Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

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Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

Post by Maria »

In this new topic, I will not post any explicit images or photos as that would be against our rules.

WARNING: However, if you, the reader, need to explore this topic, to see how low Rome has fallen, some of conservative Catholic links provided below might contain a few explicit pictures showing this degradation.

(1) 2017 - Tribalism at Australian ‘Catholic’ Festival - semi-nudity warning ... tral_3.htm

Under the pretext of honoring their local aborigines, nudism and tribalism were strongly promoted at the 2017 Australian Catholic Youth Festival. ... we see half-naked, grimacing young men crawling on the floor, their torsos painted. Below, rows one to four, other men wearing leather strips that barely cover their genitals glorify the fetishist practices of Australians natives. Youth of both sexes pose in positions suggesting an orgy, second and third rows. ...

(2) Scroll down to January 17, 2018 -
SSPX has fallen into Rome's clutches. - Click the link above to read the full article

... Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, District Superior of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX for France, reveals that, once a Superior-general is elected for the Neo-SSPX n July 2018, the name of the electee will be sent to the Roman authorities for ratification, as is required of Newchurch groups under the 1983 Newcode of Newcanon Law. The Neo-SSPX has never bent the knee to Newrome in this way ever before. Is Fellay not legitimately Superior-general at present in his own eyes? If he is not, why should any of his priests obey him?

Fellay's desire to get Newrome's "ratification" appears to be yet another step toward an official sellout of the Neo-SSPX to the heretical Newchurch of the New Order. In Newchurch's eyes, such a gesture would result in "regularization." If Newrome ratifies the election of a Neo-SSPX Superior-general, it obviously recognizes the Society as a part of Newchurch; it recognizes the Neo-SSPXers as Newchurchers! After this maneuver, the grant of the poisonous personal prelature would be a mere formality. ...

(3) Scroll down to January 16, 2018 -
Francis-Bergoglio's Secret Letter Reveals He Had Known All Along That His Appointee for Chilean Bishop Was Implicated in Paedophilia - Click the link above to read the full article
From: The TRADITIO Fathers

... In these days of the internet and hacking, nothing is secret. Francis-Bergoglio discovered that reality on January 11, 2018, when a secret letter that he wrote to Newchurch bishops in Chile was published by the Associated Press. In it, Bergoglio indicates that he knew full well how implicated Juan Barros was in paedophilia before Bergoglio appointed him Newbishop of Osorno, Chile, 900 kilometrres south of Santiago, and caused a scandal against Newchurch that led Chile's president, congress, and first lady to denounce Bergoglio.

Barros was reported by several victims to have been an eyewitness to the sodomizing of boys by the notorious paedophile presbyter Fernando Karadima, who was Barros's mentor. Chile's Newbishops implored Bergoglio not to appoint the paedophile Barros, but Bergoglio did so anyway, leading Newchurchers in Osorno to riot and prevent the installation of Barros as Newbishop. Emotions against Barros ran so high that he was pelted with dung and had to be scuttled by police out a side exit. ...

(4) The Dictator Pope - ... ator-pope/
Click the link above to read the full article

The title above is the name of a book that appeared Monday in English (after earlier publication in Italian) by a writer who has assumed a grand Renaissance pseudonym: Marcantonio Colonna (an admiral at Lepanto). He evidently could not publish under his real name, for fear of reprisals. But the case he lays out is largely convincing: that Pope Francis has carefully cultivated an image in public as the apostle of mercy, kindness, and openness; in private, he’s authoritarian, given to profanity-laced outbursts of anger, and manipulative in pursuing his agenda. ...

See also:

The inside story of the most tyrannical and unprincipled papacy of modern times.
Jorge Bergoglio was elected Pope in 2013 as a liberal and a reformer. In fact, he had long been known in his native Argentina as a manipulative politician and a skilful self-presenter. Behind the mask of a genial man of the people, Pope Francis has consolidated his position as a dictator who rules by fear and has allied himself with the most corrupt elements in the Vatican to prevent and reverse the reforms that were expected of him.

(5) Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis is Misleading His Flock -

Faithful Catholics are beginning to realize it’s not their imagination.

