ROCOR REFUGEES. That insidious Refugee mentality at work again

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Re: ROCOR REFUGEES. That insidious Refugee mentality at work again

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Oh ! I thought it was an old saying that I had never happened to hear.
The hair was wet from their baptisms - but it isn't a triple immersion like more traditional sectors of Orthodoxy, right ?
But it is a full immersion ? I had no idea.
Or - does their fake 'pastor' sprinkle water on their hair and pronounce them "saved" ?

The Baptists and these other fundamentalist Protestant groups are not mainstream. They baptize by full immersion. However, it is a single backwards guided plunge where the person being baptized is lead backwards by the pastor.

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Re: ROCOR REFUGEES. That insidious Refugee mentality at work again

Post by Barbara »

Oh thanks. Let me look at that so that I am aware what they do.

Baptists are not mainstream ? I thought they were on the conservative end of the protestant spectrum but didn't think they were that much away from the rest of these sects.

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Re: ROCOR REFUGEES. That insidious Refugee mentality at work again

Post by Maria »

Baptists condemn the Mainstream or Mainline Protestants (Anglicans, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, etc.) as being heretics: those who have espoused modernism. Yet some Baptists are also considered Mainstream Protestants.

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Re: ROCOR REFUGEES. That insidious Refugee mentality at work again

Post by Justice »

Maria wrote:

In another thread, I discussed the Refugee Mentality that afflicts many people who convert to Orthodoxy as they seek a place of comfort away from Roman Catholic discord or away from their previous Protestant denomination.

This is exactly why those who adhere to the "ROCOR Refugees" mantra preached by Joanna have the wrong attitude. They are still running away and they still have that "refugee image" stuck in their brain. Joanna Higginbotham and her blogging friends have even admitted to me that they hope to join the ROCOR-MP in a few years, hoping beyond hope that it has changed or that it will change.

This is why they still sing in the ROCOR-MP choir whenever the bishops in the ROCOR-MP come to offer a hierarchial Divine Liturgy, and whenever the ROCOR-MP begs for extra choir members to sing at special events

I read on Joanna's blogspot that she confesses that the ROCOR under Met. Agafangel is the sole continuation of ROCOR. Perhaps her opinion has changed?

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Re: ROCOR REFUGEES. That insidious Refugee mentality at work again

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:
Maria wrote:

In another thread, I discussed the Refugee Mentality that afflicts many people who convert to Orthodoxy as they seek a place of comfort away from Roman Catholic discord or away from their previous Protestant denomination.

This is exactly why those who adhere to the "ROCOR Refugees" mantra preached by Joanna have the wrong attitude. They are still running away and they still have that "refugee image" stuck in their brain. Joanna Higginbotham and her blogging friends have even admitted to me that they hope to join the ROCOR-MP in a few years, hoping beyond hope that it has changed or that it will change.

This is why they still sing in the ROCOR-MP choir whenever the bishops in the ROCOR-MP come to offer a hierarchial Divine Liturgy, and whenever the ROCOR-MP begs for extra choir members to sing at special events

I read on Joanna's blogspot that she confesses that the ROCOR under Met. Agafangel is the sole continuation of ROCOR. Perhaps her opinion has changed?

Yes, Joanna boldly states this. However, in my personal emails with her, Joanna admits that the ROCA under Met. Agafangel broke with the ROCOR-MP because she and others felt that ROCOR-MP had jumped the gun in its rush to join the MP, and should have waited longer. In other words, the game plan was to join the MP all along, but at some later date.

This is contrary to the beliefs of the other Rocor groups (including Father Stephen Fraser) who broke with the ROCOR-MP because they could not compromise with heresy including that of Cyprianism, which Met. Agafangel embraces willingly and knowingly. Remember that it was the Cyprianites (those in the Synod in Resistance) who consecrated new bishops for Met. Agafangel back in 2007. It was this very Synod in Resistance (SiR) who then joined the Kallinikites back in 2014. Met. Agafangel is a sister church with the SiR and is now a sister church with the Kallinikites.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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