Fr. Justin Popovich and World Orthodoxy

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Re: Fr. Justin Popovich and World Orthodoxy

Post by Barbara »

Let's go back to the possible poisoning of Bp Nikolai [Velimirovich]. You said it was murky, so there may be little info that emerged. But are there ANY facts known ? I had NEVER heard of this awful event !
Perhaps attempts were made earlier too by Tito's agents abroad. Scary !!!

The vocally Anti-Communist Bp Dionisije sounds like a hero ! Why, I wonder, haven't we heard more about him ?
Rocor should have mentioned him, one would think, as he must have been in close sympathy with the Russian Church Abroad.
I think he sounds excellent.

Do you dare say who this woman professor was ? I noticed you were being cagey. Perhaps she is still a dark force on the scene.

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Re: Fr. Justin Popovich and World Orthodoxy

Post by d9popov »

Dear Barbara: Hristos voskrese! Thank you for your interest. Forgive me for my much delayed reply. The female student and professor who may have been used by the Yugoslav Communist secret police was named Radmila Milentijevic. If she was not an agent or asset, she definitely was an advocate for the Serbian Communists on American TV. Bishop Dionisije definitely made mistakes (too close to the Anglicans), but he was a totally sincere Christian opponent of Communism. Tito's intelligence services undeniably murdered many non-Communist Serbs, Montenegrins, and Croats in the West (mainstream scholars agree on that). There are reports from Saint Tikhon's seminary that an unknown man was seen on campus right before Saint Nikolaj Velimirovich of Zhicha reposed. Some believe the saint was poisoned by that unidentified man. I am uncertain either way. A problem is that the accusation of poisoning (which may be true) is often presented along with conspiracy theories that are certainly false (such as the preposterous idea that Dionisije had Nikolaj poisoned by that man). One of the witnesses at Saint Tikhon's (Vladislav Maevskii) was also prone to exaggeration. Saint Nikolaj was enormously saddened by the Communist takeover of his fatherland, but this author (Maevskii) wrote about that sorrow in such an emotional way that a reader could conclude that Saint Nikolaj had abandoned Christian hope. I reject these weird theories, but believe it is possible that Saint Nikolaj was martyred for his Christian anti-totalitarianism. A particularly heart-breaking example was a nine-year-old girl named Ivanka Milosevich, who was stabbed almost 60 times and had her skull crushed, at the offices of an anti-communist newspaper in Chicago in 1977. Vjechnaja pamjat. I believe that that murder was the work of Tito's intelligence services, since there is significant circumstantial evidence pointing to that conclusion. Voistinu voskrese!

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Re: Fr. Justin Popovich and World Orthodoxy

Post by Barbara »

Christos Voskrese !

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question, about which I was intently curious. By the way, your earlier post inspired me to research the British role in sponsoring Tito. I found much material, but have not yet gotten around to posting more than that one telling photo. I do plan to, later, whenever I can, as people should know about this black mark on the face of Churchill and other cohorts.

Did you manage to uncover HOW the unknown man - if he did the dastardly deed - poisoned St Nikolai [Velimirovich] ?
It's a pity that that witness was known to exaggerate. How often that happens : someone equipped to provide valuable information can not be fully trusted due to a history of delusionary thinking or some sort of mental distortion

Is that witness Vladislav Maevsky Russian ? I ask because the last name sounds Raevsky, and Rocor had a wonderful Bishop Sava [Raevsky] about whom I always aspired to learn more of his life. I didn't think that name Maevsky sounds Serbian, but I am not any expert.

Yesterday was the day of St Ioanniky of Devich, so this is great that you posted right around this time !

To think that the soulless creature Josip Broz Tito was able to take control of St Ioanniky's country so readily with Soviet help and connivance. And that his intelligence service had such a long arm to America. I NEVER would have known that. I had not heard of ANY Communist Yugoslavia service active outside of the immediate region. How alarming, and that case of the poor girl Ivanka Milosevich [ ironic in view of the names of leaders/family in the US and in Serbia ] makes one shudder at the unimaginable cruelty, and to a young girl of no possible threat to Tito's regime... unconscionable.

Never forget that Tito was touted by London and other Western capitals as 'liberal'. The pitiful creature was heartily praised by many for his so-called 'independence' from Moscow. Yet the writer Anatoly Golitsyn presented an expose of that entire scenario as merely a scam by the Soviets to fool the West. I always felt that Golitsyn's brilliant analysis had at least some major basis.

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Re: Fr. Justin Popovich and World Orthodoxy

Post by jdigrande »

Does anyone have information on the life of St. Nicholai Velimirovich in English? I am looking for the best biography I can find for this great saint.

thank you for any help in this matter. I have looked on Amazon but do not trust the reviews.

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Re: Fr. Justin Popovich and World Orthodoxy

Post by Barbara »

I didn't know that there were any biographies in English, let alone a choice of them. If anyone can recommend one over the others, please inform here.

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