Pope Francis has led them on a journey from joy to unease to alarm and even a sense of betrayal. They can no longer pretend that he represents merely a change of emphasis in papal teaching. Assessing the confusion sown by this pontificate, Lost Shepherd explains what’s at stake, what’s not at stake, and how loyal believers should respond.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

Post by Maria »

Here is a strange website written by Catholics, not Protestants. These Roman Catholics believe that Francis is the False Prophet who will precede the AntiChrist and who will establish a New World Order, so they are sounding the alarm to warn everyone.

These Catholics are not sedevacantists, SPPX, nor followers of the Dimond Brothers, but they appear to be confused ecumenists who are welcoming everyone who wants to know the truth about Francis. They even welcome atheists and non-Christians who might be curious as to who Francis really is.

I post this link as an informational site, nothing more. I certainly do not recommend them. If anything, they need our prayers.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

Madison Grant
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Re: Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

Post by Madison Grant »

Maria wrote:

Here is a strange website written by Catholics, not Protestants. These Roman Catholics believe that Francis is the False Prophet who will precede the AntiChrist and who will establish a New World Order, so they are sounding the alarm to warn everyone.

These Catholics are not sedevacantists, SPPX, nor followers of the Dimond Brothers,
but they appear to be confused ecumenists who are welcoming everyone who wants to know the truth about Francis. They even welcome atheists and non-Christians who might be curious as to who Francis really is.

I post this link as an informational site, nothing more. I certainly do not recommend them. If anything, they need our prayers.

Those most august sovereign pontiffs, who are the vicars of Christ on Earth, and who can neither be the object of rebuke and be on the receiving end of disciplinary action by any hierarch nor any ecumenical council but, only by the grace of God the Lefebvrians, Sedevacantists, and far-right Novus Ordos.

The title of this thread is catchy, Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality, but presupposes things have only been bad since the Second Vatican Council; when in retrodict Rome has for millennia been in heresy and immorality: see the injection of the filioque into the Nicene Creed and thus altering the definitive understanding of the Holy Trinity, before the schism; the arrogation unto itself a most vile dogma as found in Unam Sanctam dictating as a necessity for salvation an unrestrained obeisance to the man strutting around Rome, after the schism. The sexual promiscuity of the whoremaster Pope John XII, before the schism; and, the raising up to the rank of Cardinal in a nepotic move by the sexually active Pope Paul III of one of his grandsons, yes, the same man who convoked the much laurelled Council of Trent, after the schism.

Last edited by Madison Grant on Fri 26 January 2018 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

Post by Madison Grant »

Maria wrote:

(3) Scroll down to January 16, 2018 -
Francis-Bergoglio's Secret Letter Reveals He Had Known All Along That His Appointee for Chilean Bishop Was Implicated in Paedophilia - Click the link above to read the full article
From: The TRADITIO Fathers
... In these days of the internet and hacking, nothing is secret. Francis-Bergoglio discovered that reality on January 11, 2018, when a secret letter that he wrote to Newchurch bishops in Chile was published by the Associated Press. In it, Bergoglio indicates that he knew full well how implicated Juan Barros was in paedophilia before Bergoglio appointed him Newbishop of Osorno, Chile, 900 kilometrres south of Santiago, and caused a scandal against Newchurch that led Chile's president, congress, and first lady to denounce Bergoglio.

The above quote by Maria was posted a few days before the following exchange Pope Frankie had with reporters in Chile during the same trip.

'Hurtful': Pope Accuses Chilean Sexual Abuse Victims of Slander

The remarks were made by the pontiff in a unplanned exchange with reporters who asked him about controversial Archbishop Juan Barros.

Before saying goodbye to Chile on Thursday, Pope Francis made unfortunate remarks regarding the sexual abuse victims who accuse the current Archbishop of Osorno Juan Barros of covering up for the crimes of Chilean priest Fernando Karadima.

As the pontiff exited the popemobile he approached a group of reporters, some of whom asked about Barros. The pope responded: “The day I receive proof against Archbishop Barros, I will speak. There is not one proof against him, it’s all calumny. Is that clear?”

