Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by d9popov »

Concerning "gossip sites": one of the many strange things about Pope Francis is that he INTENTIONALLY gives provocative quotations to journalists who are well-known to engage in gossip and to generally be less-than-reliable, such as the pope's atheist-leftist-journalist friend Eugenio Scalfari. It is universally acknowledged that Scalfari does not take notes even when he intends to "quote" someone --- and the Pope continues to speak to him for the purpose of a published conversation. So, Scalfari reports (more than once) that the pope denies the existence of hell. The Vatican does not really deny the report, but notes that the quotes are not exact/accurate. That leaves the public with the heretical idea and also "plausible deniability" for the pope. This is not a secret conspiracy of the pope, but an open agenda against traditional doctrine and an open method of doing it through provocative open statements (some of which can be denied or disputed later). For the media to report accurately on what the pope is up to, they need to access Scalfari, because the pope likes to be interviewed by him. The pope's agenda is open.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

Now this: ... 0_2018.htm

THE PANTOMIME OF CHILE'S PEDOPHILE CRISIS – The rare and dramatic resignation of all 34 Bishops of Chile on May 18, 2018, in response to accusations of cover-up for pedophilia requests an explanation. I will divide this theatrical tragedy into acts.

Pope Francis claiming Bishop Barros is innocent

"There is not one single proof against Bishop Barros"
Act One – The story starts with Francis’ visit to Chile. On January 18, the day he was arriving for his last Mass, he approached some Catholics who greeted him. One of them asked the Pope why he supports Bishop Juan Barros of the city of Osorno. In fact, as early as 1980 Barros was charged with accusations of covering-up for the notorious sexual abuses of Fr. Fernando Karadima.

The Barros’ nomination in 2015 has caused a lot of turmoil in Chile (here), since the Vatican had plenty of evidence of his past cover-up for Fr. Karadima, a convicted pedophile. This case was so well-documented that, already in 2001, the Vatican had forbidden Karadima to be in contact with his former parishioners. This priest was further sentenced in 2011 to “a life of prayer and penitence” by an ecclesiastical tribunal. (Cf. CiperChile, May 14, 2018)

So then, during that casual conversation a person asked Francis why he had named Barros as Bishop of Osorno. The Pope became visibly irritated and answered: "The day they bring me proof against Bishop Barros, then I will speak. There is not one single proof against him. Everything is calumny. Is it clear?" You can watch the question-answer episode in this clip.

Such an absurd and imperative denial of a fact that was public knowledge raised great indignation among Catholics, which was widely broadcast by the media. ...

Please click the link above for the entire article.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Barbara »

All 34 Chilean Bishops resigned ? That's great that they made such a statement of protest.
The answer given by Fake-Pope Francis betrays his leanings toward that wretched evil practice. Why else would he become so distraught ?

WHEN WILL FAKE-POPE FRANCIS follow through on his promise to resign in a year or two ? Seems that more time than that has gone by since he informed reporters of his intention. Maybe he is addicted to soaking up the world's attention -- or else his handlers vetoed the idea.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

It appears as if Francis is causing a division in the independent SSPX, which is likely to join forces with Rome and quit being the thorn in the side of Francis. The SSPX claims loyalty to Francis and even mentions him during the canon of their masses.

A few years ago, the FSSP split from the SSPX and joined Rome. If invited, the FSSP will work with local Roman Catholic diocesan bishops and staff parishes.

Not too long ago, another group split from SSPX. This more conservative group is now known as the Resistance and has four bishops as of last count including Bishop Williamson who was expelled from the SSPX. Although the Resistance still claims loyalty to Francis as their pope, they resist his weird statements of belief.

Furthermore, there is another group of Catholics known as Sedevacantists (sedes), which claim that the chair of Peter has been vacant for 60 years since the death of Piux XII in 1958. The term sedevacantist means that the seat of Peter is empty. Thus, sede priests do not mention Francis in the canon of the Mass. This group includes the CMRI and home aloners who usually pray the Rosary with their families on Sundays. With this imposed isolation, home aloners usually do not pass this faith on to their children or grandchildren.

These are the End Times. There is no unity. Those who claim to be Christians attack one another whether it be Roman Catholics, worldwide Orthodox Christians under the EP or MP, or True Orthodox Christians. Meanwhile, the ungodly New World Order is advancing, spreading immorality in our schools and society, and preparing the way for the AntiChrist.

Lord have mercy.

In case you are interested, below is a brief breakdown of the breakdown within the SSPX, Resistance, and the Sedes. We must pray for our Catholic friends, that they may be saved.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Madison Grant »

The Sedevacantist Catholics have nothing on Holy Orthodoxy for the chair of peter has been vacant for 1,000 years. Not going to hold my breath for when a Orthodox Pope of Rome will rise and take back that seat. But the bug eyed apologists amongst them love to point fingers at Holy Orthodoxy and shout "schismatics!" while failing to see the absurdity of it all in front of them. Serves them right. They should, en masse, convert to Holy Orthodoxy and be done with their 60 year (1958-2018 !!!!!) old ordeal.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

Madison Grant wrote:

The Sedevacantist Catholics have nothing on Holy Orthodoxy for the chair of peter has been vacant for 1,000 years. Not going to hold my breath for when a Orthodox Pope of Rome will rise and take back that seat. But the bug eyed apologists amongst them love to point fingers at Holy Orthodoxy and shout "schismatics!" while failing to see that extremely long nose, think Disney, in front of them. Serves them right. They should, en masse, convert to Holy Orthodoxy and be done with their 60 year (1958-2018 !!!!!) old ordeal.


That is precisely why I said that we should pray for the Roman Catholics that they may be saved by realizing that they are the schismatics and heretics. I did not know what true repentance was until I converted to Holy Orthodoxy.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Barbara »

I'll have to update myself with the new information provided by Maria. One thing stands out as highly surprising : Bishop Richard Williamson's group commemorates Pope Francis ? That's astounding and terrible. They should drop that like a poisoned potato.
This October will be the anniversary of Pope Pius XII's repose, then.

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