons in the world, Dr. Blanche Grube, who was able to inform me that I did indeed have four jawbone infections, also known as Cavitations, and that I needed to have them removed. How large were these cavitations? In my mouth they were enormous! I had 8, 9, 11 and 12 mm holes in my jawbones that were completely filled with disgusting pus! That's right, you heard me.... PUS! So, were these dental cavitations a contributing factor to my Melanoma c. diagnosis? I have no doubt that they were. I will do another blog post soon on what this type of surgery entailed for me so you are informed on how simple the procedure was, how I prepared my immune system for it, and how I helped my body heal much faster than the average..."

https://www.triumphoverhealth.com/blog/ ... all-health

To help readers recover from merely reading her post [!], here is some high quality Peppermint Oil put out by one of the modern founders or re-founders of this critically important field
No matter what is wrong with you, top quality Peppermint Oil will go a long way toward solving it ! Even less exalted brands like NOW will help the root of many conditions, not only this one.

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Recognize Signs of Drowning to save lives

Post by Maria »

If you are attempting to rescue a child or adult who is drowning, you only have seconds to do so. Drowning victims rarely have the strength or energy to wave or shout. They can slip below the surface in as little as 20 seconds. Time is of the essence. Read the following entire article from https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/07/no_ ... ooks-like/

1. Except in rare circumstances, drowning people are physiologically unable to call out for help. The respiratory system was designed for breathing. Speech is the secondary or overlaid function. Breathing must be fulfilled before speech occurs.

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2. Drowning people’s mouths alternately sink below and reappear above the surface of the water. The mouths of drowning people are not above the surface of the water long enough for them to exhale, inhale, and call out for help. When drowning people’s mouths are above the surface, they exhale and inhale quickly as their mouths start to sink below the surface of the water.

3. Drowning people cannot wave for help. Nature instinctively forces them to extend their arms laterally and press down on the water’s surface. Pressing down on the surface of the water permits drowning people to leverage their bodies so they can lift their mouths out of the water to breathe.

4. Throughout the Instinctive Drowning Response, drowning people cannot voluntarily control their arm movements. Physiologically, drowning people who are struggling on the surface of the water cannot stop drowning and perform voluntary movements such as waving for help, moving toward a rescuer, or reaching out for a piece of rescue equipment.

5. From beginning to end of the Instinctive Drowning Response people’s bodies remain upright in the water, with no evidence of a supporting kick. Unless rescued by a trained lifeguard, these drowning people can only struggle on the surface of the water from 20 to 60 seconds before submersion occurs.[/quote]

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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