This was the first time during his Chile visit the Pope referred to Barros’ case. His response was recorded by two local radio stations.

Earlier that day the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile claimed the accusations are “a made-up controversy, without grounds.” However, Barros’ main accuser Juan Carlos Cruz has reiterated on many occasions that Barros was present when Karadima touched his genitals and forced Cruz to kiss him.

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Re: Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

Post by Maria »

Madison Grant wrote:
Maria wrote:

Here is a strange website written by Catholics, not Protestants. These Roman Catholics believe that Francis is the False Prophet who will precede the AntiChrist and who will establish a New World Order, so they are sounding the alarm to warn everyone.

These Catholics are not sedevacantists, SPPX, nor followers of the Dimond Brothers,
but they appear to be confused ecumenists who are welcoming everyone who wants to know the truth about Francis. They even welcome atheists and non-Christians who might be curious as to who Francis really is.

I post this link as an informational site, nothing more. I certainly do not recommend them. If anything, they need our prayers.

Those most august sovereign pontiffs, who are the vicars of Christ on Earth, and who can neither be the object of rebuke and be on the receiving end of disciplinary action by any hierarch nor any ecumenical council but, only by the grace of God the Lefebvrians, Sedevacantists, and far-right Novus Ordos.

The title of this thread is catchy, Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality, but presupposes things have only been bad since the Second Vatican Council; when in retrodict Rome has for millennia been in heresy and immorality: see the injection of the filioque into the Nicene Creed and thus altering the definitive understanding of the Holy Trinity, before the schism; the arrogation unto itself a most vile dogma as found in Unam Sanctam dictating as a necessity for salvation an unrestrained obeisance to the man strutting around Rome, after the schism. The sexual promiscuity of the whoremaster Pope John XII, before the schism; and, the raising up to the rank of Cardinal in a nepotic move by the sexually active Pope Paul III of one of his grandsons, yes, the same man who convoked the much laurelled Council of Trent, after the schism.

Yes, this thread concerns Catholic Traditionals who are holding onto the Papacy even though they reject the immorality and heresy that they witness. I recently viewed an SSPX US news website, which portrays a rosy pictures of Rome while avoiding any controversial heretical or immoral news concerning the Pope or the Vatican.

This SSPX news site reminds me of the Three Monkeys with the message: see no evil, hear no evil, and say no evil. Is not this message from the Three Monkeys a diabolic invention of Freemasonry?

While I was a Roman Catholic, I was told by Jesuits and friends in the Opus Dei "not to judge the Pope," and certainly "not to be holier than the Pope." If the Pope could attend risqué circus events, then who were we to judge? The Roman Catholic doctrine of Purgatory was also a great comfort, for all who believed in Christ would at least escape Hell even if they had to suffer in Purgatory for a time. This belief in Purgatory led to indifference and carelessness. Yet, the Virgin of Fatima stated that many would go to hell. Do you see the conflict?

Next, I was discovered the Eastern Catholic Melkites and Orthodox Christianity since the Melkites had an extensive library of Orthodox Christian books. Through these books, I was also introduced to the idea of Toll Houses, thanks to Father Seraphim Rose although at first I first rejected this teaching as being somewhat gnostic. However, later on, my view on Toll Houses changed. If many people were going to hell because they had not repented and were trying to walk on both paths (the narrow road to Heaven as well as the wide road to Hell), then Purgatory was a diabolic illusion created to confuse even the elect. In other words, why live a strict life, a God-loving life, when one could enjoy life, drink, be merry, and still get to Heaven via Purgatory. Yes, the Irish were confused. St. Patrick's day celebrations were their demise.

Either we love Christ-God and His Church, and strive to follow Him, or we are damned to Hell because of our indifference and toleration of evil. Notice the Freemasonic ideal of toleration, and realize how much freemasonry has infected all the churches, especially the Roman Catholic Church and all the worldwide Orthodox Christian Churches under the EP and MP.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Rome has fallen into heresy and immorality

Post by Maria »

Here is the link to SSPX US News.

Notice the hands on this young anchor below: ... -argentina

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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