Pope considers the married priesthood for Brazil

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Pope considers the married priesthood for Brazil

Post by Maria »

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11 ... ght-marry/

Pope raises prospect of married men becoming priests

Pope Francis has requested a debate over allowing married men in the Amazon region of Brazil to become priests, in a controversial move that is likely to outrage conservatives in the Church, Vatican sources say.

The pontiff took the decision to put a partial lifting of priestly celibacy up for discussion and a possible vote by Brazilian bishops following a request made by Cardinal Claudio Hummes, the president of the Episcopal Commission for the Amazon, Il Messaggero newspaper quoted the sources saying.

Cardinal Hummes reportedly asked Francis to consider ordaining so-called viri probati, married men of great faith, capable of ministering spiritually to the many remote communities in the Amazon where there is a shortage of priests, and evangelical Christians and pagan sects are displacing Catholicism ...

See the link above for the entire story.

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Re: Pope considers the married priesthood for Brazil

Post by Luke »

Another division between the modernists and the trads.

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Re: Pope considers the married priesthood for Brazil

Post by Maria »

Luke wrote:

Another division between the modernists and the trads.

Orthodox Christians have had a married priesthood since the time of Christ. Seminarians are allowed to marry before they are ordained to the subdiaconate or diaconate depending whether they are in a Russian or a Greek synod. However, once ordained, if their wife were to die or divorce, then they cannot remarry.

I wonder how long it will take for traditional Catholics to wake up and realize that they have a "heretic" for a Pope. Even though John Paul II kissed the Quran and prayed with pagans at Assisi, the Vatican sainted that heretic. People forget those incidents.

Being a former Catholic, I can understand the Catholic devotion to the Papacy, but this is going too far as Francis has proclaimed multiple heresies, one of his worse being that that Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists all worship the same true God as the Christians. That heresy is taken directly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), where it is taught that Christians, Muslims, and Jews all descend from the same father Abraham, and that these three religions all worship the same one true God. However, Francis tossed in the Buddhists, which was not in the CCC. Nevertheless, our God is a Trinitarian God, One God in three distinct Persons. Even Genesis taught this fact as God used the plural form "us," when He stated, "Let us create man in our own image."

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Re: Pope considers the married priesthood for Brazil

Post by Madison Grant »

Married priests? It's just my impression but, I get the feeling Pope Frankie and the "Spirit of Vatican II" people will be opening a can of worms on themselves as these men will be center-right or right wingers in the Moral Law & Liturgics spheres. If Jorge knows of a way to neutralize a future right-wing conservative-traditionalist politically aspirational married priesthood and at the same time keep the ball rolling in the same present center-left course of direction, then I'm all ears.

But then all one has to do is look at the RCC's sister church, the Anglican Communion. They have a married "priesthood" and yet maintain a hellbent left-wing orientation. With every hurdle to the left, in reference to homosexual clergy and women priests, there were bumps along the road but, to the left they indeed progressed.

Some two weeks ago the British paper in London, The Guardian, sketched up a long article on the Pope Francis years and the ensuing battle scars; it's worth a read.

Pope Francis is one of the most hated men in the world today. Those who hate him most are not atheists, or protestants, or Muslims, but some of his own followers. Outside the church he is hugely popular as a figure of almost ostentatious modesty and humility. From the moment that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio became pope in 2013, his gestures caught the world’s imagination: the new pope drove a Fiat, carried his own bags and settled his own bills in hotels; he asked, of homosexual people, “Who am I to judge?” and washed the feet of Muslim women refugees.


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Re: Pope considers the married priesthood for Brazil

Post by Justice »

This article is a nice read. Though as always it makes me wonder why more people in World Orthodoxy aren't against Bartholemew as they are the same person at heart. But I guess World Orthodoxy has more ecumenists in it the the Roman Catholics.

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