Legalizing cannabis does not produce a better cannabis.

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Legalizing cannabis does not produce a better cannabis.

Post by Maria »

Smoking anything is a health risk because you’re inhaling a toxic stew of carcinogens produced in the smoke itself. Whether you’re smoking pot or tobacco, you’re still poisoning yourself with the very kind of carcinogens that promote lung cancer, heart disease, accelerated aging and cognitive decline. ... ... etals.html

Bottom line: if a substance such as cannabis harms your body, and you willingly and deliberately take that substance into your body knowing fully well that it could make you seriously sick or cause harm to your body or that of others by causing you to be intoxicated (DUI), then you are committing a serious sin. In addition, if you smoke, eat or drink a substance around children just to get intoxicated, you can cause bodily or spiritual injury to others along with the risk of causing scandal.

In the case of scandalizing innocent children, paraphrasing scripture, it would be better if a millstone were tied around your neck and you be cast into the deepest sea.

Sadly, many pro-cannabis consumers in California have convinced themselves that Big Tobacco is evil, but smoking pot is safe and natural… even “green.” Yet the cold hard truth of the matter it that marijuana in California is often produced with a toxic cocktail of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. ...

California pot has already been scientifically proven to be shockingly contaminated. A whopping “…93 percent of samples collected by KNBC-TV from 15 dispensaries in four Southern California counties tested positive for pesticides,” reports the UK Daily Mail ...

Edible pot products also frequently contain traces of toxic solvents such as hexane. Because of the shocking lack of regulation of cannabis product production in places like Colorado, many small-scale producers are using insanely dangerous solvents to extract CBD, THC and other molecules from raw cannabis plants. Those solvents include:

  • Hexane (a highly explosive solvent also used by the soy industry to extract soy protein)
    IPA (isopropyl alcohol, which causes permanent nerve damage if you drink it)
    Gasoline (also used to extract heroin in Third World countries) ... etals.html

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Legalizing cannabis does not produce a better cannabis.

Post by Justice »

I just now realized that marijuana has been legalized in California. Lord have mercy!

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Re: Legalizing cannabis does not produce a better cannabis.

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

I just now realized that marijuana has been legalized in California. Lord have mercy!

Yes, and this means that more drivers will be stoned and/or intoxicated as some people drink alcohol and smoke pot.

Lord have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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